"Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is:
What if my leaves are falling like its own!
The tumult of thy mighty harmonies
Will take from both a deep, autumnal tone,
Sweet though in sadness. Be thou, Spirit fierce,
My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one!"
--Percy Bysshe Shelley
Hello, noble Forest dwellers! Newcomer here. I'm usually known as Kuriositty, and this is my little deer, Kurios (yes, in the same manner as Curious George--and he is). Late last night--or early morning, depending on how you look at it--I stumbled across the website for Endless Forest, was intrigued, and decided to try it out. So here we are, Kurios and me (well, not exactly me; I'm the invisible pair of eyes over Kurios' shoulder).
Late last night the Forest was fairly quiet, but this morning it came alive! Kurios had a nice run and met many interesting deer. There was dancing and swimming and rock-climbing and ruin-spelunking, and we gradually learned the ins and outs of throwing sparkly Forest Magic around. Already Kurios can't wait to grow up and earn his own pair of really truly antlers. And there are so many shapes and pelts to choose from! Everyone is so unique.
Kurios is a rather shy little fellow, but still very curious, and very interested in the goings-on of the Forest. He'd like to sincerely apologize if he annoyed anyone as he tottered around, since he's not very good at maneuvering or communicating yet. (We're further handicapped by the loss of our trusty desktop computer, and thus having to run the Forest on a cranky laptop with bad fps.)
The Forest is honestly beautiful, and the concept of the game itself is unique and aweseome. Kurios and I look forward to many peaceful and interesting adventures! Thanks everyone for your patience and kindness!
Why hello there! Name's
I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to try and answer 'em. Kurios seems like a sweetie and I hope to see him around. :3
|Caulith's Bio + Updates bio|
Welcome welcome, little dear
I wish you only the best in the forest, and hope you have many amazing adventures! If you ever have any questions, we would be glad to help you on your journey to become a deer! : )
Welcome! Glad to hear you're
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: Look for Friends. Let Love find you.
Thank you for the kind
Perhaps I should get around to making some kind of preliminary bio for Kurios, so that the...um, curious can see what sort of fellow he is. And at least figure out what his pictograph is supposed to resemble. We just liked the shape and the spiral....but now that I've stared at it for a good while, I think it reminds me of one of those zipdisks people used to use. Or an old 3-inch floppy. O.o Or a...box...on a crane...over a vortex...or something. ^^; Hieroglyphical we are not.
Hi Caulith! ...er, that other fawn is Cau, right? Kurios and I are still learning to pick out pictograms!
Thanks everyone, and hope to see you in the Forest soon!
Kurios Pictogram
~ Kurios Bio ~