Kuzco's Bio

Moosehoof's picture
Name: Kuzco


How to Remember It:
A Square with the number 4 in it...

Date of Birth: Gonna find that out!

Gender: Male

Meh...About...17 in human years (teenager) but he is still growing, so Ima change this later.

Walter (Adoptive Father)
Leeon (Blood Grandfather)
Paragwin (Blood Mother)
--------Adoptive Family-Walters Blood Family-----
Takio (Cousin)
Twenty-One (aunt)(or mother)

Mate/Crush: He is scared of every deer in the forest! The only deer he feels safe by is Walter..

Personality: Kuzco is more Leeon in Personality, but he is not as brave or grumpy. He has never really spent time around other deer, so he doesnt know what to do...

Right Now?: The Dark Brown pelt, real deer mask and Antilope anters. The Antilope antlers are his Teen antlers, so when he is an Pre-Adult to Adult, he will get his Adult antlers.

Dancing, being around Walter, Eating bark off of tree's, hanging around the Ruins or pond.
Failing, Being Chased off, and being teased.

- He likes to sit and think for a while, useally finding out how to fix things.
-He stays a little ways away from new deer before he goes up to meet them face-to-face.
-One of many odd things is he offten copy's walter, walking the same way, doing the same things, but being grumpy is NOT one of the many things he copy's.