Extra Note...
Vasska does not know that he's fighting. This means that he will "play" with anyone: stags, does, minis, or fawns. He has been known to severely damage his playmates, so attack at your own risk. Do not expect him to treat your fawn or doe gently out of some sort of innate moral understanding. He has none.
More info:
Fighter's Chart
Thank you so much,
Also... you're my 100th comment! I love that number~ It's just so beautiful and round~
Oh, I think Valeera met
Snow; Was he being a little
HOMG best song ever, Shakuku.
Thank you, Ryff! XD Snow; I
Snow; I LIED! I remember which one Valeera was now! She was the fawn trying to fight off Tieff, right? XD Vasska kept trying to pull her back, but she's a headstrong little gal!
Maybe Vasska would like my
Lemme know when you have it
You mean, now?
Cuuuuute! You need IMAGES!
I know! I need to upload some
I've seen people do some
Hm, I will certainly look
On an unrelated note, how did you come up with the name shaku? Heheh.
Pleasure~! I haven't used Sai
Haha~ I came up with "Shakaku" in junior high, which apparently meant (or so I thought? I never double-checked...) "Fire Angel." As I got older, I decided I didn't like tripping over all those hard consonants, so I shortened it :3 My older friends still call me Shakaku, though~ I find it interesting that a lot of people add another "ku" to the end, making it longer again XD;; Shakuku.. haha.
Edit: Here's the link to Sai~
I would be a Shakuku'er,
That's really interesting. My username was just a play on the word "riff" which is a guitar solo type thingy. Me and my rock and roll...*unhealthyobsessionalertD:* Teehee.
I'm in a roleplaying mood, are you available for roleplay right now? :]
Haha, it really does XD I
I was wondering if "riff" was where it came from >u>
We have a couple of others going.. but if you'd like to start a new one, that's peachy with me :3 I don't reply very quickly, which is why I use forums, but if that's cool with you, I'm open to whatever~
Oh we do? Oh yeah, there's
Considering we never started it, would you mind if Vodun played with Ryff?
Sure~! Although Vodun might
Just to make sure, you want to play with the calm personality (Vodun), not the fiery one (Vasska)? Vasska recently split off from Vodun, leaving only the content, quiet deer in his wake.
Yes, I want to play with
The grey doe walked slowly in the snow, passing the Crying Idol with its tears rolling down its beautifully carved face. She had long wondered how it had gotten there, for she was sure that the Twin Gods would have been busy making deerkind rather than the beautiful statue. None the matter, it was there, and it was beautiful.
By now she was down at the bridge, her long and lush silver pelt collecting snow as she made her way to the willow, under which she sat and watched the deer on the opposite bank playing.
Vodun made his way back to
After finally reaching the pond, he took a few mouthfuls, cooling the sharp thirst that had built up along the journey, and made his way back to his usual spot: the weeping willow beside the pond. He was rather surprised to find it already attending another guest. He lowered himself into the water instead, knees seeping into the mud, taking advantage of the unusually bright and sunny day. He wouldn't have many opportunities like this as winter approached.
...so much aww. Seriously, I
And can I just say I love how you're combining common elements (like friends they both have)? It's such an intelligent decision, and so fitting that they'll always have some "say" on how the other lives. I'm so glad I like Vodun, too--he was the last one I was always unsure of, since technically Ravus had never met HIM.
I definitely approve of this
And thank yooou! It blossomed from my unwillingness to create more code XD;; Since the link is #ravus, I didn't want to have to remember a #ravus1 or #vodunsravus or anything, haha~ But I'm glad it looks spiffy! Woo, laziness!
Yah, Vodun is an odd one. He's very soft and calm, but he isn't necessarily kind. He won't immediately jump into something fun, like Phylux, or quickly hop in to protect his friends, like Dublin. He has very strong connections, such as with Ysrael and Vasska, but he doesn't expend a lot of emotional energy on anyone else. I have a lot of fun stretching my brain around him, since I had originally planned for this part of him to die when Vasska took over >u>
Lawl pretty sure Vodun just
Srsly, this place has changed so much and I've been meaning to drop by and check it out, gawds your presentationa and layouts and all your beautiful characters are so dern gorgeous~!
