Ysrael is the embodiment of the human soul of a young girl
named Isabel who committed suicide at the age of seventeen.
Her human body survived in a comatose state for the initial
period after the attempt, during which she first appeared in the
forest as a fawn. She had few to no human memories, but had
very humanlike emotions, and was frequently visited by her
younger sister who's presence was so strong that she also
manifested alongside Ysrael as a fawn, herself, whenever
she was at Isabel's side.
Once Ysrael had aged into her adult form in the forest, however,
her sister stopped appearing entirely, signifying Isabel's death
had finally come to pass.
Ysrael has lived as a human-faced deer ever since, her body unable
to age and her humanlike qualities slowly deteriorating over time.
The Endless Forest acts as her purgatory.
(test comment, for later)
Holy. Wowzaaah. Your stuff
Your stuff never ceases to amaze me ♥ I adore the mood of this blog, too-the stars are stunning, and foaiusdfoaiud YOUR AAAAART *explode*
Plus yanno, it's like, illegal for me not to megastalk this, of course :3 *rolls about all over this wonderfulness* ♥ ♥ ♥
EDIT: Lawl ninja test comment 8D *boot'd*
♥ You interest
You interest me.
Both of you.
now you shall be the test subject of my comment backgrounds as well, AHAHAHAHAA;;
But in all seriousness, thank you so much ;w; I'm terrible at CSS but rather adequate at... dissecting it hahaha
@Serenai: ah, thank you ♥ I will try to hold that interest as best I can.
This blog needs to be
Ahh, how beautiful~&hearts
By Leuvr ♥
Hnnn... I meant to track this
Gorgeous bio~ And I obviously love your art 8D
This really is interesting,
Ah comments @_@ /has not been
Thank you all for your words~ Hopefully soon there will be something more substantial here haha;;
Awwwh Ysrael looks so
I love how the picture you have up of her right now makes it look like she is made of stars!
This is a lovely biography! may I ask what code you used to make the background scroll with you?
(fails at CSS DX)
May I also ask where you get this amazing music from?! I have fallen in LOVE with the song you have playing... makes me think of the ocean/galaxy/life/sadness AT the same time... it's also got a kind of nostalgic feel. Such a beautiful song...
But anyways I MUST TRACK THIS BEAUTY! I should add Forest Actions to Makime's biography once I start making it... I don't know where to start OTL|||
*pets Ysrael* Ya know to this day I still have not encountered her in the forest! The only time I did was at the bridge dance party and I didn't even notice her there were so many deer around!
I must fix this and watch out for you!
All in all I love this biography I want to marry it and live with it forever&ever!
eto eto;; The code to make
The code to make the background stay in a fixed position is 'background-attachment: fixed'.
And hahaha I do not know how to code either I just find a ridiculous amount of stuff from everywhere and put it in until the end result looks decent LOL;;; If anyone actually viewed the page source they'd see how messy the coding really is O_O
The music is from a game called Machinarium! I have never played it, but it is a sort of artistic exploration game where you play as a robot who is trying to find his lost robot girlfriend ;u; The game has the most beautiful soundtrack ever,,, The one that is playing is called 'The Glasshouse With Butterfly'.
I think Ysrael spotted you once, sleeping in the blue bowl. I had her fall asleep next to your little fawn~♥
And if you marry it you must watch over it's ten children who all have no college funds!!!! /oh noes
Love the new profile pic *u*
uhuhuhuu ty ty;; *u* I'll
I'll prolly change it a few more times before I find one I'll actually keep though lol
Track'd. I LOVEEEE this
I LOVEEEE this character.
Wow, this is such an
And the page is so dreamy. It's too stimulous for my imagination.
Lol, that sounds like me... I
That game sounds interesting... I'll have to look it up, see if i can snag a copy x3
Well from jsut this song I can say one thing, it comes close to topping on of my favorite songs of all time... but not quite. My favorite song of all time it "Time" from the movie inception <333
Oh so that was you? I kept trying to view your pictogram but the flowers vieled little Ysrael. makime was tempted to go sleep next to you so that magic gold circle would happen and he could view the pictogram orz|||
;n; w-what?! 10 KIDS?! Uh.... alright fine! C'MERE KIDDIES!
Ooh I will make sure to look
Haha awww that sounds cute~ And lol I like how you call it the 'magic gold circle'. XD The picto wouldn't have shown up properly, anyways. It's missing the two vertical lines on other people's TEFs. BUT it might just be me or something but I think the new update remedied that... Since I saw her picto in someone else's screenshot from the beta and it had the lines. o:
/kids glomp you ♥
I love your day 30 entry~
Thank you, Shaku~ It's always
Why am I not tracking this.
She's beautiful. <3
So mystifying and gorgeous. I
I love this character and I especially love the atmosphere of this biography.
