Deertube: Broadcast the Forest

BluedeerLegend18's picture
Deertube: Broadcast the Forest
Please read everything before signing up!

Current Members: 0

Welcome to Deertube. Here you can post videos that are The Endless Forest or deer related. To do this you have to post the video a video-sharing site (such as Youtube) then post the link here. All videos will be on this first post.

Signing up is not hard. Just tell me you want to sign up, tell me your username, and done. Now you can share videos here.

But why sign up? If you sign up, then I can expect videos from you without confusion. If you are not signed up and you post a video, it will be ignored.

So go ahead, sign up now! Broadcast the Forest!



Help on the game:


BluedeerLegend18's picture


I have a Master's degree in Wumbology.