- apple trees
- bell tower; rings only rarely to prevent too much noise..?
- small idols / shrines scattered around
ideas from the forum:
- bog, cave, snow (
- waterfall, planting flowers, ambient animals (rabbits, turtles, owls), magical creatures that can give special spell powers (
- trails, rolling in mud/leaves, more antler flowers
- weather...
- foggy/misty area
- interactive saplings
- bells/chimes
Im waiting for more
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Good idea ! Can't wait to see
Thanks guys!
Updated. Hopefully I'll organize this a bit more and add some stuff ahjdfhb
wtf WTF echo these are
WTF echo these are gorgeous
oh gosh I love all of these
A pigeon! i lOVE,,,
they're all so lovely!!
I'd sell my soul for one