Extra Note...
Vasska does not know that he's fighting. This means that he will "play" with anyone: stags, does, minis, or fawns. He has been known to severely damage his playmates, so attack at your own risk. Do not expect him to treat your fawn or doe gently out of some sort of innate moral understanding. He has none.
More info:
Fighter's Chart
10/1: Updated profile image
awrsetdgyuijok! ♥ all
sldkjfa Thankyou Zebbie and
Zebbie; Ironically listening to "Colors" by Crossfade while reading your comment, which kept saying, "These are sureeely not the beeeest colors that you shiiiine" Haha~ (They need to meeeet~ They'd get along so well XD)
Eee, mah absolute pleasure~!
And haha OH LAWD, CLEARLY YOUR PLAYLIST IS PSYCHIC OR SOMETHING ♥ How appropriate, I like it, tee hee!
Bottom line: These two. Forest.
Bed. Sometime. AwesomesauceI've been listening to
LOLOL. I can't disagree with any of that~ Oh ho ho |D ♥
Tracking this. I love reading
Thankyou, Ravus!! ;u;
Updated his actions to reflect the fact that he's no longer a fawn~
I should be tracking this
gurgelin; Thank yooou! ;u;
lol, Ryff would have fun with
Ryff; LOL~ Oh yeah, they'd
Muahaha then I guess we will
Your character and bio are
are epic. I've fallen in love~
Ryff; Muahaha >D Yes, we'll
Teffy; Omg, thank you!! ;u;
I thought I tracked this the
I could've sworn you did,
Thank you! ♥
I want to meet this guy. I
By the way, love the CSS!
ocean; Haha, come up and say
Thank you! X3
Edit: Changed his bio to reflect the fact that.. I can't make changing the spelldata change his appearance ;u; So he always wears the long mask, regardless of whether Gray or Red is in control of his body. I guess it's something in the newest version, hn? So I guess if he's acting outgoing, he's in Red mode, and if he's acting shy, he's in Gray? Or should I update with an online/offline thing for each personality here? >>
I've also been thinking of an interaction blog. Maybe I'll post online/offline status there instead...?
Ideas, plx? ;u;
I reckon an online/offline
Aaand I think I see Vo off in the distance
Jessie, I have a silly
The trick would be remembering not to exit out like you're supposed to, since that would save your spelldata with only the second set if you had chosen to play with that one in game. When you wish to leave the game, you would want to minimize the window or click the big upper right X--make it glitch and crash, so it reloads next time with both sets on again.
^extremely nooby idea for an issue you already resolved. xD
^ the part of this post that is relevant.
Zebbie; Yesssss, long overdue
Makime; Dude. Dude. You're a genius. I'm totally trying that right now *flails happily* The only difference is that Vo's gray self doesn't wear the long mask (Red uses it/red paint to define himself as a unique person).
Update: Added status and friends sections~
Reinstated personality difference: Red wears the long mask, Gray doesn't wear any mask.
*Grins.* Am I Makime? Am I
I'm SO happy it made sense and works now! I'm rushing off to class at the moment so I'll drool over Vo and his pages later.
Arghhh, you have no idea how
I love this biography, the
Omggg, thank you!! ;u;
More than welcome.
I'd love for them to meet sometime, even if it means Swansong has to stalk him~ (which is something of a developing habit)
Tracking. Had fun with your
Shame on me for not stalking
Thanks for the epicness
fillmeup; I'll keep an eye
shamiya; LOL! Oh man, I thought it might be you, but I'd only seen your "correct" picto, so I was confused~ Glitchy pictos are so frustrating~!
Vodun had a fantastic time with Sianna~ She wandered in at the perfect time XD
MrsHalloween; Thank yoooou! XD ♥
gurgelin; You're Bloo, right? XD You and your deer are epically awesome. I took lotsa pictures, but only a few didn't have that annoying "OMG WE'RE TOUCHING" ring around um~ Haha.
Yes, it looks exactly like a
Yups! That is me! ^^ Haha,
Ahh I took pictures without the love ring, but I had really bad lag so I dunno if I was able to get any good ones.. shall have a gander later when I'm not falling asleep! xD
Fillmeup; Urgh, I hate broken
gurgelin; Fffff, see, I'm one of those types that's all, "OMFG SAME SET LET'S BE FRIENDS!" XD Simply because I want people to do a double-take when they walk past.
And because all of my characters are, in some shape or form, narcissists.
Omggg, please have gotten good ones XD I want to see~! I can't figure out how to turn off the ring, haha.
Blehhhh just got Interwebs
Omg I completely forgot about
I don't get the love ring cause I don't play at highest nature detail, that's all.. I think there was some way to remove it if you wanna play at highest, though! There was some file you should remove, but I don't remember what. D:
Haha, you're right! It IS hilarious having two similar characters next to each other. Especially when it's the long mask, it looks positively silly. x'3 Hope we can get together again sometime. ^^
Ryff; Omg, thank you, Ryff!
gurgelin; I love you SO much for posting this! XD I remember seeing something about removing the ring... but there's a part of me that likes it sometimes (especially when it's dark).
Most definitely! I'm sure we will XD Vo gravitates toward Makime, Karuna, and Ravus, so they're bound to bump into each other, haha~
:3 you can drop by any time
I beleive you met my
Ryff; Thanks so much!
Tenley; Yessss~ Your girl is so cute! (IlovethenameSplinter..) Vo was really sad to see her go ;u;
(derpdeepdurrf gonna jus'
Ryff stood in the pond, her head bowed into some water plants that were farly tasty.
(Haha~ That's lovely
Vodun stared at himself in the pond reflection, watching the ripples distort his face. The water suddenly kicked up a new flurry of motion, and Vo raised his gaze, cautiously watching a new arrival. He was tired, and the water felt good against his legs. He could lie down here, and the newcomer would never know he existed...
But that wouldn't be very nice, would it? He shook his head, feeling foolish.
"Hello," he said uneasily, flicking his tail. His voice felt raspy and unused... or, perhaps, overused? Red had acted as though his body were indestructible. Now they were both paying the price. He coughed, clearing his throat. "Lovely day, isn't it?"
Splinters is dieing at the
Splinters; W... what? Why?
I like this character. And
And your arts~
<3 :')
Thank you, minimuuh~! X3
Swiftly becoming one of my
Serenai; Thank youuuuu TTuTT
Vodun would be SO pleased to hear that~
Oh, da. Few wouldn't. I hope.
Few wouldn't. I hope. ouo
Just the grumpy ones >u>
Gosh, I love how you've done