Tuesday, June 7th, 2011
How long has it been since I've sat here at the top of the Ruins, looking down to the world below?
It's been a while, that much I know. How I love the view up here; I feel as if I could touch the sky, if I only reach just a little bit farther...
The cool stone is helping to keep me cool; while it's not as hot as previous days, it's certainly uncomfortable.
The view allows me to see what's going on around me without having to run all over the place. I sas a Mini Joro earlier, who clearly wanted me to come down. Ha! Not when it takes me so long to get up here in the first place! I also spotted Illrose and Gustiro, along with other deer simply running and playing around me.
I almost feel like a sentry, watching the Forest, ensuring everyone's safety. Not that I would go to just anyone's aid.
....Fay, Cry, sleep well. I will watch over you. I promise.
She couldn't recall much of the dream.
She remembered searching through a store; a bookstore of some sort. All over there were assorted books from comics to plain textbooks.
She remembered that she was looking for something, and she was desperate for it. She couldn't recall what it was though. Her fingers skated across dusty tops, books left to those who knew the definition of "diamond in a rough."
But hers wasn't here.
Suddenly, she found herself in a different bookstore; and still she searched and scoured, still unsure of what exactly she was looking for. She could have sworn she saw a highly familiar figure hanging out by the checkout area, but she focused her attention elsewhere.
She didn't have time for him in that moment.
The sound of running water caught her ears; her head turned to see an all too familiar sight. It was a vintage-styled fountain, brickwork its frame, a small spout in the center. The floor was the every familiar blue and white rock work. The only thing missing was the mushroom circle.
She felt herself moving on all fours; what exactly was happening? The water from the spout beckoned to her, and she shivered with the thought of what that fountain created. At first, she simply ran her head under it, letting it soak through her, cooling her.
She wanted to taste the water; but dare she lose her form for a simple drink? There was a part of her that wanted to run, to not know.
But the pull was just too great.
Her tongue just lightly touched the water; she couldn't recall anything that tasted so pure. Soon, she left the water fill her mouth, its taste enthralling her.
She had not a clue what happened next.
She couldn't remember why she walked into the kitchen in the first place.
Was she thirsty? She couldn't recall feeling such.
Was she hungry? She couldn't recall feeling such.
What she could feel, however, was a certain apprehension - the spine shivered, the heart beat to near bursting. She felt nervous, perhaps even a little frightened. Her blues scanned the room searching for something - she didn't know what.
It happened.
There was no pain; instead, it felt uncomfortable; it felt like something had forced its way into her heart, daring to claim it.
Everything's all blurry....
She felt her eyes begin to roll into the back of her head, and she could feel herself falling, falling. A dull thud was heard, but she never felt herself hit the ground.
She could hear it - a low humming noise. Someone's voice. She recognized it immediately.
Her mind fluttered with images of a flower field, a scarecrow hung unceremoniously on what, to her, looked like telephone poles. But that wasn't her world; it wasn't her.
Her eyes refused to cooperate, instead feeding her mind - but she felt her arm move as if to grasp, capture, hold to her forever.
She didn't know who - or what - she was reaching for. Or perhaps she did, but preferred to keep it to herself, cold cheeks warming slightly. Her body barely shook, but it shook alright. His name fluttered through her mind, but she kept it to herself.
They would never understand.
He said he cared for her, on multiple occasions - each time he said it, she could feel her heart's pace quicken, his friends pointing out how flushed her cheeks looked. And what about the jerk who openly asked him, in Russian the coward, if she was his girlfriend? Her reply back to him had also been in Russian, flustered, but he laughed and took off - leaving her even more flustered, and him just very confused.
She refused to tell him what was said.
Perhaps somewhere, in the recesses of her mind, this was it - there was a future there.
The singing continued.
No, no there was no future here.
How can you have a future when the future has shot you dead?
;D Hi. ^^
Hi. ^^
I see what you guys did thar.
Links & Info
Oh hai.
Bumped again First entry
First entry added <3
Oho trackage! I like this
(No subject)
(Stalking) My Sonic stalker
Oh my : O
/ shameless bump
Making the pictures smaller so they don't raep others computers, hahaha 8D
I'm on TV! OuO
(No subject)
Bintaroung - Smile for the camera! <33
Kaoori - <3
Y'know what's funny? She was
She was trying to peacock a sleeper the other day and it took forever - she nearly gave up on it XD~
BUT FIRST TRY, just thinking, 'Ah well, it'd be cool to peacock her' she gets it? XD
Hahah, I've noticed that. I
XD Lololol. Life is cruel,
Life is cruel, so give it apples =D
Bumped because I'm very
^ Ditto
This is a Track post there
there are many like it
but this one's mine.
Yes, yes, this yours
(No subject)
That deer's picto reminds me
Links & Info
Nezzaine - Oh hai
Moss - I've seen them around a bunch of times, and they seem very familiar...hmm.
Huge bump. =Q____
Huge comment! And scaling the
And scaling the ruins sure is fun, isn't it? |D I can never get to where I want to be exactly, but hey.
OH GOD. *DIES* Same here.
Same here. That one corner stone I sat on yesterday was perfect, but I can't seem to nail it anymore. It was dumb luck I found that spot too.
I like sitting up there though <3
*revives* Must be a certain
Must be a certain trick to it or something. D:
It's nice. ^^ Very high up. xP
fkskfks You have to position
You have to position yourself just right to hit that corner. But if you stop before you hit it, you have to make sure you don't over jump it either.
Indeed <3
Is that a coming-alive-again
I always stop right before I even hit the wall, it seems. |D
fkskfksfsYES;; Ackers, that
Ackers, that sucks lD
Whoo! 8D I'll get it someday.
I'll get it someday.
Haha, white instead of
I got tired of using darker colours 24/7 anyways.
Edit: You should've tried hraeping him.
WINE HOAR - OH HI. Hraeth -
Bumping this, since I really wanna know who this deer is.
I'm sorry I don't have a picto for them, but...
Tracketh! Can't help with
Can't help with identifying the deer though...
I smell uselessness... I need a bath.
EDIT: I somehow deleted the CSS for this. I fail 8D
/: *pets*
(No subject)
I'm...getting better, but...mmph. We'll see.
...-cuddle- I've rickrolled
I've rickrolled myself before. It's not fair. >:
*cuddles back*
Oh my O:
Hope things are at least
I agree with Dag.
(No subject)
You gaiiiiiiiiiizzzzzz ;;
Must track.