Another Archive blog for Sabel, so that way the wall of text in the other one won't crash x-x" I'll probably end up doing a few of these and linking them in the first archive.
You are in chapter two.

My eyes feel so heavy.
I try and rub the sleep out of them.
Where am I?
February 17th, 2016
...Strange smells... familiar smells... so dark. I open my eyes. Disbelief- what? I'm back in the Old Oak. but where is Sadiki...? How long had I been here? I could not smell him or any other familiar scents. Wait- I remember! I remember them! Quickly stood to soon regret it as I felt a little weak in the limbs. Waited for a little while to steady myself before feeling fine and gallivanting happily from beneath the shelter of the tree.
It's so good to be home!
Began quickly searching for Mandel, Jovan, rosie, Sadiki, Cole, and Acacia as they were some of the large group that had been present when I'd gone off to sleep. Missed them dearly- the shadows in my mind had no been enough. Maybe the dragon, Dazenth, would be around too!
Rhomped around the forest with fawns for a while, keeping a respectful distance from a large
white stranger that seemed rather familiar.

After a while, took a small rest near the river streaming into the pond and had a nice long drink. Really needed it.
While walking about, curiously followed a stranger. Unfamiliar with ram horns, a beluga pelt, and a skull mask. Was certain they were becoming worried with my following- did not mean to upset. Was rather surprised to find them taking a resting place near
the white stranger from earlier and some other strangers, but greeted them and a waking companion warmly all the same. Curiosity sated, I quickly made good distance between us and listened intently. I could not smell my familiar friends, and the shadows of them from my mind began to play again. I missed them. Where? Where are they?
Trotted past some deer in play near a mushroom patch and purple flowers, dancing in the sunlight. Curiously found a stranger within the middle of the patch and sniffed at them curiously. Friendly? yes! When they stood, they cast a spell upon me and I became a squirrel! Ran around them teasingly while they giggled about it. Was asked to sit when the spell was sneezed off and obliged. Decided to affectionately call this stranger
Eventually formed a small herd with three others who I came to call Hook, Weave, and Chez. Nicknames I would give them until we all decided to formal introduce ourselves after playing!
Every now and then the group would end up losing on or two who dawdled behind, but eventually we'd be back together again- dancing, prancing, playing! Relieved the stress of wondering where the others were. I would find them, soon.

Hook liked to wear purple poppies, while Weave adored red cordial flowers that grew near the ruins. They adorned these on their heads as we played.
Weave went in and out of the group casually, while Chez and Hook took their leave. Became curious of a stranger in passing and lost Oah, finding the stranger made a peculiar noise when they called. They had been responding to the calls I had been making to call the fawns. Rhomped about with them playfully for a while, deciding to give them the nickname Tok. No one seemed very gander for introductions today. But I would gladly remember them nonetheless.
Eventually, we returned to the mushroom patch from before where Oah took their leave- and I was left with Tok. The orange stranger seemed calm in my company however, so I did not mind.
After sitting idly with Tok and enjoying one another's company, we cast spells on one another and became a bird and bat, chasing each other through the trees. Was a little distracted though- a white stranger nearby had been slowly moving, limping at a distance and took a while to get out of sight. They did not seem to want to be noticed.
Eventually bid Tok farewell after dancing with them in order to head back to the Old Oak and contemplate things- how long I had been gone with Sadiki, and where the stag was now. How long we had been separated since then. The only familiar face in the entire forest had been the white stranger, who had been quite fearsome during the rut and several days after. From a distance, the creature looked generally peaceful and as if he lived the same life that any of the forest dwellers did. He had those who wished to stay close to him, and those who required distance. Always seemed to be sleeping or resting when nearby, but I had heard stories of a much more violent side to this stranger. Hopefully things around Sadiki, Cole, and Mandel hadn't been too rough. it was irregular to not be able to detect any of these familiar faces- even Acacia's soft hoofbeats and bleating were not found.
"I shall find them later perhaps... I hope."
