fayne's picture
-peers at calendar- Yeah, just thought you guys should know in case anything pops up. XD I've got a load of projects coming up that are gonna flood my schedule, purely wrap-up work which is gonna keep me busy for most of May. The last week of the month, I've got EOG testing, and since I've got more tests than any other year I'm gonna be wiped. The next two weeks are 8th grade graduation, meaning I'll be doing a lot of chorus work.

Speaking of chorus - I've got a rehearsal and two concerts next week, which will tie me up, and then our Busch Gardens trip is in two weeks.

All these due dates are killing me, so I might disappear for a little while. |D <3 Just thought you should know LOLbye.

O^O -clings to leg- --

O^O -clings to leg-

-- Dannii <3

Pegasicorn's picture

D= Eep. Seems everyone's

D= Eep. Seems everyone's busy this time of year, while I'm winding down with my projects and watching the stress go away. O.o

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Fledermaus's picture

DUDE we should meet up at

DUDE we should meet up at Busch Gardens. xD I live like an hour from there. That would be EPICPANTS.

Lyeekha's picture

>: k. I probably ought to

>: k. I probably ought to get to grips with this coursework thing too. ^_^;
fayne's picture

...LOL FLED. That's actually

...LOL FLED. That's actually not a bad idea. |D As long as I don't have to go too out-of-my way to find you, because the rest of the group would be like wtf. |D -eyebrowraise-
Fledermaus's picture

xD I should see if I can

xD I should see if I can even go two weeks from now.

fayne's picture

|D That'd be hysterical. XD

|D That'd be hysterical. XD I'd say another day if I knew I had a chance of going during the summer, but I doubt it.

srsly that's a good idea. -SHOT-