Alinaquil's blog


Yeah I feel like having one tonight, once I can get it to connect. I have no idea just will not let me log in. And my internet is really fast! D8

I'll likely be working on homework, editing photos and making art. Probably will also play a little video



Yes...I got myself one. Today...

Anyone you wants to see random shiz, doodles, WIPS, and other crap, feel free to follow me c:

Jet Fuel

Those who play TEF on Macs...

Can anyone help me;I have a friend who wants to play this game ever since I showed her what the forest is like. But the problem is, she has a Macbook.

Now...I know there are a few players here who are able to play TEF on Macs. She said she found some programs that will allow her to operate Windows-only programs and games on her Macbook. But she doesn't have the money. Are there any way she can install TEF on her Macbook or is there a free program that'll allow her to play TEF?

She really enjoyed the atmosphere and the setting in the forest and she would really like to try it. She may even actually become a new member here on the community c:

Important Notice

Well, I am going to give myself a day off this Wednesday and stay home so I will not be in forest. I am going to move back to my university Thursday so I want to have a day to pack, go out and wash clothes plus grab a few last minute things like some munchies and coffee and also spend time with my grandparents.

I may be back in forest once I move in and get settled Thursday though I'm not sure how much time I'll be on as I'll be at “work,” though it's not a really a job as I'm not being paid. Just some volunteering to help other students move into their dorms and join in some fun activities, like field trips and crap. I'll likely be on during the evenings though so I'll be right back in forest c;

Look at it this way, I'll be in forest more often. Depending on how much schoolwork I get XD

And I also promise I'l be back with a special treat Eye I'm not telling what it is, it's gonna be a surprise....

See ya soons

Tablet help please

Last night, when going though my things for college packing, I happened to stumble upon an old tablet that I forgot I had for years. I had no idea that I've had this for years yet I never used it (I currently use a Genius Pen F610 since last Christmas as a gift) though I now remember I got it from Best Buy while buying an old laptop that I actually still have back in November 2008.

It's a SMALL Wacom Bamboo Fun CTE-450. It's a little worn and scratched up but still works beautifully. However, there's one problem-THE DRIVER IT CAME WITH IS MISSING!Exclaim I have no idea where it went and I really want to use this and see if there's a difference in my art between Wacom and Genius.I know I could use it without the driver but there will be no pen pressure.

Please, if anyone knows where I can find the driver for his, please tell me in the comments. Currently I use 64-bit Windows 7 and I'll be getting a new laptop this weekend, as this Dell is a lemon that friggen drives me up a wall, I'm sure it too will be Windows 7 64-bit.

Requesting for art references for deer

I'm just wondering if I can have a little help with something.

I know for sure that since I ma here now, I'll prolly likely be drawing deer and other characters around here, depending on how much time I will have between the rest of my summer break and also the feeetime between classes and projects. However, it seems my deer anatomy got kinda rusty as I am sorta malpracticed. any of you have some tips, references, PDFs or anything on drawing deer? Also I am trying to work on posing and perspective as I noticed that my poses aren't as dynamic as they should be plus I like to work on perspective more. Too many of my artwork has the characters more in terms of sideviews and I like to expand on that.

Thanks in advance c:

Connection issues...a little help please?

I have been issues with connecting this morning. Pictos will not spread and I keep getting this weird error whenever I connect. And always when I got that error, the connection status will always be "Please Wait...."

I done everything possible that can help with connection-show no other players, connect manually. Nothing works.

Here have a screenie

*sigh* :c

[Art Blog] Poison Java [Art Blog]

I had moved my art blog to Tumblr
It's just far more easier to post my art there can here, with all the annoying coding
So follow the link
Here, most, if not all of my random paints,sketchies/drawing/whatevers will be posted.


View at your own risk. Some images may contain things not recommended for younger viewers; usually violence, blood, gore, horror, nudity (possible if I'm going to be doing life drawings)



I know I've just come back and that I'm still treading water around here but I'm wondering, to friends I've had here or anyone who wants to get to know me better, that I should share my MSN.

Back on my old account, I had my old email which was hacked last winter so I had to get myself a new one. However I lost alot of the contacts from TEF, even though I managed to save a few. I'd love to get contact back from those who had grown dear to me.

Ok well here's my address

Please however, tell me who you are when sending an invite, as I tend to ignore any invites from people I don't know. So if you please, just tell me who you are and I'll remember you c;

Feel free to have a chat with me, I don't bite.

Heaven's Not[Juniper]Enough

Done by Myself

Beauty sleek, body slender
Talons sharp, what do they render?
Painted scales, mind tender
Don't look away, oh kirin defender

Ivory body decorated lovely
She nuzzles affectionately
Scared little ones run foolishly
Gentle kirin sighs desolately

She wanders on, eyes red with passion
Inspiring one, that is her mission
She meets another, begin the obsession
What will they think of the first impression?

Her dream stands before her in fascination
A creature of intent and sophistication
Their eyes stare in blank intoxication
Time to show a kirin's dedication

Written by QuadRaptor

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