Silent Wispers-Chapter 1

Moosehoof's picture
----------=Silent Wispers- Chapter 1==-----------
As a cold air blows around the great oak, leaves fall from their tree's and snow begins to fall. Silhouettes of
two figures walk through the forest as the
snow falls hard and fast, bringing with it freezing cold. The elk like Silhouettes are two deer,
walking far into a deep forest. A male and female pair,
wearing masks and sporting colored pelts. The female has a rounded underbelly, clearly she is carrying
offspring of the bull beside her. She begins to tremble
and then falling into the snow.The bull trys his harest to get her out, but she is to cold and tired.
By lack of warmth and food, she goes into labor in the
snow, out in the cold. Hours pass and soon there is a small fawn beside her and the bull nuzzling her head.
The fawn looks nothing of her parents, she has
a dark, navy colored pelt. Her face is light and grey and her eyes are bearly open. "We cant stay here,
its getting colder and dark" says the doe as she
nuzzles the bull. Without a word, the bull nods and stands, helping up his mate and fawn.
Snow swirled around them as they fought the snow and wind and walked twareds a huge oak tree, that is
hollowed out within the trunk. figures of sleeping deer lay inside. This must be where all the deer
stay the night when it snows. The bull lays down next to a doe and her mate. This dow has an odd hair-do
and her mate, whom sports the same pelt as their fawn, has curled antlers and a mask that must not let
him see. the doe with the fawn lays beside her bull, and lays her head down on his back. The fawn , who was
still cold from the walk through the forest, snuggled up next to her mother and fell asleep the moment she
touched her mothers fur.the bull was the last asleep, he watched the snow as it fell onto the ground. Fi-
Nilly he closed his eyes and slept. Once the first light twinkled over the hill, the fawn opened her eyes.
She leaned to her right to try and feel her mothers warm fur, but when she leaned, she felt nothing. She quick-
ly looked around, the oak was empty. No deer, nothing. she stood up quickly and started to call, but noone answered.
as if her hooved were on fire, she ran into pond and began to call again and again, still no answer.A deer was standing
not to far away, standing in the pond, munching on some cattail's floating in the water. This stang knew nothing of having
a fawn, nor did he ever have a mate, but he saw how scared the fawn was, so he droped his snack and walked over.
"Why are you all alone little guy?", and the fawn turned to him with an odd look on her face "IM A GIRL! YOU NIT!" she spat.
The stand steped back and blinked a few times in a row. "Ok little..girl, so why are you alone? dont you have a doe to get back to?"
he asked, and with a look atb her hooved and a sad sniffle "I dont know where my mum went, or my pa". He gave a puzzled
look on his face, and asked "Why would a doe abondon her fawn?". The fawn shruged "I dont know! I dident even get to know her!" and then she began to cry.
He bent over and nuzzled her "Hey! I have an Idea!" he ran over to a tree covered in mushrooms and took some in his mouth, then a bright light
come from his antlers and turned the mushrooms into a mask, a dark blue magpie mask. he walked over to the fawn and placed in over her face.
It fit perfectly! "You look cute!" said the stang with a friendly nudge on her shoulder. A week or so had passed and she wasn learning fast.
He had tought her many things, like which trees had muchrooms that could turn into masks and if you eat a pinecone, you get a spell for antlers.
After many times he had been calling her 'Fawn' she finally gave her a name, Paragwin or Gwin for short.


One month passed and she learned all the parts of the forest, and oe day, while gwin was browsing through a patch of clovers, He said
"Gwin, its time we get you a mentor." he said proudly. "Umm what for? I already Know all there is to know about spells." she said with a huff and then
went back to eating her clovers. The stag bent his head down and said "Well, its to help you become wise and maybe one day you will become a member of the
Endless Council". Gwins eyes widened and and she lifted her head "The Endless Council? No way, only forest elders get in there!", but the stag only chuckled
"WISE forest elders, and if your wise, then just wait till your and old fart then you can get in!". Gwin raised her brow and just laughed. The next mroning
Gwin woke and streatched her legs and walked out of her bush she had been sleeping under, and she looked down into the small vally that was near the
playground and saw her stag friend talking with one of the endless council members. She was a well known doe around the forest, and a foster mother to many
of the forests greatest stags and does. Gwin couldent make out what they were saying but sher dd know that it must have been about her. They began to walk
tawards her and she panicked and hoped into her bush. Her stag friend pulled the bush back and pulled her out from where she was. "Gwin, this is Ephra".
Ephra chuckled and said "Please, Mhy name my be Ephra but you may call me 21. next time dont be so formal.". Gwin smiles but inside her head she thought
'Her voice, its so warm and friendly. she seems so wise!' , but before gwin could get in a word, her stag friend said bluntly "21 will be mentor.You will
live with her until your training for comes complete.". Gwin sucked in air and held her mouth open but no words would come out. 'Is he kidding?? Me? Live
with a council member?? NEVER!' gwin pop pictures in her head of how she might be able to escape, but soon the meeting was over and she readyed herself to
travel across the forest with Ephra, or 21, to live at her new home. She had never been across the forest before, she had always lived near to the pond,Time
and again she would take a walk with her stag protector. Her walk across the forest took around an hour, but it seemed to take days in gwins mind. before
she knew it she was at a small opening from tree trunks, and covered in ferns and flowers. Light came down upon a large bush of ferns like a curtan. 21 turned
to Gwin and asked "Which bush would you like to sleep on?", gwin seems to have flown out of her head and back to the pond, but soon she snaped back to life
and soon came up with an answer "Uh the one over there" she used her ear to point to a bush of ferns next ro a tree who's branch's drooped down and created a
cage around the ferns. Sunset crept over the hill like blanket over the forest. Gwin walked over to her bed and curled up inside and layed her head on her
legs, ready for sleep to take effect. "Good night Gwin, sleep well" 21 said as she layed down in her bed of ferns, before gwin could answer, 21 was fast asl-
eep. "G'nite 21, sleep well your self." gwin wispered as she layed her head back down and fell asleep, dreaming of what to come.

WIN <3 -- Dannii <3

WIN <3

-- Dannii <3
Sluggs's picture

That was great, Moosehoof! I

That was great, Moosehoof! I enjoyed reading that!

I like how she woke up to find her parents missing, and the Endless Council!

Poor Paragwin though, waking up to find her parents missing! Sad It's going to be difficult for her. I do hope she finds lots of friends on her journey to help her along, and to eventually, lead her to her parents. *Hopes it will have a happy ending*

Can't wait to read more! Eye

- Please visit the Shady Grove -
Moosehoof's picture

Oh theres LOTS more to the

Oh theres LOTS more to the story! many chapters to come! chapter two is supposeto be much longer and more deer! Im writing it right now! stay tuned!