The world is quiet here.

I am losing every battle that I fight. Every time, I'm held back by something, unable to stop the horrors that go on around me. I lost her, I lost that fawn, I'm losing everything. I lost him too.
I think I'm going a little insane from it all. I can feel myself falling inwards, away from everybody, everything. It's like some invisible wire was unplugged in my brain. I can't connect, no, not anymore.
I'm frightened by strangers now, after so many have proven their terrible intentions. Is this the way this forest was meant to be? Drenched in
blood? I won't be surprised if our forest turns red, red, red as roses. Too much blood.
How have I stood it for this long? How much longer can I stand it? Noelle couldn't stand it. She's left us now, left me here, wondering where she's gone. Feels like this forest is at the edge of a very long drop.
If it goes, I might be dragged down with it.
I hope you continue, I love
I wonder what that deer was thinking..
I'm glad you liked it. :3 I
I wonder too...He/she was so nice to Ama. o.O
Sorry about Saosin being so
I guess he was a bit ooc. x)
Heh, it's fine. Ama needed
The only reason she stepped back from that one nuzzle was some rather raw memories that he was inadvertently bringing up.
LOL. Totally fine.
Sorry about Ama being such a downer. xDD
Oh, I like this. Though I
I know Kaoori & Saosin, as
I don't know her attacker and second defender. :3
Where is Kaoori?
In the "warmth radiates from apparently
Speechless and intriguing are
Ocean, Indeed. You seem to be
Indeed. You seem to be quite the story-teller.
Atvana wishes Ama good night. That was fun, it thinks.
I hope so. :3 Ama: "Heh.
"Heh. Thanks. That was...really fun, though I'm a little worried about all those clones."
Ocean, What a shame Atvana so
What a shame Atvana so rarely speaks. Even I can't coax it to.
However, its a little striking. Perhaps too frightening. Perhaps that is why it chooses not to.
It bows with the deepest respect imaginable. It chooses now, with Ama absent, to depart from its physical form and be merely a spirit, as it is most frequently. It awaits her return patiently, and happily.
True, it would help. Then
Probably best not to shock her with its voice at the moment then. |D
Ama closes her eyes lightly, drifting off into a relaxed sleep.
Solid again.
She is used to it by now.
Ocean, Haha. In my novel
Haha. In my novel (which I aparently refer to incessantly) it speaks with telepathy. XD She doesn't have to be a mind reader. It works with anyone.
Or, at least, it does back home. Then again, there its power is far more...exceeding. Here it is limited by the gods which are already in power. There, it is the god. Or, a god. An ascended being who is in a constant state of unity with God. There. Direct statement! 8D
It is used to it as well. Well, sort of. "Used to" as in it isn't bothered, and it never was. Feels normal.
It...has a different mindset than a lot of things.
*tracking post*
*waves to Zerg* :3 Helpful.
Helpful. x3
[I can't think of any way to respond x3]
It's okay. I wouldn't be able
Maybe I'll go and add some storyish things to the biography soon. I'm a novelist, after all. I should be able to write a story.
Saosin didn't know that he
He was just trying to help his friend Wesker.
I really regret getting Saosin into that.. Hm..
Yeah, a recent friend, but
I'm sure he didn't, really. :3 And I thought so.
"Saosin, tell me: why do you harm others?"
In this case.. To protect the
"Is there really no other
You don't know me..
"You're right. I don't. I
Hated you..? I have never
I have never hated you. What makes you think I have?
I hate who?
"Past bitterness, I
And him. Darkweaver. He seemed so cordial to me, like you."
I don't hate him. But I don't
I don't hate him. But I don't want to watch while he buries his antlers in my friend. If he didn't want a fight he would have left.
If you don't know me, then stop assuming that I'm evil.
"I'm not assuming you're
-why the cycle can't just stop."
Then are you blind to the
The cycle doesn't bother me.
"No...But it hurts me that
I guess it doesn't, does it? Does anything?
Excuse me. I need some time to think this over. I don't want to hate you. And I don't want to say something I'll regret later."
I'm sorry for sounding like
Don't feel hurt.. I don't hate you. I don't hate that easily.
And to you ocean, don't take anything Saosin says, or does, personally.
"Don't we all...Alright...I
Alright...I just..."
Anything in smaller text = whispering or quieter. :3
'Course not. Same for Ama.
Trust me. I won't hurt you.
"But will you hurt the ones I
I just...don't know what to make of you, really...
Look, I don't mean to come off accusing. I'm not...trying to. Like I've said so many times, I'm just trying to understand.
And like I said, I don't want to hate you. I want to forgive you...but I don't know if I...can.
I just want to think it over for a bit...but I'm glad you don't hate me."
I won't if you tell me not
I won't if you tell me not to.
If you feel this way now then our friendship isn't going to turn out very well. You'll just end up feeling hurt again.
Goodbye Amadahy..
She reminds him of Garth.
"I know, I know. I can't hide
Look, Saosin, just don't say goodbye. I want to think, okay? I don't want to lose you. I just don't want to get hurt either, don't want-
Please don't leave...I'm confused, okay?
Can you just...give me a bit? Please?"
Er, uh-oh.
aww, Kaoori is warm..
Yes. Yes she is. <3 And much
Yes she is. <3
And much appreciated company for Ama. x3
Okay... but think about it. I
Garth is one of Crimsongale's deer. xD She was a friend of his once. Saosin is like this because of her.
"Thanks, Saosin. I
I will think about it..."
Yep! x3 And I think I remember that fiasco. Poor Saosin; poor Garth. *pats both*
Thank you.. Saosin didn't do
Saosin didn't do much for it to happen. He's worried that Ama might be as sensitive as Garth.
It must be hard for Amadayh to deal with Saosin like this.
[No response][/no
|D Can't think of anything.
Yeah, she may very well be. I dunno. Hopefully not. |D
And vice versa. Saosin's gone through a lot, I'm sure.
It's okay, I didn't really
If this goes well then Saosin might feel better about befriending more sensitive deer.
Oh good. x3 I better be off.
I better be off. :3
And hopefully it will; at the very least, she'll be kind about it? xD
I will protect you from that
"Thanks, Kaoori...I'm glad I
That is a beautiful edit.
Thanks! I like the "old
OMG! XD thank you for helping
btw- his picto is just a placeholder
Haha, no problem. ^^ I'll be
I'll be sure to have Keme stalk his new picto when he uses that one. ;D