Fantasy l And This Is What It's Like [Diary] When Worlds Collide l Reality

OokamiAzura's picture

My Same, by Adele

Between the Forest.

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

How long has it been since I've sat here at the top of the Ruins, looking down to the world below?

It's been a while, that much I know. How I love the view up here; I feel as if I could touch the sky, if I only reach just a little bit farther...

The cool stone is helping to keep me cool; while it's not as hot as previous days, it's certainly uncomfortable.

The view allows me to see what's going on around me without having to run all over the place. I sas a Mini Joro earlier, who clearly wanted me to come down. Ha! Not when it takes me so long to get up here in the first place! I also spotted Illrose and Gustiro, along with other deer simply running and playing around me.

I almost feel like a sentry, watching the Forest, ensuring everyone's safety. Not that I would go to just anyone's aid.

....Fay, Cry, sleep well. I will watch over you. I promise.

And the Thread of Reality.

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

I just realized that this blog was created on April Fool's Day. LOL.

Dreams are the ultimate escape.

She couldn't recall much of the dream.

She remembered searching through a store; a bookstore of some sort. All over there were assorted books from comics to plain textbooks.

She remembered that she was looking for something, and she was desperate for it. She couldn't recall what it was though. Her fingers skated across dusty tops, books left to those who knew the definition of "diamond in a rough."

But hers wasn't here.

Suddenly, she found herself in a different bookstore; and still she searched and scoured, still unsure of what exactly she was looking for. She could have sworn she saw a highly familiar figure hanging out by the checkout area, but she focused her attention elsewhere.

She didn't have time for him in that moment.

The sound of running water caught her ears; her head turned to see an all too familiar sight. It was a vintage-styled fountain, brickwork its frame, a small spout in the center. The floor was the every familiar blue and white rock work. The only thing missing was the mushroom circle.

She felt herself moving on all fours; what exactly was happening? The water from the spout beckoned to her, and she shivered with the thought of what that fountain created. At first, she simply ran her head under it, letting it soak through her, cooling her.

She wanted to taste the water; but dare she lose her form for a simple drink? There was a part of her that wanted to run, to not know.

But the pull was just too great.

Her tongue just lightly touched the water; she couldn't recall anything that tasted so pure. Soon, she left the water fill her mouth, its taste enthralling her.

She had not a clue what happened next.


She couldn't remember why she walked into the kitchen in the first place.

Was she thirsty? She couldn't recall feeling such.

Was she hungry? She couldn't recall feeling such.

What she could feel, however, was a certain apprehension - the spine shivered, the heart beat to near bursting. She felt nervous, perhaps even a little frightened. Her blues scanned the room searching for something - she didn't know what.

It happened.

There was no pain; instead, it felt uncomfortable; it felt like something had forced its way into her heart, daring to claim it.

Everything's all blurry....

She felt her eyes begin to roll into the back of her head, and she could feel herself falling, falling. A dull thud was heard, but she never felt herself hit the ground.

She could hear it - a low humming noise. Someone's voice. She recognized it immediately.


Her mind fluttered with images of a flower field, a scarecrow hung unceremoniously on what, to her, looked like telephone poles. But that wasn't her world; it wasn't her.

Her eyes refused to cooperate, instead feeding her mind - but she felt her arm move as if to grasp, capture, hold to her forever.

She didn't know who - or what - she was reaching for. Or perhaps she did, but preferred to keep it to herself, cold cheeks warming slightly. Her body barely shook, but it shook alright. His name fluttered through her mind, but she kept it to herself.

They would never understand.

He said he cared for her, on multiple occasions - each time he said it, she could feel her heart's pace quicken, his friends pointing out how flushed her cheeks looked. And what about the jerk who openly asked him, in Russian the coward, if she was his girlfriend? Her reply back to him had also been in Russian, flustered, but he laughed and took off - leaving her even more flustered, and him just very confused.

She refused to tell him what was said.

Perhaps somewhere, in the recesses of her mind, this was it - there was a future there.

The singing continued.

No, no there was no future here.

How can you have a future when the future has shot you dead?
OokamiAzura's picture

Yes she has. Lacie and Aurora

Yes she has. Lacie and Aurora have met (:

Eee &hearts
Graveyard's picture

LMAO! Especially people who

LMAO! Especially people who find enjoyment and making the most Non-sense related movies in the world Sticking out tongue Abraham Lincoln VAMPIRE HUNTER oh come on now people XD

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
OokamiAzura's picture

I would totally watch it, if

I would totally watch it, if only to mock the shit out of it.

It'd be a great movie to get a bunch of people together, and just trash talk it 8D



I wonder why it didn't save, when another did...maybe it was too long.

