BluedeerLegend18's blog

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More help...

You know how when you get that email so you can confirm your registration, it takes a bit of a while? Well, I have been waiting for a month, I have looked in the trash and junk area, and the email has not come yet. And I'm pretty sure it's been long enough, so now I want to contact TEF about it. But, how? I have no idea how you contact them! Can anyone help me?
BluedeerLegend18's picture

Warrior Cat RP

Hi! If you are a Warrior Cat fan in need of an RP here it is! You can be any clan!

The pure white she cat named Waterstar looked at the forest. It was not snow. It was slush. And most of the slush melted, so there was just slush and water. Winter was ending, and it was the most gloomiest time of the year. Waterstar sighed, and walked back to her den. Many Riverclan cats were dieing, but none knew how. Coldness was a possibility, and illness too. But this cannot be proved. Waterstar sent a short, silent prayer to Starclan that these horrible days would end, and walked into the den. She stepped though the weeds she had put on the entrance of her den. Furs from rabbits and mice and rats and badgers and many different animals covered the walls. Waterstar's collection of diamonds, crystals, and jewelry shone bright and lighted up the den like lamp. She put her necklace- A piece a string she found many moons ago lying around with a leaf attached on it- down, then lied down on the badger fur that spread across the floor and napped.
BluedeerLegend18's picture

Deertube: Broadcast the Forest

Deertube: Broadcast the Forest
Please read everything before signing up!

Current Members: 0

Welcome to Deertube. Here you can post videos that are The Endless Forest or deer related. To do this you have to post the video a video-sharing site (such as Youtube) then post the link here. All videos will be on this first post.

Signing up is not hard. Just tell me you want to sign up, tell me your username, and done. Now you can share videos here.

But why sign up? If you sign up, then I can expect videos from you without confusion. If you are not signed up and you post a video, it will be ignored.

So go ahead, sign up now! Broadcast the Forest!



Help on the game:


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Earning his Wings- The Story of a Wolf Destined to Fly

Hi! This is a story about a wolf. Enjoy!

Chapter 1:

In a small field, a litter of pups being watched by their parents played. One particular pup was practicing. Practicing for something no wolf has done before.

Away from his siblings, the pup sighed. Why do you think you can do this? It's ridiculous. I'm hopeless. He thought. The pup looked up to see a raven flying though the air. The bird could feel the breezing winds as it soared, glided, flew.

The pup would never give up. He can't now. The pup climbed on a rock, and jumped... he felt the wind fly under his belly... his fur flying though the wind... he was about to close his eyes when- THUMP! The pup landed on the hard ground. Well, he failed this time. He could do this... the pup felt it... So he climbed on the rock, and right before he jumped, he heard his name.

"Tuari!" His mother called.
"Tuari! Where are you?" His mother peeked though the bushes, and found him on the rock. "There you are!" His mother exclaimed.
"Wait, have you been jumping off that rock again?"
Tuari nodded. "Yes, I have."

"How many times do I have to tell you, Tuari? How many times have I told you to stop jumping off things? You'll hurt yourself!" Mother said.

"I know, mom. But I can do it! Watch this!" Tuari gave his rear a little wiggle, and jumped off.
"Wait, Tuari!" The other pups had came to watch.
"Guys! Look! I'm doing it! I'm actually-" THUMP. Tuari landed on the ground.
"Ow..." The pup saw a red oozing liquid gush out of his paw. He felt so humiliated! All of his siblings were laughing at him. Monkaushka, one of Tuari's brothers, walked up to him while the pups walked away.

"Tuari! You got a cut!" Mother squealed.
"Don't you ever jump of a rock again, or you will be in big trouble, young wolf. Now come on, my sons and daughters. It is getting dark out and now we shall go to sleep."

All pups groaned, but Tuari sighed. No one would believe him. He could do it.
BluedeerLegend18's picture

Two deer

How can you have more than one deer? I need to know!

Also, when I get my registration thingie for Peirce (I have been waiting for weeks. Literally.), I want to start a family Smiling ! So yea when I get my picto and Peirce made I want a wife Smiling

But anyways back to question how do you get to deer?
BluedeerLegend18's picture

The FAQ of Stacking Deer.