Left the tree a little while later and encountered three strangers with butterfly pelts at the crying idol. Curiously bowed in greeting, but they did not return the gesture. Perhaps that was not the way they said hello? Tilted head in curiosity to find one of them trotting over to sniff me. Observed the greeting with fascination- was usually a sign of affection. Found that the third stranger with the deer face was more familiar with my greeting, but quickly left to rest at a tree. The one that oddly greeted me by sniffing seemed to pause and watch from a distance across the small river coming from the Crying Idol. Decided to take my time leaving and measured they meant no ill will after several paces.
Soon ran into an owl-faced stranger with an old pelt. As first, they did not take notice of me as I stood from a patch of purple poppies. On their second way around the ruins though, as they were running around them with a fawn, they noticed meet and took to greeting. Elatedly followed the stranger for company- whether they intended to get me to or not. Was eager to play. Happily followed them to the pond before they fell in, giggling at their misfortune. They resurfaced on the other side where a stranger with a plain pelt was drinking from, startling them! Rhomped around with the owl face and collected a fawn, with the plain pelted stranger following as we all went to the Twin Gods statues. Played a little bit of devout tag with the group before deciding it was best to head back to the Old Oak. However, a short distance away I observed a stranger sleeping beneath a fallen tree- I think. Uncertain. Are they alright...? they did not appear bothered. might check up on this later.
Mistook a stranger for Sadiki and almost woke them while they were sleeping out of pure excitement.
"I think this is starting to get to me..."
February 18th, 2016
"Alright, let's go searching again!"
Awoke energized in the Old Oak, stretching and yawning contentedly. Today I would once again attempt to find my companions- and perhaps, make a few new ones.
After leaving the Old Oak, pranced around near the Crying Idol- seemed quite busy today. Sensed Oah nearby but was eager to greet a stranger replying to my calls. Followed their voice and found they had been near me already, and began playing! It was a small, grey owl faced stranger. Curiously pricked ears when I saw Sadiki nearby. Sadiki! Carefully walked up to and nuzzled. Then playfully bounced around him in excitement! He looked rather wary though. Curious.

Was happy to greet Jovan! He seemed just as happy.

heard Oah calling and followed their moos to the usual mushroom patch, only to find Dazenth greeting me. I was excited to see the red dragon again! Nuzzled affectionately. He seemed to be looking for someone, so I lead him to
Sadiki, Jovan, a familiar light tan stag, and several others. Cole appeared to be there. Was confused by his aggression and Sadiki's agitation towards the dragon. Got between Cole and Dazenth to prevent fighting. Did not work. ended up taking off with Sadiki, and telling Dazenth to rest at the Old Oak and keep his distance. Was terrified to find him coming back moments later and getting into another scuffle with Cole. Tried telling him to go away.
"Please... you're getting hurt!"
Maybe Cole was as confused by the way I was treating Dazenth. Couldn't stop the chasing, the fighting. Fightened. Stayed near Sadiki and kept them from accidentally hitting him. Shooed the poor dragon away several times to find him coming back.
Dazenth... I know we need to talk... but this... this isn't helping!
He bid me farewell after a few minutes with Cole running him off again. It was obvious at this point that Dazenth's relations with some of the forest had worsened.
What do I do? Sadiki had been trying to convince me not to help.
But he's my friend too...
Timid to get up. Dazenth finally left, hopefully with few wounds. Cole seems more than angry- afraid to approach. Concerned for both of them- how did this happen? Watching warily as Cole and Jovan speak.
If I do anything it could cause trouble...
Stayed by Sadiki until he required rest. His eyes showed tiredness and worry, though the stag attempted to mask it.
"What happened to everyone... while we were gone...?"
Distanced myself from the group after greeting two strangers near Cole and Jovan, heading back to the Old Oak. The two looked like they were privately conversing- would probably be best to allow them space.
Returned shortly (becausewhynot) to find the group had calmed down and was greeted by a grey owl face. Greeted them very warmly and cheered up a little, sitting a respective distance away. The familiar stag of a light tan color soon took his leave. Eventually, after speaking to Jovan, Cole and I had a short talk. Questioned his injuries and asked about the conflict between he and Dazenth. Did not learn much, other than whatever had happened- it was enough to make Cole want to maul the dragon. Respectfully accepted his warnings.
Based on what I know... if I do not stay out of this, it will end in tragedy. But the same shall occur if I do. there must be a way to keep the peace.
