
Kieva's picture


Today is my Birthday!!!! : D : D : D : D : D : D Im 13 now!!!! : D

Silent's Minion Fanart!

squeegie's picture


Tuhka's picture

Memories [image heavy]

I just had to cheer myself up a little so i went throught some of my screenshots... and thought i'd share some with you. Smiling

I miss those creepy halloween partys so much xD

Figured this out quite a long time ago. lmao, look at his reflection's feet! xDDDD

Not a happy picture but i thought it looked so beautiful i'd post it.

At least it looks like it o__o

Quammy fell from a tree. Ouch.

Quammy falling off the screen

Quammy: Ahhh Cyric, I'm going to fall!!
Cyric: AHAHAHAHAHAHA *insane laughing*

Halogen when he was still just a fawn, i guess?
And that doe was Quammy's first love, Anapethia, long time ago.

Nem love-attacks Dim 8>

I dunno why but i just find this picture quite funny xDD

Ahh i remember this! Quammy and Cyric were staring each others like that at least for 5 or maybe even 10 minutes xDD

A dud?? *pokes*

See that fawn behind Quammy and Her-fawnyface?
Um... i know you shouldn't hold it too much inside you because it's unhealthy but hey, seriously... that was some fart 0__o
kanastigu's picture


i can't get in the forest for a bit. my laptop was shiped off to get fixed. i can check the website sometimes. sorry. im gonna miss running in the forest. at least this gives me a chance to get all the drawings i want to do done.
Anzel's picture

Attemption :: 2nd screenie diary


The world, to me, has no rain. So I hide beneathe the rain of tears to hide my own. Some can see me; some cannot. I am just a presence...and to drown...I so desire it.

No one ever looks at me. Notice this...
Snowrift's picture

Bye :(

I am going to spend-the-night with my 3 of my friends so ill be back tomorow! By Luvs you allz! *blows kisses* XD
Anzel's picture

Depression;; screenshots (did you see me?)



I haven't said this in a while, but...back-up server please? ;-;

EDIT: Seems that Dannii couldn't see me, but Tabithaa could. Strange.

Ranting Thread

Okay, I finally had a worthwhile idea! Now, I know I'm not the only one when I say there are just some things in this world that peeve me to no end. Well, now I (and you) have a place to dump rants about things that make you steam.

Anyways, I'll start.

[rant] Now, one of the few things that makes me angry is not waiting your turn for something. This plagued me all through my early school years. I would go to lunch, and, like any good kid, wait at the back of the line. And then, of course, the seedy gang-wannabes (I kid you not; they looked like gang stereotypes) waltz up in front of the line and step in. Now, this made me absolutely furious. Why couldn't they have any patience! Now, looking back, I understand this isn't a "big deal," but seriously, can't people just have a little patience? [/rant]

Baw. I feel better.

:Let me be an Altar: (Poem)


Let me be an altar.
Let me be an altar of light.
For those who are lost.
For those who are alone.
For those who are mourning.
Let me be an altar, of light.
Let me be an altar you can follow.

Let me be your leader.
Let me be your apostle.
Follow me into the light.
Let me be an altar for you.
Let me sit by you, bring you peace.
Let me be your altar, and let me be;
your light.

Ok, this is my last Dairy entry for awhile, for I wont be on regularly starting tomarrow. Thought I might leave you all with a little something comforting! =D
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