gender: Male
Name: Prongs
Set and distinced features: He has the orange default pelt (the one you get when going near the statue by the stream), default antlers with candles upon them and the skeleton mask. His fur is quite wirey and sticks out in places and his tail is very long and fluffy
Meaning of name: I am unsure of this, but it was from Harry Potter, his fathers nickname
Age: Unknown
Birthday: Unknown, but i found him on the 28th of september
LIBRA He is a peaceful and charming stag who is intelligent and always wants to join in.
Personality: I am not sure of his whole personality, he keeps himself to himself. I know him to be intelligent, as you may see in his thoughts of the day buit also dreamy and sometimes away with the clouds. He does like company but does just prefer to sit in the sun or under the dappled canopy to watch the nature around him. His thought of the day will be continued though!!!
Good and bad points:
- Calm
- Gentle
- Intelligent
- Sharing
- Dreamy
- Loyal
- Caring(close)
- Deep and confusing
Favourite place to be: Well, he hasn't got one, anywhere really, but that is all i could get out of him!!!
Family: Well, his sort of brother Yoko, but he is a bit weirded out by him, and his bestest friend in the whole wide forest, Teacup
Favourite activities:
- Thinking
- Sitting
- Sleeping
- Making thoughts for the day
- Dreaming
- Doing anything
-He is onlineeeee-
His and my ::Updates::