After speaking with him, consoled Jovan. Learned that the stag was somehow ill- an unfamiliar illness at that. One not of the body, but of the mind from his hinting. [i[The only cure for a sick mind is love, but is he willing to accept such a thing? Do the circumstances allow it?[/i] Allowed the stag to be alone for now, but invited he and Cole to visit the Old Oak should they feel the need.
How long can I stay out of this before my emotions get the better of me? As they have gotten the better of most creatures? No matter their knowledge, no matter what outcomes they see... it takes more than simple vigilance to stand aside. It takes wisdom. Wisdom I do not yet have.
Later, awoke and took a leisurely stroll through the forest, greeting passerbys- even if they were sleeping. So many unfamiliar faces. The only one that did seem familiar though, appeared to be slumbering for a long time near the pond. Strange. Was it hurt? Would investigate later. Ended up rhomping int he blue bowl and resting, before my interest was piqued by a passing
stranger I had seen earlier at the crying idol. Greeted them and got a rather slow response, but was quite happy to attempt to play! Unfortunately, they did not seem up for it and began walking away. Perhaps they were not a playful stranger....? Decided to let the feeling of misunderstanding ebb away as I played within the blue flowers. Was surprised to find them returning- greeted them again, but did not bouncy bounce this time. then they gave a polite bow of farewell. How strange! Perhaps they were simply busy?
After wandering a bit, I lay in the pond to relax to the sound of the frogs and cicadas. It was nice to feel water on my skin after so long.
Walked back towards the Old Oak, finding myself curious of another
stranger that I had passed several times on my way around the pond and back. Curiously sniffed at them, but decided it was best to leave them be.
Eventually perched at the ruins, where I was approached by a bat that I rather playfully pursued in a game of chase. Became aware at some point that they were attempting to lose me, and decided to give up chasing them. Wary from the days events, I headed home.
February 19th, 2016
Awoke at the Old Oak to find a little
fawn had cuddled up next to me. Curious. Stayed by the little one's side. They moved a little every now and then to perhaps become more comfortable.

While speaking with the little one who I came to know as
Penn, a large group of deer approached the Old Oak. Was confused at first, but one smelled and looked familiar.
Rosie! Greeted her with much snuffing and nuzzles, celebrating her appearance! Was surprised to see that she had gained considerable weight. Wait a minute... pregnant? Little Rosie? Confusion, but much happiness. New life was blooming in the forest! Spent much time playing with the large herd, noticing that Rosie was sitting in the background watching. After a little while, everyone formed a cuddle pile with her.
A few strangers joined the party, one of them being a strange canine. grew rather fond of his playful nature quickly, and enjoyed dancing and playing with the stranger.
Could smell Dazenth a little ways off. Was wondering if the Dragon was doing alright- bid the group farewell shortly to check up on him.
Returned with Dazenth and greeted the group with him, as well as Bayleen. However, found that the canine became rather aggressive towards him and meandered over to the Old Oak. Spoke with Dazenth and decided it was best to leave the group for now- was not going to have any scuffles around Rosie.
Sat with Dazenth at the ruins, speaking about how some issues could be resolved. But the solutions seemed fewer than the questions. Contemplating... something. It was not right to alienate him. But it was not right to bring him to other friends who did not like him either. Meeting in secret was dishonest.
I... have to make a choice. But I can't do any of those... those cruel horrible things.
After a long talk, a strange and a familiar face passed by. We curiously approached them before they took their time leaving. After a short while however, Jovan approached. Dazenth bid me farewell, and in my confusion, I left them be for now. Headed back to the Old Oak to let my heavy heart and mind rest.
I do not wish to be involved in this.
Left the tree after a brief rest and headed to the pond, where I ran into one
familiar face and one stoic stranger. Both reminded me of the time Tochza and a similar blue figure were trying to skate on the frozen pond with me. Elatedly pranced about with the little blue one, but found that the other was greatly confused by our play. We all rested near a stump after a few moments.
After a while, the small blue one left and I decided to teach the stoic one how to play! Dancing seemed to stick, but they didn't appear to understand bounciness or running about in circles. (may or may not have mixed he and his companion up)

After resting for a while and attempting to play again, bid the stranger farewell. Hoped that iI had given them some enjoyment and that they would be able to greet others.
