MapleTree's Update blog #1!

MapleTree's picture
Hey guys! I'm back from the dead! Happy late new years!
I got some updates for all of you lovelies out there =3

-I have a new OC(This is my /main/ deer); Trinity! She will be introduced soon.
- I did have a small bug in January.
- My Cat; Pixe, had 2 healthy babies! Dexter, and a Trinity! <3 I love them
- New Idea 's coming to my brain soon!
- I Will be playing TEF after school on: Mondays, Tuesdays, wendsdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays! So, whole week! When I can't, you won't see me on XD
- I am playing a lot of other games, so sometimes, I won't be on that frequently.
That's basically my update on my life! These Update Blogs will be every day, 1 per day. Seeya guys in the forest~
~ Trin