My profile picture apologies

Topaz100's picture
Right, i need to say this quick because there is alot to say but i am sorry about my profile picture, i know it sucks. I can't seem to get it to fit the screen and so that is a bummer. Seconds is that you can't see my picto very well in the corner but don't worry, you wouldn't want to see it, that sucks too! Once i have got a graphics tablet (on the list when i have scraped up enough £££!) i will redo the whole thing though i can't draw my picto in the first place, and to top that i can't seem to work the editing thing i have so that isn't very good. So all in all i am sorry, but even when i have a graphics tablet it won't much improve, i cannot draw!!! Sorry for clogging up the diary entries but few, i have done, you may leave and i shall hide, it has been a long day!!! Though first i will need to spell check, tones of mistakes, damn. Oh before i go on a happy note, i love border collies and that is why i picked that piccy, i actually know that cute dog in the piccy, want to know about her just ask! Ag, i feel marginly better, i love her to bits!!! xxxx
Ookani's picture

...why are you apologizing

...why are you apologizing for your profile pic?

Okay, yeah, it's not the most inspiring image, but neither is mine. Other folks have ones like ours so it's no big deal. It's something personal to you- you don't owe it to anyone to have a super duper profile pic.
Just relax about it, there are far more pressing matters in the world to worry about.
Topaz100's picture

lol, i think it has just

lol, i think it has just been a long day, don't worry, i will worry less in the future, yay, time to go in the forest i think! :3