Ran into a familiar butterfly coated stranger at the pond, next to widowmaker. greeted them curiously, and ended up following them to the crying Idol. Jovan was with two others by a tree.
Tentatively greeted Jovan, asking him how he was and expressing distress about the current situation. Was curious about Mandel's whereabouts, as these two were usually in good company.
My chest hurts, my throat is throbbing. My heart ache has grown and I find it hard to speak. Grief. It makes... the weight of everything so heavy. How could someone so fond and kind be gone? How could the silly gentleman I know be gone?
Took Jovan's advice and went to the Old Oak, where Rosie approached me. Was not sure if she came knowing or was revisiting, but was glad for her company. Jovan came shortly after.

(Image provided by chizzu c: )
It hurts to know that he's gone. I feel as if it shouldn't but... I remember him. His smiling eyes, his energy and understanding. I remember you.
Very clingy. Veeeeeeeery clingy.
Jovan lent me their shoulder to lean on, and ended up crying. After a little while though, he cheered me up with small pokes of fun about recent events.
Thank you, my friend.
Rested with Jovan for a while. However, smelled someone unfamiliar lurking outside of the tree. It was a small little deer. Instantly attempted to become friendly with- somewhat successful? Eventually, after proper greeting and small play, the little one lay nearby in the Old Oak's hollow. Was quite curious about.
After the little one left, spent a good deal of time giving playful back and forth banter to Jovan. Enjoyed his company greatly, and wished that we had spoken more often. Hopefully that would be in the future. Eventually, he needed to leave. Bid him a grateful farewell before settling. Though I had done little today, I was drained.
May tomorrow be brighter.
February 20th, 2016
Let us see what the day brings.
Meandered around the forest for a little, grooming myself every now and then. Had not slept very well last night, but was not over exhausted. Rested for a little bit before heading to a patch of blue flowers near the crying idol, laying in them for a little while. While walking down the river from the crying idol, I spied a tiny little one crawling out of the water. They were unfamiliar, but certainly some type of
deer fawnling. Greeted them excitedly and ended up running through the forest with them, flitting through the trees and running in circles around other strangers. (For an hour)
Stopped by every now and then to greet unfamiliar faces, who also appeared to be tiny. Eventually a Raven passed by, and we playfully decided to follow it at short distance until it promptly left. Much playfulness ensued, between dancing and play!
After a while, grew weary and brought them over to the Old Oak so that I could rest. Did not expect them to stay, but enjoyed their company nonetheless.
Woke up a little while later and headed to the pond for a drink, playing with a familiar stranger at the pond. Shortly after, I ran into
Rosie! Happily greeted and found her willing to dance today. happily and lightly played with, finding out that
Hyrda was her grandmother. Pretty, pretty dragon! I think? Uncertain if draconian or not. Sat with Rosie for a while as strangers greeted her, and decided to take her to the blue bowl for some relaxing- away from the croaking frogs of the pond. She may be giving birth to her little ones soon. Considering the little frequented blue bowl as a good hiding place, if she likes the idea. Very fretful for the future of the fawns if more trouble arises- must not let harm come to.
After a while, a small little one named
Tomo greeted Rosie and I. Was curious about how they knew each other and happy to play while Rosie watched! Ran about in circles with them for a long while. Then, Rosie got up for unknown reasons and began walking away. Followed her with Tomo to find Sadiki had been nearby. Happily bounced about and greeted him excitedly, laying with the group.
Had a bit of small talk with Sadiki about things in the forest, in the past, and about Mandel. Thankfully he knows how to prevent things from falling into sadness- was grateful for his company. Stayed by his side with Rosie and Tomo, eventually falling asleep. Seemed very common today.
A very long while later, Sadiki bid the group farewell. Nuzzled and bowed- grateful for his company. Fell back asleep.
Awoke quite some time later to find that the rest of the group had disappeared- heard many hoofbeats in the distance. A large cluster of dear were running about- some familiar butterfly pelts who hung about near the Crying Idol, and some unfamiliar faces. Was not sure if it was play, but felt the ominous sensation of "
stay away'. Passed the group and went for a drink at the pond, then over to the Old Oak. met a familiar grey stranger with a golden mask and sharp v-curved horns along the way, and greeted them playfully. Noticed many skull faces about. Greeted a dark brown stranger with a pale face, but my playfullness may have been mistaken for aggression. Bowed in apology and decided to leave them be to prevent any further misunderstandings.
