I shall sort out screenies and add him to the Updates soon.
Please welcome
I only want to call him
, so if you want his name, Imma ganna ask you very sweetly to copy-paste:
http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii221/Serpanther/Forum%20Stuff/watchfuleye-likepictoPNG-1. png[/IMG]
somewhere, take out the space after the full-stop and use that! ^^
Following in the footsteps of the (am I right in saying?) retired officer ScapeCop,
is taking up the Watch.
(that there in the bottom right corner is a close-up of the badge on the collar)
At the moment, he's a fawn, and doesn't quite have the same effect....
...which didn't stop him conducting a few investigations anyway.
"Did you get that set through legal methods, sir-or-madam? Anything you wish to declare that is against the Gods?"
"Everything all right here? Good. Just don't let the party get too raucous, if you know what I mean. Good day."
"If you would, can I take a look at that pinecone? ....Thankyou."