BluedeerLegend18's blog

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Are you a...

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...Guardian of Ga'hoole fan?
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Peirce is awake

Peirce became contoius(sp?) today. He hit his head so hard, that when he woke up he didn't remember anything. Not knowing where he was or why, Peirce ran though out the forest.

He forgot about his mother. Did she abandon him? Peirce saw the ruins. He has always loved the Ruins. So mysterious... and walked slowly... and then started to run. Not looking where he was going, Peirce fell though the cage. He screamed for help, but no one heard his call. He heard other screams of the deer, and the screams of the spirits around him, and, with a scream, Peirce jumped out of the cage. He hit his head on one of the bars, which put his memory back.

Peirce kept running until he saw De Drinkplatts. There were a couple of fawns and soon they started to dance. Then Peirce stopped dancing when he recognized the place. This was where he was born. This was were many memories of him and his mum started. The fawns walked away, and Peirce silently grieved for his mother...
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Ready... set... go!

My dad's computer is so crappy. Old and useless. My mom's, on the other hand, is awesome! It has very good graphics and is very fast. Whenever I go on TEF on dad's, it always lags. Not on mom's.

Today I played TEF on mom's for the first time, and it was great! I was running around the forest with my fawn, Peirce. I liked the way he ran. He ran in a different way, and I can't see it with my dad's. And, plus, it sounded like a horse galloping on the race track, and thousands of fans cheering...


That's when I got the idea!

Why not each year The Endless Forest has an Annual Deer Race? Anyone can enter, even nameless ones, and they can run and jump their way to the finish line!

Everyone who enters gets a prize, probably just a picture of their deer, but the top three will get BIG prizes, number one getting the most.

But, how will it be fair? I will use the Endless Forest map and draw a line from start to finish. You have to follow the line. No shortcuts!

Anyone want to race? I'm not sure when this year's will be, since this is the first time i've thought of this.

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Unconscious Fawn in the Middle of the Woods

Peirce is a fawn. Not so long ago his mother died. At first he was depressed, never wanting to leave his old life, but now he is determined to live on in the forest by himself.

Peirce decided one day to wander around the forest. He ended up running away crying. Many deer were beating him. Peirce is still sore from the blows. He was lonely and scared.

Peirce was afraid of the forest for a long time. Today he came out, losing his fear of the woods. Luckily, he was not hurt, and he actually found a few friends to play with.

After a while Peirce ran though the forest, hopping over rocks until he found the Playground. He thought he was a good rock jump- overer, so Peirce thought he could jump over the big rock. He made a leap and crashed head first into the rock. Right now he lay unconscious.

Peirce realizes now how much he misses his mother. He also realizes life is hard without someone to look after you, especially if you are just a fawn.

But, who is looking after him? No one is. Everyone who passes by thinks he is a regular fawn headed home. No one realizes who he is right now. No one can feel the emptiness inside.

BluedeerLegend18's picture

Need help for a couple things

1. I want that dark pelt that fawns can get.

2. Peirce's mother died... so he wants someone to take care of him.

If any of you want to help say so and soon I will be at the Twin Gods.
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Peirce's updates.

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Mood:Lonely and scared.
Fav place: The ruins.

Peirce loves to run and jump. He is very nice but because he is just a fawn he is very shy. He looks like a regular fawn with flowers on his head. He loves to make new friends.

Peirce's mother just recently died. Peirce now roams around the forest without a mother or father. But no one can see the hollowness in him left from the loneliness of his mother's death.

The only time Peirce was happy was when he found some flowers and put them on his head. He ran around the forest showing them off. But his happiness didn't stay for long. He saw a couple of stags, both having huge red antlers and the skull mask. They were hanging out by the Crying Idol. One had a zombie pelt, the other Peirce forgot. They were sniffing each other when suddenly one of them reared and hit Peirce. He screamed in pain and ran away and kept running until he reached the Twin Gods.

Soon he was surrounded by a group of deer rearing him.

Peirce is scared right now to wander now. His poor butt still hurts from the stag's blow.

All he wants now is his mother back. Or, maybe, someone who is willing to love him.
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Text Deer

Can you make a text deer?

I can!

|| || || ||

... It sucks.
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The Emergency Game

I saw this on another site, and it was fun, and I thought all of you here would like to play it.

You pretend your calling 911(but instead, it will be 000), and you have to call one of the following:

000, fire
000, police
000, ambulance

And you pretend to be in trouble, and the next person pretends to be one of the guys on the other end, trying to help. To make it more fun, make it very random! Like a guy from a show or aliens or something. This example is not as random, but it should show you how to play.


Person 1:

000, fire!

Help! The T.V's on fire!

Person 2:

Stay away from the fire, we'll be right there.

Person 1:

Oh, no! Now my dog's on fire!

Person 2:

Does he know how to roll over?

Person 1:


Person 2:

Tell him to roll over, and then try to keep everything away from the fire. We are on our way.


Then after person 2 says click, he/she pretends to be the person in trouble, and someone else does the guy. And it does not have to be just two people! A third person can pretend to be one of the two, whoever's turn it is.

Let's start!

000, Ambulance!

Help! My kitten's having a... a... A HAIRBALL! What do I do???

BluedeerLegend18's picture

Can anyone draw antlers on this cat?

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Can someone edit this picture, draw antlers on the head (default antlers), and draw flowers on it, and change it to avatar size? And, also, change the eyes to green?

BluedeerLegend18's picture

No Control

It's like your a wolf with rabies.
You don't know how or why you're here,
and you don't know what's going on.
But if there's one thing on your mind,
These are the two things you bring,
but it's not you.
It's your anger.
It has stayed inside for years,
but recently it rampaged,
and now it controls you.
Sometimes you awake
to see yourself in the middle of nowhere,
and you don't know what's happened.
You wouldn't do this,
because it's not you,
it's your anger,
and you have no control,
since your rabies
can't be treated now.

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No control.
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