Majora Vital statistics Physical: 70% - Under a bad headache
Mental: 50% -Normal nertual
Emotional: 50% - Being followed around by deer
“"Do you know how that makes me feel inside? Furious! Outraged!
So, from what I've read on the Tales of Tales site, and screenshots, videos, etc... the forest is supposed to change once in a while. I know it does on holidays, but is that the only time? What does the forest do when is changes? Sorry for my excessive questions.
Today is my first real day in the Forest and there are so many wonderful sticks! They are going to look so good in my antlers! Hopefully Serrya will be able to find me. She is a blackbird that lives with me seasonally in my antlers, I picked up a wonderful stick once and found that it had a bird's nest in it. Thinking it was abandoned I added it to my collection. Well, Serrya wasn't too pleased with me to start, but we came to an agreement and if I help keep her home safe she will let me keep it. So far it's been working out and we've now become good friends.
DotA 2
TES Skyrim
Any Assassins Creed
Don't Starve
Total War ROME II
The Sims 3 (laggy :c)
Mount & Blade Warband
Battleblock Theatre
Child of Light
Whatever my poor wallet has to buy ;n;