tolvia's blog

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I got some copic markers, promarkers and bleed-proof pads for christmas. Im sick of drawing my own characters, would anyone mind if I drew theirs? I have a scanner so you would get to see it. c:

  • Sithrim - Sithrim
  • Kallisto - Mrshalloween
Tolvia's picture

I opened the [ christmasloot ] treasure chest and what did I find?

First of all i'd like to point out that I have a very very big family. On my dads side, all of his aunts have produced a minimum of FOUR children, and a maximum of EIGHT children. I have cousins I dont know about, so before you tell me im spoilt, im not, I just have a bigbigbig family tree.

[ for christmas santa brought me ]

a flat screen tv/dvd player, five films, two books, three packets of chocolate, wet2dry hair straighteners loads of copic markers four bleed-proof-copic-pads, an art station, four pairs of socks two cardigans a shirt a dressing gown a teddy two pairs of ugg boots and an Ipod docking station. A laptop and Sims3. Oh, and £20.

But the really important thing that I wanted to ask, is, what did you get? your most treasured present? what was it? tell me the highlight of the day! I just love christmas and adore to hear people tell me about their happy day~! <3
Tolvia's picture

Out of their coffins [ Update + who is online ]

  • This thread was made.
  • Updated.
  • The search for the stag has begun!
    Players mood | Pretty damn tired/hungry and all around miserable.
    Thoughts | "Cheeeese."
    Events | Went out >> got stuck in the now >> slept in a car for four hours >> got home >> went straight to bed >> got up with a head ache >> attacked the coffee pot.

Name | Quite [ Remorse ]
Sex | Female
Hour glass | Young adult
Thoughts | "I wonder, I wonder... I wonder who s/he was..."
Events | Sleeping. >>
Service | Offline.

Tolvia's picture

Pure genious.

If you dont like nothing-to-do-with-TEF-posts then go away now! <3 you've been warned.


" I A M
+ A

If I can make that into a mathmatical equation I win.

I = 8 D = 1
A = 6 R = 0
M = 2 K = 5
N = 4 E = 9
O = 3
T = 7

8 6 2
4 3 7
+ 6

1 3 0 5

I win. Oh, and here is the truth for most of these equations, summed up into a mathmatical way:

8 + 6 + 2 = 6 - 4 + 9 + 0 + 5
14 + 2 = 2 + 14
16 = 16

Translates the entire sum into:

+ A

I + ( A + M ) = A - N + E + R + D

Worked out & written by comedian Dimitri Martin.

amazing, isnt it?

Tolvia's picture

When --they- arrived. [ May contain mild violence. ]

[=10][center] I had to look, didnt I? I couldnt just gallop towards the cage in the ruins, could I? not when that was just twenty feet from my hiding spot. That being a pack. Of. Wolves. Wolves. In our forest? no. Surely the Gods didnt allow it? I pulled back my ears as one of the wolves, a white she-wolf, lifted her head and howled. This triggered the entire pack. A pack of thirteen. As the wolves howls ended, I heard hundreds of low thuds as hooves hit the floor. A large stag, I didnt know his name, seemed to be the most enthusiastic about driving the wolves from The Endless Forest.

He lowered his head and roared his fury, the wolves turning and snarling, revealing the thing they crowded around. "Heiil"! I shrieked, running forward on stiff teenage legs, slipping on the snow. There, in the middle of the wolves, lay my fawn friend. Torn and twisted, mauled and broken. Poor Heiil... She never deserved something like that, it was murder! Torture, to be pulled apart by so many wolves at one time. No, this fawn deserved to die like many other deer in this forest. Of old age, surrounded by friends, mates, children, grandchildren... Not ripped to shreds. "Heiil"! Someone else shouted out, I looked up and stared at a ParoJay. In the late summer, a flock of parrots had come and roosted in our tree's. Mating with the mockingJays. And thus creating the ParoJay. The ParoJay could repeat anything it heard, being known to repeat the nearby sounds of chainsaws and car alarms. I lowered my head, showing off my antlers. Crazy antlers. Antlers that grew out of my spine as well as my skull.

The large stag moved forward, infront of me, blocking off the wolves. "Control yourself, child." His clear, dominant voice echoing through the forest. "You will only disgrace the will of the child, if you charge and lead yourself to suicide"! He snorted.
Tolvia's picture



When your mum gets really annoyed with the other sibling.

And then takes it out on you?