Went tot he pond to get a drink, passing a blue sleeping stranger. It seemed the pond was becoming a common resting place, but only for one deer at a time. What a curious pattern!
Saw the familiar butterfly pelt who had led me to Jovan and happily thanked them. Found that unlike the last time, they seemed to be up for play and jesting! Bounced about and danced with the
butterfly-stranger and kept them company. eagerly followed them as they headed around the pond to a tree, and rested with them.

Eventually they left while I was unaware. Decided to rhomp around the forest for a little while, running into a strange
Owl face. They seemed to be able to float in the air and were quite playful! Greatly enjoyed chasing them about and attempting to understand their body language. Followed them around for a little bit and ended up encountering a
red stranger. They seemed confused by our playfulness and were tolerant of it, but walked away after a short while. Followed owl face who seemed very interested in them, and lay in a pile of purple flowers near small trees.
Eventually owl face fell asleep. left the two to allow them peace. Encountered an orange stranger who appeared to be quite playful, dancing and running about. Followed them through the forest on a fun chasey-chase. Eventually, we heard some fawns mooing and began mooing in response until the two of them joined us for playing and bouncing about! Happily nuzzled them all after a long fun time and headed to the Old Oak.
February 21st, 2016
Woke up rather energetic today! Ran about the forest for a good while, pausing every now and then after realizing I had slept quite late. Passed many strangers, in huddles and groups. many unfamiliar faces today.
While walking along, a
little one seemed to spot me and take an immediate interest. Played with them and bounded around the trees gleefully. After a few short moments, we sat together while a small herd played nearby.

As they fell asleep, recognized them from the last visit! Elated to see and nuzzled. Playfully snuggled on top of birdy friend until we both fell asleep.
February 22nd, 2016
Woke up in the same spot as yesterday, with the little one no longer in my company. Was happy to have spent time with them, and eager to go out for much running and playing! Did so and came across a small group rather quickly- many unfamiliar faces! Decided to keep a respectful distance, jumping about in circles to see if one would come over. One did! A stranger dark brown pelted stranger, with rather lovely tines. Bounced about with them, noticing that two form their group were looking about anxiously. Why? Decided to bounce a bit farther away with their friend. Soon, they ran over to another stranger! Followed and found them up for play! happily continued rhomping about, and followed the two as they ran through the forest in search of spell trees. It seemed as if the stranger frmt eh group was following the stranger who was alone- rather curious about relationship and who they were. Unable to get a name however- as while we were in a mushroom patch, the dark brown one left. Decided to keep the other stranger company for now.
Was running together with the stranger when suddenly, a little one tripped over the bridge and spell pelted me! Much giggling and curiousness- the stranger left me behind while I went to investigate. It was a familiar blue stranger I had seen over the past few days. Followed them with the devout pelt spell for a little and they led me to Rosie! Greeted the doe with much warm nuzzles and laughter. Found they were in more familiar company, including a white owl face I had seen around Jovan as of late. Greeted them warmly as they seemed curious, and kept the group company. heard the familiar mooing of the butterfly stranger I had seen a few days ago who'd led me to Jovan- not sure if I should go to them. Wants to.
Cannot sense them nearby. perhaps they left?
Became curious after hearing many hoofbeats int eh distance, and shortly went to investigate. Followed the sound to a trio heading towards their home, perhaps/ greeted them and quickly took my leave- curiosity fulfilled. Happy to see new faces though! Returned tot he group to find the small blue one from earlier casting pelt spells. rosie appeared to be getting agitated- nuzzled up to her to try and keep her calm. The little one came by again and rosie didn't seem to like that very much- heard much scuffling about. Another of her group seemed to console her- kept an eye out. Must keep the little one away before danger. Decided to follow them if they came by again. They might be in need of play, but away from Rosie.
