Because I am insane and often an insomniac, I stayed up 'til 4am to go to the Day of the Dead Abiogenesis. It was really like 5am, due to daylight savings time. 8D;
I somehow took 164 screenshots. XD; Maybe I was unconsciously making up for only taking 10 on Halloween. Or maybe because this event just seemed nicer somehow.
Anyway, I picked out the better ones, but it's still a lot. There are 111 pictures in an album on my Photobucket account. ...whoa. I didn't realize it was that amount 'til now. XD Awesome. they are:
DotD Abio 08
In order of oldest first this time.
It was really nice how we spent time "celebrating" at the Memorial Sunbeam...
Thank you, Michael and Auriea, for such a nice event.
And after it was over...
The return of the house, and bubble-blowing fun in the rain and falling red flowers!
(Though I had to restart to see them. The reset from before the Abio caused some strange stuff to happen. Like...floating masks with pictos.. O.o Michael and Auriea were floating masks to me part of the time.)