Lovely Death

Moosehoof's picture
Name: Gallows
Age: Adult
Family: Has no family
Gender: Doe
Info: Her lovely singing voice and looks can cause a stag or some fawns to follow her, in a small transe. She shall lead them to the Deermuda, where she lives and works for. Deathly to those who cvant snap out of her spell.
Comre and visit her plz
Picto: [Cleek]

Awww! A fawn eh? Awesome.

Awww! A fawn eh? Awesome. Smiling I look forward to seeing Gallows in the forest soon!
Quear's picture

a fawn! can you say to me if

a fawn!
can you say to me if he/she is afraid of vampires?
because i am one!