A little minideer came by with an owl-like pelt, along with one that had a spotted pelt, and we all began to bounce about and play in happy greetings! Bounced a bit away from Rosie's den to try and pull the group with me so we would not disturb her sleeping. They had very erratic, playful behavior which was not easy to read- but greatly enjoyed trying to do so. After a little bit, Rosie woke up and needed a drink so She, I and a
grey deer with a secretary mask we'd been playing with headed down to the pond. After a quick drink, the procession (or as chizzu calls it, "lame Train" xD) went back to the den.
Without my notice, the
familiar white owl face from earlier had vanished. Found them running to the group again, and greeted them with nuzzles. Sat with them and watched the one I had come to know as
Anneliese from afar. Eventually got up after Rosie assured me she would be alright by herself with her grandmother, and greeted the doe!
After that, sensed Cole nearby. Happily went over to greet him, but found that he wasn't very aware. Took advantage of this and quickly put a flower in his hair to see if he might notice it. Decided to stay near for company.
After a little while, heard Comen mooing in the distance and invited him to play- also running into a
a familiar blue stranger, and light brown stag. Play with the two and formed a herd of sorts, running around the forest and casting spells. Sensed Cole had moved to another place and mischievously decided to bring the group over in an attempt for a cuddle pile, but ended up in a spell war instead. lead the group over to the pond for much splashing and mooing, and ran into Dazenth! The dragon appeared quite tired and was busy submerging himself a little.
Eventually fell asleep somewhat submerged with a little one, to find later they had left. Was grateful for their company, and happy with today's outcome. Decided to head to the Old Oak shortly to relfect before a
long forest run.
Frolicked about in the blue bowl and raced around the trees, keeping familiar with the forest and greeting those that were asleep. Enjoy racing about and watching as others played in the distance, stopping every now and then to roll around in the grass and flowers. Adorned my head with some purple poppies for a short time, letting them fall away as I ran. Ran into Comen yet again- as he was alone and standing within the birch forest in the tall grass. greeted him happily and decided to stay with him for a good while. Fell asleep at some point and woke up to find him facing me, resting.
Silly! I'm awake now!
Eventually we parted ways. Took this time to run about the forest yet again! Ran into a familiar grey stranger with a golden mask. Decided to try and play with them! Found that they were either aggressively playful or did not bounce very much, but enjoyed adapting to their playstyle.
met up with the butterfly friend from the last few days! Elated, greeted and played. Followed them after bidding the grey stranger farewell. Sat with them for a while but then COLE. Surprised to find him casting a pelt spell on me! Perhaps it was revenge for the flower. Happily chased after him and bounced around the stag dog in circles. Curiously found him leading me to the blue bowl where a group was sleeping- Draven and another. Decided to rest a respectful distance away, but found myself being pushed into the cuddle pile.
Unusual. Cole usually kept his distance and the doe had to get closer herself. Decided that by his looks he wasn't going to like being thrown questions.
Eventually fell asleep in the cuddle pile after grooming an unconscious Cole. Left the purple poppy in his hair and secured it- ensuring much silliness for Cole later. Perhaps he would be cured of whatever was making him so exhausted and messy looking with sleep- or at least, a cuddle pile.
I wonder what tomorrow will bring?
February 24th, 2016
Has a bit of trouble getting up today- the heart ache returned. Unable to shake the feeling of a heaviness within me- the one I had been keeping at bay. Spent a good deal of time within the Old Oak, attempting to keep the toxic feeling from growing, but this only made it pursue me.
Please let today be kind... like the past few. Hoping upon hopes that the Dragon's words were true.
I know you would not lie to me. But I need to see him- to know. It is a horrible aching.
Puzzled about what to do for the conflict between Cole and Dazenth.
I know I cannot directly intervene- and should not. but .... our ties may cause it to inevitably happen.
Eventually came to sit in a flower patch near the blue bowl after taking a long walk from the Old Oak. I came across my familiar butterfly friend, who appeared to be greeting a very pale brown deer. Unfamiliar. Sat with them for a while - and then the pale one got up and began doing... something in the grass. A ritual? Uncertain. Watched it with some interest, mood becoming a little better. it was hard not to keep a soft smile around someone I enjoyed being around.
