Example Roleplay Sheet

MapleTree's picture




Elven Fawn


Like elven magic, she is connected with nature. But, Anila's powers are unknown to her.

Green, like the leaves of a tree. Glow brighter green when magic is being used.


100-210 lbs.

|Past life|

Aniela is a kind and gentle soul. Her kindness mostly shows when she is near close friends, Anila becomes a bit nervous near the adult stags. Fearing they're not as gentle as a mother, or a caring family member would be. Anila loves to romp with the other young fawns, pretending to be a powerful, but gentle stag. She mostly would be around the young ones, due to her ... unknown past-life. Anila's remaining bits of her Past-Life, will remain in the wind, flowing high up above the clouds, away from listening ears ...

|Favorite Place|
She loves to hang around the De Drinkplaats, or near the calm pond. So, you will find her mostly near water or in tall grass.

Pawing at the ground = Come here, follow me to there, no.
Showing half of body + shivering - Scared, frightened, unsure.
Lower head = Go, I'm warning you, get away from me.
Nudge = Can we be friends?
Nudge + Sniff = I love you.
Bellowing = Hello! I'm over here!
Nod = Yes
Shake = No
Backs away = Not comfortable, uneasy, scared.
Half charge = Threat, aggressive intent
Lower head + direct eye contact = Angry, annoyed, warning
Bow = Sign of respect
Walk = Limping
Head tilt + sniff + nod = You're good
Head tilt + bellow = I'm not too sure

- Pinecones
- Trying her magic with the trees
- Drinking from the De Drinkplaats
- Romping around, hanging with other fawns
- Sitting with friends
- Dancing
- Friends. When are they not cool?

- Wannabe deer
- Horns in the face
- Ignorant fawns
- Being roared from her sleep
- Fights


Content and kind

|Thought Bubble|
I wonder if they wanna play.

|Speech Bubble|
"Hello, I'm Aniela, what's your name, fellow deer?"

|Recent activity|
Romped around and talked to other deer, just went for a drink and slept.

|Physical Health|

|Mental Health|

A small bruise on her fragile leg.



A small ignorant fawn.

Thorne will be posted soon, when I'm not soo lazy Sticking out tongue

Feel free to interact with Aniela, and Thorne Smiling

Ooo, nice! I'll place a

Ooo, nice! I'll place a track here. ^_^
MapleTree's picture

^-^ Thank you! I did spend

^-^ Thank you! I did spend like, 13 minutes on this bio XD Thorne will be added soon XDD

Ah, she sounds so sweet. I

Ah, she sounds so sweet. I hope one of my deer gets to play with her in the Forest soon c:
MapleTree's picture

She hopes it too ^_^ And

She hopes it too ^_^ And ,thank you all for the nice comments c: