December 17, 2009 - 9:58pm — Tolvia
When your mum gets really annoyed with the other sibling.
And then takes it out on you?
My sister, gets in trouble. ALMOST ALLLL THE TIME. Because she has issues with aggression she cant help but kick everyones ass'es and throw chairs across the room at school when she feels like it.
And then when my sister is in trouble today.
For beating a kid up.
Infront of the HEAD OF HER YEAR.
My mum just points at her.
And screams, like "GO. TO. YOUR. ROOM"! And then on the way out, Mums like "STUPID IMMATURE CHILD."
Sister comes steaming past me, slams the door of her room.
Mum CHARGES LIKE A BULL up the stairs. And looks at me. And says "Get off that computer now before I brake it."
did I do?
I did nothing.
Apart from SIT AND IGNORE. Everything violent around me. Like a good girl.
My mums like "GET AND TIDY YOUR ROOM" Go away, you dont live in it. >:C "DO ALL YOUR HOMEWORK." Done. All the time. "BRUSH YOUR HAIR" Its 8:30 pm. Why? "HOOVER ALL AROUND THE HOUSE." whhhyyyy. I did that like five times this week. "DO EVERYTHING I HAVE TO. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GO TO COLLEGE WITH YOU NOT HELPING? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WORK MORE?" Seriously, you dont have to go to college. You've never put in an application form. You've never even talked about it. Just because I suggested it ONCE does not mean you are in collage, woman. I work all the time.
Seriously, can parents be any less fair?