A Css Question

BrokkenSaint's picture
Okay so, I'm trying to figure out how to put these two boxes side by side. I've read a few things that say to make it float a certain direction, but I didn't really understand it. So could someone help me out on this please?

The boxes are under the cut.

Example box #1

Example Box #2
Impact's picture

Try doing: [flo

Try doing:

[flo at=left]box1[/f loat]
[fl oat=right]box2[/fl oat]


[fl oat=left]box1[/flo at][fl oat=right]box2[/flo at]

(remove the spaces)
BrokkenSaint's picture

Thank you, it worked ^^.

Thank you, it worked ^^.
Impact's picture

Any time

Any time Smiling