Many of you are new here, and you may not know what people mean by stacking deer. There is a glitch that allows people to float in the air, and at some point people just decided it would be fun to "stack" deer. Want to be in a "Deeramid", but don't know how? This should help you out.

How to start a Deeramid:

1. Climb a hill.
2. Run down the hill jumping.
3. You should be flying. You must continue to press the jump button or else you will fall.
4. Keep flying until until you find a nice spot for stacking deer.
5. Press Esc two times, very fast.
6. Your deer should now be laying down in midair.
7. Keep laying in midair. Hopefully someone will join the Deeramid, and there ya go.

How to join a Deeramid:

1. Follow 1, 2, and 3 above.
2. Keep flying until you find deer laying in midair.
3. Make sure you are high enough to be above the current highest deer.
4. Follow number 5 in the above list of steps.
5. Stay there for as long as you like.

And that's how you do it! Please note that the community here likes Deeramids, so you might want to take some pictures of one and show it to everyone here!

Thanks for reading!
BluedeerLegend18's picture


I want to swim in the pond. I know what to do, you have to rename the file "Pond" to "NoPond". I did that but then it said I could not rename it, access denied.

What do I do? I want to try out the trick!

BTW, heres what it says when I try to rename it:

Cannot rename file, access is denied. Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected or something like that.

BluedeerLegend18's picture

I'm publishing a book...

...and I want to know if you like it! Help me!

I first got the idea at school. The teacher gave us each a picture of a person, young or old, and we were supposed to create a character using the picture. Mine was a young boy with blue eyes and blonde hair, so I wrote down some things about him. Then the teacher told us to create a story of the person we made. It could either be a day in the life of our person or our person that has a problem.

Well I wrote a very cool story about my guy, Dave. Then I realized it would make a good book. Not a big chapter book, just a small little picture book all would enjoy. I plan to call it: The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Dave. So far it's in my school binder that I brought home, and then I will type it onto a Microsoft Word. Then I will print it out and send it to a publisher!

This is not all that I have so far, but dad was rushing me so I only had time to write this:

Page 1

It was a breezy fall afternoon when the best thing to Dave happened. Dave was a five year old boy living in Ohio. But he was not with his parents. Dave had not been with his parents for three years. He had lived in a Foster home.

Page 2

Dave sat on his bed and looked at a picture of his two parents. Then he looked at another one. It was a picture of his mom and her pregnant belly. Dave knew that it was him swimming in her body. Then he looked at one last picture of his two parents. Dave's father was holding him in his hands. Dave looked at his baby self, then looked at his two smiling parents.

Page 3

Dave had not remembered his parents at all, nor the tragic day they died. Dave was ...

Hope you like it! Suspense! How did Dave's parents die? I just have to wait until Sunday, since I have to go to my mom's now and her comp doesn't have internet.
BluedeerLegend18's picture

Mission Impossible: Deer Style. NUMBER 2!!!

Original link here:

I was bored, so I looked at the very last page and found this. It looked awesome, but it couldn't be played anymore. The last post was in 2009, and they were talking about school getting in the way, maybe someone can do another, and all that stuff. Sadly, that never happened, and the game was never played again.

Well, I'm changing that!

The game was created because people thought the game was boring. To make it more interesting and fun, a person would send missions and deer would have to do them.

Make up a name. Let's say someone said Bob. Well I add Agent to it and a number. Agent Bob, 001.

You don't have to do the missions.

You can also retire. Tell me and I will take you off the list.

So that's how you do it! Lets get started.

Mission Impossible: Deer Style.

Current Missions: Find something red.(5 points)
Photograph it, then put it on here.
Past Missions:
Find a deer wearing a beluga mask.(10 points)
Current Agents:
Agent Poppies, 001(10 points)
Agent Stalker, 002
Agent Twinkletoes, 003
Agent China, 004
Retired Agents: None.
Recent News:
1/21/11: Agents have joined, and the first mission begins...
1/19/11: Mission Impossible: Deer Style, is back! The second one waits for new Agents who come for a fun new twist in the game...
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Air sitting?

What is Air Sitting?
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