Wandered through the forest with the pair, beginning to cheer up a bit in their company. Was not feeling energetic enough to bounce about at the moment, but circled some trees every now and then. Noticed unfamiliar hoof or claw marks on some- strange. Continued to follow the pair until we passed around the Old Oak again, the butterfly friend bidding us farewell at the Crying Idol. Decided it was best to head to the Old Oak for now- to reflect a little. Much better mood now though.
Woke up a short while later to find
tiggy approaching! Was happy to see another familiar face ad nuzzled. much better after the nap- enjoyed dancing and playing with the stag! He'd grown a great deal, too. Entertained the little one with stories about where I had been, and received much of the same in return. Eventually we were joined by a
large dark stranger, who seemed quite playful and friendly- although, in a much calmer way than I normally would have been. How strange! Spoke with the dark one for a good long while as well, treating wounds they appeared to have received from "witches".
Spent a good deal of time with the dark one only to find them getting high on some strange plant they pulled out of... what is that... a "bag"? Very curious about all of these belongings they wear, along with the black knife they keep- which they appear to be named after. Startled when they passed out for a few seconds- kept them company and helped prop them up. Fell asleep a short time after.
February 25th, 2016
Good morning~
Woke up in the Old Oak, stretching and yawning. Wandered around the pond and blue bowl very shortly, running into
Dazenth! Or well, being run into. As I was leaving the pond, the dragon caught up with me. Nuzzled and rolled around with him, running around the tress for a little bit. Sat and rested with the dragon comfortably only to find
Cole approaching. Very odd. Curious. Followed him away from the dragon for a few moments only to find him planting a kiss on my face! Very confused. Stuffed flowers in his mouth with a pinecone.
Eventually the wolf beasty dropped the strange behavior and became himself. Felt much more comfortable around him. He also appeared to have brought a strange
feline stranger with him- curious. Greeted them, but noticed Dazenth had long since left.
Oh dear...
Followed Cole after he headed to a
friend of his, who appeared to be expecting little ones. She was quite pretty looking! Became alert and attentive, watching- listening. Was told to be a little calmer because agitation would not help.
Eventually lay with the stranger and a fawn who had wandered over, while Cole kept his feline friend in good company. We both put flowers in one another's hair and enjoyed sitting together.
Heard multiple bleats in the distance. Strange. Alerted. left the group and followed the sound to the playground, seeing the
familiar stag I had bounced around with a friend before. Very confused to see a
little one making... strange gestures. They seemed aggressive, but I had not seen such an odd display of body language. Got between the two. The large stranger laughed at the little one- mocking? Uncertain. Wanted to back away, but did not feel safe leaving the little one with the large stranger. Eventually much running about happened along with dust kicking up and much shooing. Headed back to the group a little battered, and even more confused than before.
What in the forest was that...?
Fell asleep in a patch of blue flowers for a long while. Awoke later to see the
butterfly friend greeting the masked doe! Bowed in greeting and then went back to settle in the flowers. Found them keeping me company.
Eventually, we both heard strange moos in the distance. Intense listening. Followed the sound to find Come playing with another stranger! Happily greeted! The butterfly friend came over and we bounced about, running and making our own little ball of mayhem. the butterfly friend soon bid us all farewell- continued playing with
Comen until he decided to have us rest by a tree. Fell asleep there with him for a short time.
Got up and played, running about with Comen for a while and having fun! Enjoyed jumping over stumps for a while with some strangers before we went back to playing together. Unfortunately we got too close to a herd while playing, and one of the members
attacked. Tried to get him to back off, but Comen ended up scuffling heavily with them.
Why? Attempted to call Comen away, to no avail.
Scared. One of the group members chased me off, while another one joined in on hurting Comen. Many bruises and scrapes- riddled with fear. Wanted the stag to come away. Would not. Backed up to the ruins to find a white stranger coaxing me to follow them. Scared. Did not comprehend. Followed after a few moments to a hill. They seemed to be calling for someone- Comen maybe? Uncertain. Resting. Wanting to get up.
Eventually the white stranger left and returned with the owl face. Nuzzled him a little gingerly- he seems to be injured too. Wondered why he would not leave. Settled back on the ground and rolled over, resting.
