My friend's opinion

MapleTree's picture
Well, I got my friend to make their opinion on TEF.
It was very low.

Liking: Disliked
Thought: Needs violence/more plot
Sound(thought again): Not me, no talking, needs more talking.

"I just dislike it. There's no plot, no roleplay. No talking, no violence. The violence is exciting, it's a bit part in a game. TEF is just not me. It's sound! Ugh, I dislike it's sound, everything. Creepy(kind of). What is the point? There's no quests, the the f*** do you do?!(Note: This was opinion-ated in SoE, there is swearing there, as you know. if you play) I mean, No hunting, no animal chasing, no hunting for items(Again, something in SoE) What do you do? No Complex roleplays!!!"

"There was a war event, there is roleplaying, you cna pretend... but it's frowned upon."

That opinion I dislike greatly, but I know you can't change people and their opinions. (Sorry if there's typos. I have fast fingers XD)

Staff's picture

My facts opinion, SoE is full

My facts opinion, SoE is full of corrupted staff members and item begging nublets that don't have a first clue about what RP and character creation is.

TEF forever.

Siggy by Shey

MapleTree's picture

The staff to me are fine, but

The staff to me are fine, but they can goof off, and be rude to innocent members.

Trinity: "Hmpf, I disapprove of their Opinion. Your Friend's, Maple/Creator."
Sh, you don't get in this.
Aivilo's picture

Quote:What is the point?

What is the point? There's no quests, the the f*** do you do?! ... I mean, No hunting, no animal chasing, no hunting for items. What do you do? No Complex roleplays!!!

lol... And why does a game have to dictate what you're able to do within it?
If you like "side-scroll" type gaming*, that's fine, but I like my sandbox, thanks. :3

*(not literally, exaggerating here a bit - I mean where you're basically dictated a plot from which there is no deviation, where you have to do certain things in a certain order - not to say that those things can't be fun, if there's a good story [Zelda, for instance!])
OkamiLugia's picture

Quote:"No Complex

"No Complex roleplays!!!"

Aivilo's picture

^Perfect x3

^Perfect x3
MapleTree's picture

Ha, is it okay if we stay on

Ha, is it okay if we stay on topic a bit? Lol xD

Well, yea...
They say it's just not them, and that what is the point with it.
wingeddeer's picture

Depends on the type of person

Depends on the type of person I guess...Some people need an objective in the game to make it intresting,I guess playing something that has no plot is a bit boring and awkward to others.My brother is kind of like that,in fact thats what he complained about,lol.