
The march of deer this March (2025. / Image Heavy)

Got woken by Ferne mooing at Fjara <3 collected Rindea and Atlas here for a little dance party

Joined by more people, Eris, Cu, two little fawns <3 fjara had a little lookalike for a moment

We found sleepy Saater who we turned into a frog, still he didn't wake.

More people joined, Widmung and Valaire, and Cu decided to fly!

And get yelled at by the fawn Laughing out loud

Cuddle pile <3

ft. Saater top right! We didn't forget you <3

lovely sleepy family <3

and at last, a very happy looking Atlas <3

Thank you everyone for playing around, it was really fun to see you all <3 and also kind of funny how we've all decided to log in on a random Thursday Laughing out loud I've missed you all.

[Screenshots] fawn cuddle pile

this is so beautiful to me. i'm not sure who all was here, but i know Eris, Saater, Rindea, and Fjara were in the group of fawns. Fernelescent was there too, I believe.

we met this deer, and all took turns casting spells and decorating them. i thought it was Yak until I saw the pictogram. i tried to find their profile, but it seems they don't have one yet, unless it was a map error. but they were lovely regardless. if they really do have a profile, let me know so I can edit this! <3 Rindea on the right!

I really enjoyed this outfit on them. the colors just went so well together. <3

casting more spells on them with Fern!

trying to wake the babies<3 (i believe Fjara and Eris)
I just love how Rindea and Fern are posed here.

dance party ensues! (unnamed deer, Rindea, Fernelescent, and Valaire.)

we bid Fern goodbye as she snuggled with the babies <3

nap time!

i'm happy to have finally met such known and active people among the community website here, (and the nameless deer too of course!!) i enjoy all your ocs very much! <3

had to edit this: widmung has joined the cuddle pile <3

[Screenshots] What do you call a group of crows?

widmung and saater - you two are so lovely! i enjoyed our time together so much! thank you for being so welcoming to me during my return to the forest! i appreciate it beyond words!
when we were crows the other day, my game crashed and i couldn't find you guys again! i was so glad to see you guys again the next day, since I was unable to say goodbye the night before. the forest is so quiet without you two.
Widmung's picture

The Grand White Antler Club

On the first day of March, Saater, Eris, and I met two stags running around the forest. They joined us to our company. I also met a new player as well.
We frolicked around (running and dancing) as we casted forest magic onto our antlers, matching Eris's set. Each one of us was wearing the grand white antlers. Laughing out loud
We graced around as we brought happiness to those three new players.

Thank you for the company and the playtime! Smiling

a little family

whoever these people are, i love you
arrowleft's picture


Halloween 2024

arrowleft's picture

red and cozy

Jeweleye's picture

Halloween Rhapsody No. 3

Here are some recent photos I have taken during the Halloween Festival. Please enjoy them! I hope that all of you enjoyed your Halloween party with the BZD.

Happy Halloween! Twisted

From Jeweleye and Widmung


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