asdfg. I lost my little file containing Lemon's previous rut blogs. ;c I'm really sad about this, but what can I do? Pfgh.
; l e m o n
{ sweet darling, you worry too much...
; t h e - g a m e - w e - p l a y
admiring | Walter ♥, Rutilus, Lust, Virgil, Gustiro
* in order of highest to lowest priority
admirers | Rutilus, Fox, Virgil, Takeshi, Gustiro, Esll
* in order of highest to lowest interest shown
alliances | Ephire, Lust, Fay, Rice, Kaoori
22nd September 2010 |
[ Warning! Contains adult themes and strong language! ]
I was in no mood for this. After my conversation with Kaoori, I was not up to indulging in the fickle games of the season. My head was still spinning. I had a lot of thinking to do.
I found myself wandering the forest mindlessly, attempting to avoid a rather rowdy group of spell-spamming deer, and I happened to cross paths with Virgil. Virgil had lead his rather large harem of does to the pond for a drink. They all seemed so complacent and calm. That was one of the things I admired about Virgil -- his steady-headed ability to keep things under control. I made myself comfortable some distance away, listening to the does mill about and slosh through the shallow water. But, of course, Virgil would have none of that. In no time at all, the entire herd was rushing past me, and Virgil was nudging me to my feet, urging me along. I didn't mind -- perhaps this would help keep my mind off of my current dire situation.
The lot of us found a place near the old Oak -- a place I am quite fond of, but haven't visited in ages. It was a peaceful day -- after some time, the six or so other does surrounding me fell asleep, and I was the last one left awake (aside from Virgil, of course, who patrolled tirelessly at the perimeter of the area). My mind was wandering. Not to the horrors of death and decay (I was much too tired for that), but of the good days.
I remembered the day Walter first took notice of me -- offering me flowers from his antlers and fleeing almost immediately afterwards. I smiled at the recollection.
I remembered the foggy night when Walter sheltered me the entire night, taking it upon himself to keep me out of danger.
I remembered dancing with Walter countless times, hearing his deep, raspy laughter.
And then I remembered his antlers and hooves against me, the cuts and bruises. The fear I'd felt, trying to keep my breath shallow and slow so he could not find me as I hid for my life. The fawns I had been forced to rescue from the mercy of his rage, at the expense of my own health. The attempts to rape me.
How could I love this?
Before my thoughts could wander any further, we were on the move again. My mind remained elsewhere, distracted by my heavy burden of thoughts. Everything was a blur -- to the pond for another drink, through the forest, dodge the trees, until we were all gathered in the middle of a mushroom circle. I half-slept here for some time, drowsy from the weight on my shoulders -- until a thunderous roar shook me violently from my half-slumber.
I shook myself to my feet, trembling with shock, as I realized that a fellow by the name of Havak had engaged Virgil in battle, merely a few paces away from where I slept. I was feeling edgy and irritated already, I was in no mood for this foolishness. I circled the rutting stags, my ears pressed tightly to my head in agitation.
When Havak nearly struck a nearby fawn, I lost it. I bolted toward the dazed fawn, shielding it with my body, and snarled in Havak's direction. "Get out of here, you twit! Take your stupid games elsewhere!" But of course, he was far too focused to hear my seething words. I rose up onto my haunches and lashed out with my forehooves, enraged. I wasn't going to sit and let an innocent child get caught up in this violence. "I said FUCK OFF."
Havak finally seemed to mind my shrill cries, and moved well away from the fawns (this was helped by the fact that another doe had taken notice, and had joined me in my infuriated attacks). Exhausted, I slumped down to the ground, my legs sprawled lazily to the side.
I have no idea if Virgil won the spar. I followed him, anyway. I wasn't here to be impressed -- not today, at least.
I was here to get away.
; i n f o r m a t i o n
appreciates | quiet, serious types - strong leaders.
disinclined toward | young, pompous bucks - troublemakers, gloryhounds.
Lemon is not an easy catch. Because she is a good-natured girl, she is quite easy to herd around (though you shouldn't be surprised if she sometimes loses her way during long treks; she is blind, after all).
However, she is not looking for romance, whatsoever. Though her instincts are certainly prevalent (which means she may be flaunting herself a bit), she views her rutting companions more or less in a platonic way.
Because of this, Lemon will also allow herself to be herded by does. Gender makes no difference to her, so don't be surprised if you find her clinging a bit to your deer, even if it's female.
Track, coming nao. :B
-Grabs magnifying glass-
I love how you've worded that
I also need to get off my school-work-loaded butt and get Queze into The Forest so he can throw himself at Lemon in an undignified heap. Is there a deer equivalent to a bear-hug? xD
Cheers for the tracks!
Tera: Haha, thank you!
Tracking (stalking)~ c: My
My durr's name is Fay. She likes Lemon already.. ♥
Traxors. 83
(No subject)
Mrs.Morbid - Oh oops, I knew
Lemon quite enjoyed hanging out with Lust, Eph, and Fay (and Virgil too, ha). It was fun, for my first day participating. <3
I was so afraid that poor Lemon would end up wandering the forest alone, with nobody to want her. |D
Eee, tracking! I shall add
Walter does not approve.
Verdy: ..I was afraid of
Well, Walter is Walter. I
Actually, I'd love that! c:
Really, I just got tired of being left out whenever I was in-forest. Quite a large part of her friends are participating, and it's a bother for them to have to duck out of character whenever I come around, so I figured it would make more sense to just join in.
Anyway, the old grump should know Lemon only has eyes for him.
Well, I suppose we'll have to
Oh, also, I -adore- that new picture of Lemon on her biography. Your skills have become even moar amazing. <3
Pff thank you. :3 Well,
Well, we'll definitely see what happens, then. (: I hope you get a little free time during the rut, and that all goes well with your other event!
I'm so glad Lemon and you are
I know, stupid timezones!
Kaoori and her feel the same,
She likes to make Wesker jealous though sometimes by occasionally flirting.. |D
Track : )
(No subject)
Thanks for the tracks!
Kaoori -- Pff haha, that's adorable. :'D I don't think Lemon is really sure what she's doing or why -- she's just kind of going with the flow, at this point. But as mentioned, the attention sure is nice!
I enjoyed reading that! :'D
I love the description of how Lemon had heard of Rut, and how odd it was to feel like she already knew him and such; he felt the exact same way c8
Haha, I'm glad you actually
Seriously, when I got near the end of it, I was like "holy what why did I write this much". That's why the end is kind of like "then I went to sleep the end."
But yeah, Rut is adorable. :3 I definitely hope Lemon runs into him more often. <3
'Awww' once more! I'm growing
I have no idea how Rut managed to keep his harem! He wouldn't have had it in the first place if it wasn't for Virgil, though :'D But shhhh. It's a secret.
o Lemon. you'resonice. <3
gwah, poor lemon.. ;_;
=( Havak would never
Kaoori - Don't pity her. D:
Havak - Oh no, don't mind Lemon. She's not in her right mind at the moment.
Ordinarily she would not have reacted that way, but some recent events involving the death of a fawn have shaken her up pretty badly, so I hope you can forgive her for overreacting. She means nothing personal by it, honestly.
In fact, if Havak ever meets up with her again, I guarantee that she will have forgotten all about today's incident (and hopefully she'll be back to her regular easy-going mood, as well). <3 c:
Okay. I can understand that