adderskin's blog

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One step, Two steps, Three, Four, Five steps.

[left]He is me, yet I am not him.
Night Walker is his name.
I rule his actions, yet he does not rule mine.
His world is darkness, mine is light.
He is young and old, I am young.
He is loud, I am quiet.
He is solitary, so am I.
He runs, I run.
He laughs, I laugh.
He angers, I smile.
He roars, I say hello.
Who am I?
adderskin's picture


Stirring deep within the mind,
An evil creature you shall find,
This thing it goes by the name of Love,
And takes the form of a snow-white dove,

Many emotions this creature will spark,
Bull-dozing through, yet leaving no mark,
Instead, it builds spiked walls around the heart,
For Love and Jealousy will not part.

Love will never leave us be,
It clouds our judgement and what we see,
Love is a creature, fearless and bold,
It will not leave us even when we grow old.


Any one want to critique?
adderskin's picture

Everything has changed...

New names. New people. New deer.

I feel like a stranger again, a new person. Just a few weeks away, and so much change.
Has there been any change? I see we have welcomed our new players.

Good morning all.

adderskin's picture


A shadow slips back into the darkness...

adderskin's picture

A little thought nags my mind...

I am wondering do you 'discriminate' between work based on who did it?

This is a bit of a rant, so if you don't want to read, don't read it.
adderskin's picture

Making mini's for people. (If anyone actually wants one)

Here are some examples:

(art (C) me characters (C) their owners.

Just post a comment with your deer's name and set in a comment and I will be happy to do you one!

1. Serenai -
2. Ryuiki -
3. Alecsander -
4. Kovah -
5. Trigger_mortis -
6. Ambience -
7. bubblywums -
8. LexFireHind -
9. Calypta -
10. Lunar_Hikari -
11. Entumente -
12. xXAliaXx -
13. gloryofdeerforever -
14. 3 -
adderskin's picture

Secret santa wishlist thingy...

Well... really I'm not fussy pretty much anything you can transfer via the internet. I would probably prefer some kind of fan-art or something like that, oh yes I do like wolves though, yes... Jeez, I really don't have much to say I'm not really a christmassy person (No, I'm not normal)... So happy christmas everybody or if you don't celebrate christmas just have a nice break.
adderskin's picture

Can I please remind people!

That can you PLEASE not sleep on or in the BZD it makes it really unfair on people who don't have regular access to the game to get hold of the zombie set without resorting to spelldata sharing. Ihate to rent but it is really getting on my nerves as I have only seen the BZD twice this month and BOTH times people have got in my way making it IMPOSSIBLE to get the set. Sorry about that guys, I know most of you don't do that but to the guys who do PLEASE can you not do that.

adderskin's picture

When does the BZD appear?

Title is pretty selfexplanatory really. When does the BZD appear? I would be really grateful if anyone could answer this question. Smiling
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