In real life, not on TEF xD
I live out in an area where the nearest town is about ten miles away or whatever. So it's pretty isolated and there's not much out here to scare off the wildlife.
Anyways, it was really foggy and I was trying to get into town to pick up some treats for tonight, since I'm focusing on a cosplay and need the sugar to keep me awake, and about a couple minutes into my drive, I saw one doe cross in front of me and head into the field. She was absolutely beautiful (and smarter than most deer, since a lot of them just stand in the road and you have to wait forever for them to move), but I think she may be the one I saw crossing the street with her fawn earlier (sometime in the late summer).
Anyways, there's my topic for the night!
Were you able to identify the
I live in a temperate rain forest and see mules, black tails, and white tails pretty often. They come onto our lawns with their fawns to eat and will look in through windows with almost no fear, outside you can get about ten yards from them before they get nervous. As a child up higher in a small town/retreat in the mountains I had a doe let me sit next to her in a sandbox for a while. They really just don't care about people.
With the amount of damage that deer around here deal to property (especially cars and gardens), I think they could almost technically be classified as vermin, though I love them all the same. Sometimes they just stand in the road and you have to stop the car and try to shoo them away.
Today there were five deer out on a grass field near where I'm staying with my grandmother. Had to keep the dogs inside so they wouldn't accidentally go over to the deer and get hurt.
Around in my area, the wild
That's a shame they're so
I live almost right next to a college with an enormous forested area, so all the deer are used to seeing humans all over trails and paths from the time they are fawns.
If you are really up for an adventure with deer, consider the Nara prefecture in Japan someday. The deer are small but they almost ate me when I was a little kid.
If I had to guess, since it
Yeah, I pretty much live in
I think it would be awesome to travel to other countries and see exotic animals and scenery, but I don't think that will ever happen for me, sadly.