EDIT: I hope you know Jester and I are very good at the 'switch back to the window to find the deer in oddly different positions' game. BRING IT *shotdead* 8D
Hmm. I think I need to start
Zebbie; Lmfaooo, yesss XD I
Awww, thank you! ;u; I'm still not entirely satisfied with it, but I'm a LOT happier than I was with the original layout XD I don't think it'll probably ever change now, considering how much freaking code I'd have to mess with to change it XD;; So this css is the woman you'd BETTER love, because she sure as hell won't change herself for your sake! Haha~
Gustiro; Thankyoooou! ;u; ♥ ♥ *chews on*
Pfffft, Vasska isn't a brat,
Lol!! That's because Anjali
Oh, you probably get this a
Nice to meet ya! I'm Kiwi~ I found you through being online at the same time : )
//Grrahhh so late >.
Ryff jumped slightly as the male walked right past her, looking injured and frail, and tilted her head as he waded into the water. Despite the sun, the weather was nippy, and the water even more so.
She stood up somewhat stiffly, and then trotted up to him curiously.
"Th'water is a bit to cold for 'dat, don'tcha think?"
Kiwizoom; It's a heavily
- Using the "name" feature (which goes to a specific point on a single webpage)
- Using div boxes
There's one div box that everything else sits inside. This div box hides things that extend further than its height allows. So basically, I have a crapton of mini div boxes hidden beneath the height of that one div box. Every time you push a "link," it uses the "name" link feature to pop to that point in the page, revealing what lies under that part of the div box.
Imagine one of those old scrolls. You can't see the part that's rolled up, right? So when you click a link, it unscrolls to that part of the scroll.
...Does that make sense? So I basically just have my entire page repeated about 10+ times, including the top image XD;;
Ryff; That's okay XD
Vodun paused. He fancied himself rather invisible, and was surprised when he realized the voice was aimed in his direction.
"Oh... is it?" he replied politely, since admitting the fact that he wanted the cold would be considered strange. Instead, he played the ignorance card.
Heey! Thanks for the
I am sorry I vanished. I got
Kiwi; It isn't a simple
Thanks so much for the compliments!! ;u; ♥
Gustiro; I was wondering! ;u; Vasska was having more fun mimicking his actions. Gustiro is such a sweetheart~ I love the fact that he's so tough, except when he's dealing with something like a fawn XD
Ryff was silent and stepped
"Yah, and when y'walked past y'looked t'be hurt. Th'last thing you need is t'get cold, 'cause then ye'll get stuck."
She shivered in the water.
"Though I figure if that's how y'want it then I should be on standby."
At this she chuckled, like it was her own little joke.
Ryff, you don't need to bump
... That was a wonderful
>u< ♥ I just keep
I just keep thinking how it somehow just happened that Ravus is Vasska's mom, but like... she's so perfect for him XD *warm fuzzies*
Lmao, I agree. I love how
LMFAO YESS. I think many of
Besides, with Vasska's nature, it was logical to decide all of that in two minutes XD
Yeah, come to think of it,
And yes. xD Our impulse fawn~
I admit that sometimes I
Yeah, those make me the most happy XD
*sniff* TuT He makes me so proud.
FINALLY I'm not on my phone
"Your pelt is still beautiful and golden! Just sit there, Rire, and rest your old man bones."
I... don't think Rire has ever, ever been called "old" before xD
Rire secretly likes Vasska, I think. He wouldn't torture himself so, otherwise.
Lmfao. I think Vasska
Sianna is so confused as to
So he attached himself to the first warm body he recognized.
Thank you little fawn, for
Vasska's mouth curved into a
Shaku~! Could I get please
Ah~! Kitty! Of course! XD I
I feel bad giving you his fawn ref, because he's gonna grow up in like... a day @u@;; But I don't have an adult ref yet! Fff. So would you prefer the fawn, or do you want me to scramble together an adult real quick?
A day? :C I'll do the fawn
I'll do the fawn very quickly then :'D Besides, I can always draw him again later :3 You shouldn't rush when you don't have to^-^