The Amazon The fawn is a whirlwind of color, Fierce firestorm of vigor and verve: She is spring, vast painted meadows and boundless joy; She is summer, fervent golden flames and fiery warmth; She is the heat of morning, the touch of day's first light, And the onset of nightfall, rich with its starlight glow. Come to relish the reach of nature's sweet, lively blessings, The fawn roams a wood long since graced with beauty. The turmoil of winter has perished beneath her gaze; The losses of autumn have gone without a trace. The somber wind's melody has ceased to play; In the Amazon's eyes, darkness has no place. |
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The sweet doe with the heart of gold— Amazon's first role-model. A mother figure to the child. | The stern stag whom Amazon so treasures—"Mister Wes-kuh". A father figure to the child. | ||||||
Brother figures to Amazon— and loved very, very much. | A trio of trouble. ♥ | ||||||
Bylah—the inevitable subject of Amazon's misguided affections and, with little Nine, VIP audience to her merry antics. Please buy him a drink! | Amazon is often found at Lacie's side, perhaps lazing among the blossoms and brush— or frisking about the wood under the watchful eyes of Noelle. This duo is just like family. | ||||||
An absolutely wonderful duo: Amazon cannot wait to see them again. | Amazon's fondness for this noble pair is by far without end. | ||||||
Amazon looks forward to playtime with these two—then curling up between them for an especially cozy nap. | Watch out for these guys. Amazon has learned to steer way clear of these troublemakers. | ||||||
Amazon adores this splendid team: it is not unusual to catch her gamboling along behind in vibrant contrast to their icy repose, wherever they may go! | Amazon thoroughly enjoys the company of these two lovely deer. She hopes to see them again soon! Black Flower, White Rose— Amazon loves them both. There's nothing like a romp 'round the forest with these two! Captivated by this striking pair: Amazon would like to meet them again. The lovely does with whom Amazon would so often frequent the Birch. Such gentle company— Amazon greatly admires him. |
Amazon sounds like a really
beautiful poem! <3
I think this is really
The poem is gorgeous =)
Thank you very much! I
Track! [How I love
[How I love metaphors!]
She sounds quite nice (and peaceful), along with being a bit mysterious. ^^
Amazon sleeps in the most
Yay! One of my favorite
That is an amazing
Really, my god.
I am blown away. <3
Beautiful poem
Thank you so much.
(No subject)
Kaoori and Wesker both have
Kaoori thinks of her as a daughter.. and I think she's growing on Wesker, too. The tree sparing was just too cute.. xD
I hope you enjoy your new
Very much! Thank you!
You use words in a way I
I've met Amazon a few times. I think it's neat to finally know their names from this forum~
why am I not tracking this?
I stalk amazon far too much not to xD
You're quite patient for a
She's finally begun to learn
We hope you feel better! <3
So I see xD Eh, I'm feeling
Eh, I'm feeling better, but not entirely chipper yet. But thanks <3
Hello love. You recognized my
Giving you the opportunity to know you are as well.
I've seen you around.
Amazon is quite an interesting babe. She and my Vanaspati could be interesting playmates.
Really beautful
tracking ^^
Teeth's seen you around a
andand, that's some beautiful writing.
Thank you very much!
buahaha, I see you. (;
"Hello, little one." Hello
Hello indeed! It's been a while. o: And even then, we have not exactly had a previous formal meeting (whatever those are).
My apologies for Atvana's seeming stagnance. I seem to follow quite a busy life!
Feel free to roam around - your kindness in staying this long has already touched my heart.
Thank you for staying so
*Continues playing "Dress up" with sleeping Amazon* 8D
How did I miss these! Many
your cuddley fawn is a good
-Throws love at you both.-
(No subject)
Thank you for running with
I think it's about done!
(No subject)
Thank you so much, you two!
Oh, I do adore you both from
The same to you and Atvana,
Hey, it's a Whey! (:
Nn. ♥ Yes we do. I'm
Yes we do.
I'm not often in, regrettably, but when I see her I shall refuse my shy impulses and give a visit. ♥
Atvana often tells me not to by shy. Playing it, I sometimes go against my own nature to hold back.
Ohh, yes... it's really hard,
I'm so terribly shy in real life, it's just insane. :c
Please don't hesitate to join Amazon if you'd ever like to, Sere! ♥
I am an odd mix of shy and
However, when her herself character was in forest yesterday, I was too shy to go and sit beside her, so I sat a good distance away until she told me over IM to sit with her.
Strange things.
I will keep that in mind, though. ♥
The same applies to you and Amazon.
This looks lovely. &hearts
Ommggg...-melting from the adorableness-
Lacie: Amazon, Amazon ~ How good it is to see you again!
It's a Kali and a Lacie!
What a nice little fawn.
Oh, that would be awesome!
Tracking. Galene really
Galene really enjoyed your little fawn's company.