Those who play TEF on Macs...

Can anyone help me;I have a friend who wants to play this game ever since I showed her what the forest is like. But the problem is, she has a Macbook.

Now...I know there are a few players here who are able to play TEF on Macs. She said she found some programs that will allow her to operate Windows-only programs and games on her Macbook. But she doesn't have the money. Are there any way she can install TEF on her Macbook or is there a free program that'll allow her to play TEF?

She really enjoyed the atmosphere and the setting in the forest and she would really like to try it. She may even actually become a new member here on the community c:
maith's picture

Ah I have exactly the same

Ah I have exactly the same problem! Anyone know the solution?
Verdalas's picture

I've heard of Wine and

I've heard of Wine and another, Boot Camp. (not sure if these are free)

There's VisualBox but I'm not sure if it'll do the job.

i've heard you can use the

i've heard you can use the program wine, but i've never personally used it.
what i've done is bought windows 7 and installed it on my computer using bootcamp. i think she can use parallels/vmwarefusion, but i haven't used them in a while because they slow down my mac, and i can't remember if you have to have bought windows to use it because all it's doing is letting you access windows while on your mac portion of the system.

Generally I use windows but

Generally I use windows but my friend here uses a Macbook. However, we both don't have enough money to buy a Windows 7 DVD, as we don't have money to buy this one program she mentioned she seen at the Apple store. All I have on me are some recovery discs and I don't think they can install Windows 7 by themselves. I'll definitely talk to her about Wine though, so we both can save money and it'll be one way for her to be able to play TEF C:
parrotsnpineapple's picture

Wine and Crossover allow TEF

Wine and Crossover allow TEF to run, but fail to connect.

Her best bet is to bootcamp her mac.

@Kate-Can you give me more

@Kate-Can you give me more info on that? Most likely she's gonna wanna connect to the server and have a named deer so if she can bootcamp her Mac, that would be great.
parrotsnpineapple's picture

She best be reading this

She best be reading this through and through. Ive bootcamped my mac twice now. The first time resulted in some....tedious issues caused by windows. Bootcamp is safe and fine, but there are always risks.

But yeah, its all in there. How to do it. All info. Bla. Ect.
Shes gonna need an authentic copy of windows xp or 7