
Apoidea's picture
Flatsoda's picture

i'm being the love in the

i'm being the love in the chaos already, bro.


Amazegenalo's picture


Apoidea's picture

Totally knew that, Sodapop.

Totally knew that, Sodapop. <3

And thank you both for re-tracking!

Re-tracking, I suppose.

Re-tracking, I suppose. ♥
Apoidea's picture

Thank you Proud!

Thank you Proud!
Nimariel's picture

re-track! It's all about

It's all about peace and love! Eye
This land is made of love and peace!
Flyleaf's picture

Have a track ! And cuddles

Have a track ! And cuddles Eye
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Apoidea's picture

Lots of love, peace, and

Lots of love, peace, and cuddle puddles for you both! Thanks for the re-tracks!
WonderfullySarcastic's picture

Re-track. :>

Re-track. :>
Sicily's picture


~Avatar by Hawkyy!
All Pathes Eventually Cross
OrinocoFlow's picture


You do not have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body.
~ C.S. Lewis
Apoidea's picture

Thank you, thank you, thank

Thank you,

thank you,

thank you!

Been wantin' to meet this guy

Been wantin' to meet this guy c:
Apoidea's picture

Very glad you did. \ ^u^ /

Very glad you did. \ ^u^ /
Waning-Sun's picture


Avatar by Meadow. Siggy © Shey & Squeegie
Apoidea's picture

Thank you, dear~!

Thank you, dear~!
Waning-Sun's picture

Phoe enjoys sleeping by him.

Phoe enjoys sleeping by him. It relieves some of her stress. Smiling
Avatar by Meadow. Siggy © Shey & Squeegie
Apoidea's picture

I'm glad. He enjoys her

I'm glad. He enjoys her company too.

when did you change accounts

when did you change accounts and where was i @___@
but no, i added you on msn if thats alright ~
Apoidea's picture

The funny thing was I didn't

The funny thing was I didn't ever change accounts. I only had my username changed and lost all of my previous posts...

darn kids and their ability to remember passwords.



track. c:

track. c:
Waning-Sun's picture

Haha, I hope Moss doesn't

Haha, I hope Moss doesn't mind Leo. He's as clingy as he is adventurous.
Avatar by Meadow. Siggy © Shey & Squeegie
Apoidea's picture

He doesn't. Pardon that I had

He doesn't. Pardon that I had to go AFK, I have much much homework to do and so little time in which to do it!
Waning-Sun's picture

I completely understand that.

I completely understand that. I swear those teachers all conspire to have everything due on the same day.
Avatar by Meadow. Siggy © Shey & Squeegie
Apoidea's picture

Bumping so that people see

Bumping so that people see the notification.
Anjali's picture

Oh my goodness, this was

Oh my goodness, this was reposted? /smacks self
I was wondering why I hadn't seen Moss' bio on my track page in a while.
Have a very belated retrack; it's lovely to see Moss again.
Apoidea's picture

Haha sadly I had to repost

Haha sadly I had to repost when I changed names Sad

Thank you for the retrack!
Apoidea's picture

Bumping for notification #2

Bumping for notification #2
Flyleaf's picture

Fly was happy Moss took part

Fly was happy Moss took part in the party and the crazyness today Eye Smiling
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Apoidea's picture

Haha we would have joined

Haha we would have joined earlier but Moss wanted to let the fawns play spell-spam with each other for a bit. <3 It was a wonderful party!

S'ok, I understand. Ignore

S'ok, I understand. Ignore this.
CydaLuva83's picture


Signature By Aihnna, Avatar by YaraMyst
Nettlebrier 's picture

A track for you

A track for you <3

Re-track with new account

Re-track with new account
Flyleaf's picture

It was nice to sit with Moss

It was nice to sit with Moss and Rumen ....Fly enjoyed it very much Eye Smiling
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Apoidea's picture

(No subject)

<3 We always enjoy Fly's company.
Reachstars's picture

Very fascinating.

Very fascinating.
Flyleaf's picture

Isn't this cute

Isn't this cute Laughing out loud Eye
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Apoidea's picture

I wondered, you sneaky

I wondered, you sneaky thing!

Many more fawns than he's used to. XD
Flyleaf's picture

lol ....May i present you my

lol ....May i present you my little permafawn "Liebesschmerz" Smiling
He is the one in the middle with candles .
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13

Track. x)

Track. x)
Apoidea's picture

Thank you~!

Thank you~!
Amazegenalo's picture

Bee, I admire your way of

Bee, I admire your way of trying to keep the peace at this place here (recent cases: art theft, territorial behaviour etc.). <3

Apoidea's picture

(No subject)

<3 Thank you, Amaz. I really thought I was just being generally annoying by doing it, and I am sure some people still think I am. :/ But it's nice to know that someone feels that I am helping.
WonderfullySarcastic's picture

You amaze me. You really do.

You amaze me. You really do. Especially how you handle some of the..greener members. where would this community be without you? <3
Apoidea's picture

*snuggle* Thank you, WS. But

*snuggle* Thank you, WS. But that last bit... I have to credit Lu for a good portion of it. She did a lot of work and helped a lot.
Amazegenalo's picture

I don't think you're

I don't think you're annoying. Nope. You're objective. You stay calm. And most important: you don't get offending. I'm pretty sure a lot of other community members appreciate what you do.
Seriously. Don't you ever stop, Bee.

. re track

. re track
Apoidea's picture

o.o Thank you. I didn't

o.o Thank you. I didn't expect it...

Edit: And thank you, Vinttage! Eye I am glad to see you back.