A little while later, Comen and I relocated to some rocks after a little bit of running about, perhaps to ease the tension. Was grateful for his company, and bid him farewell after a long rest. Headed back to the Old Oak and felt safe within the Hollow, reflecting on what had been done and trying to learn from it. I was not usually so careless in my own time, but today had been quite the exception. Would apologize to the strangers later, if I could.
Headed to the blue bowl after a quick drink at the pond, rinsing the body. Very calming.
Came to fall asleep in the blue bowl, under the flowers.
February 26th, 2016
Aches and pains.. oh dear.
Very sore from yesterday, but the bruises are healing nicely. Cuts and scrapes are gone. Bruises will take a little longer to vanish with their pain.
Rose from the blue flowers I had been sleeping in, moving a little gingerly. Headed to the Old Oak to recollect my thoughts within its hymn. While resting, the familiar white figure of
Anneliese approached. Greeted the doe with nuzzling before falling asleep a little bit after, and waking up again to find her to be quite playful. Joine din, though moving a little slowly at first. Picked up the pace after a few minutes and followed the doe to the pond, where I saw
Rosie! Greeted the friend with much nuzzling before playing in the water with Anne. Eventually came to sit with them at the water's edge.
Saw Dazenth meandering about int eh water and happily greeted the dragon! Allowed him to greet Rosie and Anneliese before we all rested again, curious fawns stopping by. Watched a rather familiar fawn playing in the pond- a little aquatic stranger I had met a few days ago.
Anneleise, Rose, and Dazenth each took their leave eventually. Was glad for the company that they offered, and stayed where I was- humming for a while. Some strangers came and started casting spells, so I decided to find a tree with a mask spell- running into an
owl pelted stranger with key antlers. Greeted them with sniffing and curious prancing about before the two of us frollicked over to the Twin Gods Statues. We danced around wearing the devout pelts before running into several other deer- one a
stranger, and two familiar. Greeted Comen, Chizzu, and the spotted stranger. We play and danced around teh statues, casting spells on each other for a while. Then Comen lead us to a place that he appeared to have claimed.
I hope our decisions are better today, stranger.
The spotted stranger left after a while.
A little fawn came up to us within a short time. Where are its parents? Listened. hear much mooing. Strange. or perhaps, no so strange. Many fawns were parentless and simply appeared. Followed the little one under the slanted rock, where is lay down with a dove. Curious, but returned to the group.
the little one I had upset yesterday nearby. Planned to try and apologize. Must be careful.
Eventually left the group to seek out the small one, sitting at a distance. Chizzu became curious and approached- let them know I would be staying here for a while. Then they left, while I waited to see if my presence was allowed near the little one. Fell asleep after a very long time, waking up to find they had moved behind the stone they normally were at. Becked off a good few paced before letting them sleep and deciding it might be best to try again tommorrow.
While out walking, I encountered a
skull faced stranger. Intrigued as they slowed down a bit upon passing. Greeted them at a distance- they gave off a strange demeanor. After a little bit, they seemed alright with my approach. Sat with them near a tiny tree, spying Rosie behind a much larger one.
After a little running about in the forest and playing with flowers on our heads, I bid the skull faced stranger farewell. Though a fawn we'd been playing with seemed rather attached. I left the skull face and sought out the butterfly friend I had been seeing so often, having sensed him nearby. Greeted him while he was ambling up the ruins behind the pillars, and we sat together. Passed the dark stranger along the way and sniffed- but he seemed tired.
The little one seemed rather antsy and did not stay in our company long.
After a while, the butterfly friend bid me farewell. I left the ruins to find the dark stranger awake. Decided to try and identify his behavior today- greeted. He seemed to live at a pair of twin trees that were joined halfway down. Watched his behavior curiously- uncertain of what was play and what was not. One irregularity was the stranger mooing. Backed off a good distance and watched in anticipation.
Does my company trouble you?
While near the dark stranger, who appeared to be looking off somewhere, I noticed a presence to my right. Greeted a dark brown, skull masked stranger with butterfly antlers who also seemed rather curious of the dark one. Found them to be rather friendly and greeted them carefully. Watched as they attempted to approach- felt a tension in the air. Not sure if it is wise to stay. The dark brown stranger feels oddly familiar, though.
A little one wandered a bit too close for comfort. Many attempts to keep it from approaching the pair. it left after a short while, but warily wa