moosehoof's blog

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Lovely Death

Name: Gallows
Age: Adult
Family: Has no family
Gender: Doe
Info: Her lovely singing voice and looks can cause a stag or some fawns to follow her, in a small transe. She shall lead them to the Deermuda, where she lives and works for. Deathly to those who cvant snap out of her spell.
Comre and visit her plz
Picto: [Cleek]
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Fortis silvae cervos -- L e e o n

Fortis silvae cervos

Auctor voluit creaturam


This is just an updated version of his Original bio. If anyone can assist me in figuring out those cool custom layouts for the Bio pages (like Walter's), please tell me. Until then, enjoy this mess.




Lorem ipsum


5 Years



Strong, Deep. Kind towards friends or family. Cold against enemys.



Resembles the body of a Moose, quite larger that most deer.








Most of his normal hangout spots are around the pond, ruins or somewhere in the birch forest. He hold a fondness for the Demon Gazelle, though it's not a familiy bond, Leeon see's the old stag as something of a mentor.



TwentyOne;; He see's this doe as a Godess, he would never harm her.
Walter,"The Demon Gazelle";; A mentor of sorts. He prefers to follow Walter around
Fawns;; Leeon treats all fawns with tender love and care. Though he has no fawns of his own, he love's to parent fawns whom are alone.



When Leeon was only 2 years old, he fought The Demon Gazelle on the bridge, though he was the one a fault. Walter defeated him, and Leeon fled into the forest in shame.
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||Kuzco's Bio| | | True to the Classics ||

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Kuzco's Bio

Name: Kuzco


How to Remember It:
A Square with the number 4 in it...

Date of Birth: Gonna find that out!

Gender: Male

Meh...About...17 in human years (teenager) but he is still growing, so Ima change this later.

Walter (Adoptive Father)
Leeon (Blood Grandfather)
Paragwin (Blood Mother)
--------Adoptive Family-Walters Blood Family-----
Takio (Cousin)
Twenty-One (aunt)(or mother)

Mate/Crush: He is scared of every deer in the forest! The only deer he feels safe by is Walter..

Personality: Kuzco is more Leeon in Personality, but he is not as brave or grumpy. He has never really spent time around other deer, so he doesnt know what to do...

Right Now?: The Dark Brown pelt, real deer mask and Antilope anters. The Antilope antlers are his Teen antlers, so when he is an Pre-Adult to Adult, he will get his Adult antlers.

Dancing, being around Walter, Eating bark off of tree's, hanging around the Ruins or pond.
Failing, Being Chased off, and being teased.

- He likes to sit and think for a while, useally finding out how to fix things.
-He stays a little ways away from new deer before he goes up to meet them face-to-face.
-One of many odd things is he offten copy's walter, walking the same way, doing the same things, but being grumpy is NOT one of the many things he copy's.
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::D E E R U P D A T E S:: [Gallows Online]

::C U R E N T T L Y P L A Y I N G::

Mood: Feeling Rather Good ^^ (although I might be high on pinecones)
Thinking: "Mmm...Pinecones or..Muchrooms....or marshmallows.."
Doing:Being a moose; Lumbering around DUH!

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-=[Silent Wispers]=- Chapter Links

Chapter 1- [Link]
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Silent Wispers-Chapter 1

----------=Silent Wispers- Chapter 1==-----------
As a cold air blows around the great oak, leaves fall from their tree's and snow begins to fall. Silhouettes of
two figures walk through the forest as the
snow falls hard and fast, bringing with it freezing cold. The elk like Silhouettes are two deer,
walking far into a deep forest. A male and female pair,
wearing masks and sporting colored pelts. The female has a rounded underbelly, clearly she is carrying
offspring of the bull beside her. She begins to tremble
and then falling into the snow.The bull trys his harest to get her out, but she is to cold and tired.
By lack of warmth and food, she goes into labor in the
snow, out in the cold. Hours pass and soon there is a small fawn beside her and the bull nuzzling her head.
The fawn looks nothing of her parents, she has
a dark, navy colored pelt. Her face is light and grey and her eyes are bearly open. "We cant stay here,
its getting colder and dark" says the doe as she
nuzzles the bull. Without a word, the bull nods and stands, helping up his mate and fawn.
Snow swirled around them as they fought the snow and wind and walked twareds a huge oak tree, that is
hollowed out within the trunk. figures of sleeping deer lay inside. This must be where all the deer
stay the night when it snows. The bull lays down next to a doe and her mate. This dow has an odd hair-do
and her mate, whom sports the same pelt as their fawn, has curled antlers and a mask that must not let
him see. the doe with the fawn lays beside her bull, and lays her head down on his back. The fawn , who was
still cold from the walk through the forest, snuggled up next to her mother and fell asleep the moment she
touched her mothers fur.the bull was the last asleep, he watched the snow as it fell onto the ground. Fi-
Nilly he closed his eyes and slept. Once the first light twinkled over the hill, the fawn opened her eyes.
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Silent Wispers - Casting - [CLOSED! NOW WRITING!]

Ok the casting is closed! I will now begin writing the first chapter! Keep checking back!
Please note: some of the deer might die or leave during the story. but THIS STORY IS FICTION! it will not happen in the forest for real. Just a little fan fic. Also: This is the casting for the first 3 chapters. I might do more casting for the other chapters.
-Deer to star in the story-
  • Paragwin (main deer)
  • 21 ( secend main)
  • Apollo
  • Nina
  • Lorak
  • sluggs
  • Ravenflight
  • Rowan
  • Que-Quezse- ( >.< )
  • Quadrapoter
  • Emiva
  • Gweneth
  • Lieka
  • Quamar
  • Arya
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Gwins Bio!

Gander: Doe
Mate: None/ looking
Set: Coming Soon!
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Artsy fartsy gifty poo!- Lieka

Ok this is for you queen of darkness! Once leeon had a cruch on you and now......he does...still xD
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