
Emiva's picture

k guys

Off to school I go <3

Mushroom's picture

Raining so hard

Its raining so hard in the forest all the butterflies have left.

Abiogenesis was great this last weekend.

I love the atmosphere of the forest at the moment.

Anzel's picture



Who are all of these Blue deer I've seen over time? I have a feeling it's someone who lives close to me...maybe in the US or Canada...because I've seen their pictograms in the forest, and that's why I checked them.

Just curious if anyone might have the slightest clue Eye
Kanaf's picture


about anything :>



anyone! anything, really, go for it. i dont care, just do it! I WANT QUESTIONES <33333
Kanaf's picture

Offender on the loose...

anyone know who that is?

i went over to sit at Run's memorial. i thought i would have a nice moment to commemorate her, but this one came by and started sitting on her flower and humping me.

*sigh* why? why in the name of all the earth do we need people like that HERE?
Kanaf's picture

Day of the Dead

because i know not everyone checks the pictures <3
Pegasicorn's picture

DotD Abio Screenshots

Because I am insane and often an insomniac, I stayed up 'til 4am to go to the Day of the Dead Abiogenesis. It was really like 5am, due to daylight savings time. 8D;
I somehow took 164 screenshots. XD; Maybe I was unconsciously making up for only taking 10 on Halloween. Or maybe because this event just seemed nicer somehow.
Anyway, I picked out the better ones, but it's still a lot. There are 111 pictures in an album on my Photobucket account. ...whoa. I didn't realize it was that amount 'til now. XD Awesome. they are:
DotD Abio 08
In order of oldest first this time.
It was really nice how we spent time "celebrating" at the Memorial Sunbeam...

Thank you, Michael and Auriea, for such a nice event.

And after it was over...

The return of the house, and bubble-blowing fun in the rain and falling red flowers!

(Though I had to restart to see them. The reset from before the Abio caused some strange stuff to happen. Like...floating masks with pictos.. O.o Michael and Auriea were floating masks to me part of the time.)
strangeseraph's picture

My First Screens

I took a couple screens today while on the game. I'm still in new Fawn mode and I'm rather enjoying playing a deer. Smiling

Take care, these screens are rather large. I'll probably make them smaller if I can edit this post, and fix it later, but for now here you go! (lol!)
Emiva's picture

E and S <3



The blues attack.

Catwalk, girlfriend! <3

S: I feel so unproportioned! D:
E: Shut up and enjoy the view <3


OKAY. Cookies if you can see which deer is Emiva, and which is Sgro
Anzel's picture

I'm not alright.. (a little mood warning)

Just warning you all...I'm not particularly alright right now.

I am fine, physically, yes...but not emotionally.

If my inquiry is correct...and I do have some type of bipolar disorder, however mild it might be...I'm going through a manic phase.

I've been happy and hyper and such for a while now, Pega and Dannii and such can account for that. And 10 minutes ago...I just became so enraged that I was cussing and tapping keyboard keys with extreme fury (

I couldn't believe I had been happy then.

Now, the only way I can believe that I was even angry was this faint feeling of heat throughout my limbs o.o;

I'm happy again.

If I snap at you, simply let me calm down. I'm not all me right now. I don't want to lose more friends because of my mood swings. Thanks for understanding...

You can yell at me if you want, btw. This mood seems to be preventing me from tearing up o.o;

I'm gonna be Veinfawn. So fear me.
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