I love myself for doing this
OokamiAzura's picture

It might just need 24 hours

It might just need 24 hours to save.

If it ever does save, you bet your ass I'll be watching it again. I think I broke some ribs from laughing so hard 8D




I'll do something stupid as hell like that again sometime. Maybe get a meteor to strike or blow up a house.
Rainflower's picture

I vote blow a house up |D

I vote blow a house up |D
"The cruelest prison is one we make for ourselves out of fear and regret."

Blow up a house with all the

Blow up a house with all the sims in it?


Imma do the 82 babies again and make a wall. THEN BLOW IT UP.
Verycrazygirl's picture

"You have not failed

"You have not failed anything."

Solaya's picture



Avatar by Awentia, signature by Wildflowerdeer
OokamiAzura's picture

Wheeeyyyy - Do the 400 babies

Wheeeyyyy - Do the 400 babies glitch, then blow it up. Srsly.

Vee - I - Hmm...

She remains quiet, unsure of what to say.

You don't have to respond to that, Lacie is such a booger sometimes. 8'D

Solaya - &hearts !
Iaurdagnire's picture

Hey (: hope you're well,

Hey (: hope you're well, haven't seen you in a while.
OokamiAzura's picture

Heeeeyyyy, hope you've been

Heeeeyyyy, hope you've been well too. How's the Smudgester doing? &hearts

Again, it's the lack of internet, and also because my car was out of commission for almost a week. The water pump gave out in it, so it had to be replaced. It feels like I haven't been around in forever, rofl ;;

I really do miss being around...
Kaoori's picture

sdkfhsdkla this is the first

sdkfhsdkla this is the first year I missed the Derby! Dammit, i forgot it was yesterday.
OokamiAzura's picture

I had absolutely no idea that

I had absolutely no idea that the Derby hadn't even happened yet - I thought it already did for some reason. I just happened to flick the TV on, and saw the pre-race special. I honestly thought it was a rerun until I hopped online today, and checked the dates of the race, ROFL.

It was a freaking awesome race though - I think hardly anyone expected the outcome of that race. One of the horses (ArchArchArch) fractured his lower foot during the race though. Apparently, it's nothing too serious, but I can't help but worry. It doesn't take much to end a horse's career as a racer. ):
Kaoori's picture

ugh, I know. I read all about

ugh, I know. I read all about Ruffian, and i watched when Barbaro hurt himself. >_<
Kaoori's picture

ps my internet's a jerk

ps my internet's a jerk
OokamiAzura's picture

It's never fun watching a

It's never fun watching a horse get injured on the track - every time I see a horse limping on the track, I swear my arm acts up. It's just so uncomfortable to watch...

I figured that's what happened, LOL <3 (:
Kaoori's picture

Until we meet again.

Until we meet again. ♥
OokamiAzura's picture

Heehee, agreed.

Heehee, agreed. <3

By the way, is it just me, or is it really hard to get into the Forest right now? Game isn't connecting for me...
Kaoori's picture

I'm not home, so I dunno. :/

I'm not home, so I dunno. :/
Seems to be quite a few people in though, so that could be it.
OokamiAzura's picture

I manged to get on alright

I manged to get on alright after a few minutes that day; there was something wrong with the server that day, and nobody else could really get on, lol.

Things seem alright now though fksfkskfs
Kaoori's picture

omg I just saw the date on

omg I just saw the date on that post. rofl sorry. |D

fksfksfksfks *snake*
OokamiAzura's picture

ROFL, it's alright; I was

ROFL, it's alright; I was kinda afraid to point out the date, because I didn't want to embarrass you or anything fksfkskfs.


Kaoori's picture

(No subject)

OokamiAzura's picture



She is so flocking cute; I wanna squeeze her so bad fkskfskfks

Thank you so, so much for this. fkskfksfks ;; <33
Kaoori's picture


Kaoori's picture

see more Gifs happeh bunday

Learning to Walk on Bunday Gif - Learning to Walk on Bunday
see more Gifs

happeh bunday 2 u
OokamiAzura's picture




Kaoori's picture

i watched that for like five

i watched that for like five minutes straight. Tiptoe buns are the cutest things. EVAR
OokamiAzura's picture

I know, it's so fucking

I know, it's so fucking cute.

I'm melting from thissssss kfskfksfkskfsks


OokamiAzura's picture

Hello. (:

Hello. (:
Kaoori's picture

(No subject)

OokamiAzura's picture

Oh my god, the

Oh my god, the cutenesssssssss <3 ;;

I wonder if Boe and Sage could ever be like that, ROFL 8D