My sister, gets in trouble. ALMOST ALLLL THE TIME. Because she has issues with aggression she cant help but kick everyones ass'es and throw chairs across the room at school when she feels like it.

And then when my sister is in trouble today.

For beating a kid up.

Infront of the HEAD OF HER YEAR.

My mum just points at her.

And screams, like "GO. TO. YOUR. ROOM"! And then on the way out, Mums like "STUPID IMMATURE CHILD."

Sister comes steaming past me, slams the door of her room.

Mum CHARGES LIKE A BULL up the stairs. And looks at me. And says "Get off that computer now before I brake it."


did I do?

I did nothing.

Apart from SIT AND IGNORE. Everything violent around me. Like a good girl.

My mums like "GET AND TIDY YOUR ROOM" Go away, you dont live in it. >:C "DO ALL YOUR HOMEWORK." Done. All the time. "BRUSH YOUR HAIR" Its 8:30 pm. Why? "HOOVER ALL AROUND THE HOUSE." whhhyyyy. I did that like five times this week. "DO EVERYTHING I HAVE TO. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GO TO COLLEGE WITH YOU NOT HELPING? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WORK MORE?" Seriously, you dont have to go to college. You've never put in an application form. You've never even talked about it. Just because I suggested it ONCE does not mean you are in collage, woman. I work all the time.

Seriously, can parents be any less fair?

Tolvia's picture

Sprite catalog [ + rainbow sprite ]

This is not were YOU put YOUR sprites. This is were I put MY sprites.

[ R o l l u p ]

This, my friends, is a little catalog I have created for my new pack of TEF 'deamons' or 'sprites'. Daemons, because of the few that can cause -some- harm to the actual deer of TEF. Not many of them can, and usually they are all very small.

[ Mushroom Sprite ]

LOLyes. I made a mushroom sprite.

The original image was -huge- so I cropped it on Photobucket and used the shroom for a link, please click it! (: The tallest & smallest thing only shows how big the m u s h r o o m sprites can get, none of the others apply to this. If you have any ideas on how to improve the already-made sprites/daemons, or any ideas for new sprites/deamons, feel free to post it here !

[ Rainbow Sprite ]

ITS ONLY A WIP D8 Credit to VCG for giving me the idea :'D

I wanna coolloourrr iittttt. but i can not. Howl + common cold = sits downstairs all day.

Tolvia's picture



In london.

In blackheath.

Were I live.

I had to WALK HOME in it from school. 20 minutes away. HOLYJESUS.


It snowed even harder when I walked into the opening in the alley [ I have to walk through an alley, its the quickest way. ] were no tree's are. I was like "...WHY."

And then I found my little sister, who is eleven C: Me being three years older then her [ yet not dominant >w> ] I picked up loads of little pieces of snow, made a snowball, and threw it at her face. LOL her reaction. Just pure LOL.


Did it snow for any other UK'ers?

Did it snow for any other people on this site, today? [ 15/12/09 ]


AND WHAT EVER YOU DO. Dont eat yellow snow.

Tolvia's picture

New years resolution.

I know, its a long time until New years day. Well, not a long time, but a couple of weeks is enough to decide, right?

I've made mine, one for the internet and one for my real life.

My new years resolution for TEF is... well.. I cant apologise because the 'S' word is a hard word for me to use. Its thrown around alot, too, so it means less then it would a few years ago. And a person can only say sorry so many times before it becomes meaningless.

What Im going to try to do, is try to be better with this community. Try to fit in, try to be nice, try to behave. No more 'rude' replies, no more bitchy comments and no more threads that pulls the community down, not anymore.

Im going to co-operate.

Im going to be nice.

And I hope thats enough for you. I will be apologising to specific people, only those who I know deserve it.

I am going to start posting art/stories now, putting mature contents on them and stuff... and I have a little demon progress going on, just a little fun~
Tolvia's picture


Could you community-people:

- Stop making threads for attention and then making over 3 more.
- Stop telling people what they should and shouldnt do with their characters
- Stop being so scared to voice your opinion and tell the truth.
- Stop publicly humiliating people
- Save ranting for facebook and Bebo

Even if its on this thread, tell the truth.

Why dont you do what a couple of players have in their siggys, and one player tells me all the time; If you dont like it, ignore it and get on with your life. Because if you dont im just gonna go ahead and stamp an "idiot" stamp on your forehead.

I have one on mine. |D

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