This is amazing! I adore this
thank you thank you, and
Love the new profile pic~ She
Ohmanohmanohman! This new
This new music <3333
And that picture <333
Ysrael's biography NEVER seizes(sp?) so amaze me <3333
Whoa. This is so pretty! =O
@shaku: ohh, that's an
@makime: Thank you! This song is from the game Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future. (aka my most favorite weird sci-fi game of all time). There are so many pretty songs from the soundtrack that it'll probably switch around some more haha ;;
@havak: Thank you very much! ♥
I havn't finished it tho, it's a really hard game DX
but I loves Ecco the Dolphin ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Wooow~! ♥ Insta-track
Why can I never find you in
I love that into paragraph it
What part are you on? Maybe I can give you some pointers if you wanna finish it l-lol ;;
@xylv: thank you for the track! ♥
@kitty: I have no idea orz;; I have no life so I'm in there most of the time hahaha ;; during the afternoon, at least.
@Tera: Thank you! ;w;
I'm... I'm still on the
I've had glimpes of the other levels through youtube and I'm sad cause I can't bring myself to go through that friggins cary cave DX
I usually just stick around the first level and just swim and talk to myself.
That cave... ughhhh it's so scary to me! The ocean scares me but intrigues me at the same time... even for a game Ecco does that XD
mmm The big cave where you
orz;; I remember I was so scared of it too, it especially didn't help that my tv was uber dark and all I could see was the glowfish. I can't count how many times I panicked and ended up ramming poor Ecco into walls in an attempt to get him back out to the surface///
And there was that other long tunnel that lead into the great white pool that had the MAN EATING PIRANHAS or whatever they were ;_; those things ate me a bunch of times lol.
Eventually I learned to turn the brightness up and then I COULD SUDDENLY SEE EVERYTHING it was amazing
I stayed at the first level for ages too haha. I would just not talk to the mother whale and pretend that the Foe never came and exploded the guardian and everyone stayed happy ;__; I don't even remember how I made myself go through with actually playing it LOL
I have no idea, I'm so scared
Oh man that sucks D:
My T.V is light but that cave is still so... ugh!
WHAT PIRANHAS?! *shiver*
Same I would pretend that Ecco was some sort of outkast dolphin and he liked this one girl dolphin and saves her from sharks OMGNOWAI XD
I liked hiding in that one hollow log OvO
Ahem, okay done with rage XD
But yes Ecco is like one of my fav games ever <333333
Be brave! ;_; Ecco is a nice
and uh
there are no piranhas what are you talking about// I think if you swim fast enough they leave you alone but I don't remember ;;
LMAO omg that sounds so beautiful;; I would always swim around in the group with those green dolphins and do crazy awesome tricks hehe.
I got stuck on both of them otl;;
I'll try to be brave but
Sure... sure there aren't XD// Swim fast enougg, got it *scribbles it in her notebook*
Oh yeah, swimming witht hem and going everywhere and do crazy mad skillz tricks! XDD Ah the memories....
Man that... that sucks XD I mean getting stuck on the rock that's all pointy... XD
You have my sympathies tho, I too have listened to Ecco's desperate cries as he choked to death in that DUMB YET AWESOME LOG!
Trust me, all that stuff is
Also, I think there were two tunnels leading into the great white area, one incredibly long black tunnel (that you can light up with friendly yellow glow fish if you get them to follow you
LOL I have no idea how I managed to get stuck on the rock lmao;; I think I might have just kept rolling up it on purpose every time I started slipping to see how long I could stay there and then BOOM I'm dead. Guess poor little Ecco dried out or something ;__; /feels bad
gosh I'm starting to want to play this game again arghh
Last time I picked it up I got stuck in Perpetual Fluidity, though o__o
/runs off to check
((lol sorry to ask but umm,
Sorry if you've been asked
I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.
@two: Ah, let me rummage
body{background-image: url('');color:black; background-attachment: fixed;
This is the code for the background background, but not for the one for the comment backgrounds. I doubt this is very helpful at all orz;;; I am terrible at explaining things.
@eyestrain: It is no trouble, Eye! The song is 'Shrine of Controversy' from the Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future game sountrack. (:
"You think you know me, do
♥ ♥ ♥
Woo, that font is practically invisible on your background. My apologies ;u; I'll play around with it~
"Mistaken...? Your words
~ ~ ~
Haha it doesn't look invisible to me. XD Perfectly legible.
You've certainly held my
"It has been a while... I
He's trying to say "more mature" or "darker," but he dislikes both of those concepts, so he's avoiding putting them into words |D
Weird... if I change computers, it looks more legible XD;; Maybe it was just my screen..?
@Serenai: I am
"He...? Vodun... Who is it that you speak of? It seems I am not the only one who has changed."
~ ~ ~
Haha I see. XD
And my screen likes to randomly become darker or lighter whenever it feels like it... @_@ Makes it hard to get the brightness settings correct when I'm drawing stuff ugh;;
I love everything about your
/creepy comment for creepy stalk
Whenever I look at her bio
I feel so stupid. I just
MAN. I am stupid. xD I've always looked at your picto and wondered who you are... ahahaha... anyway, *double stalk now.* I've always adored your deer even without knowing who she was. xD