
LooksForDoves's picture

CSS shenanigans IV

like a thousand shining spears - Nanna - terrible in the East appears

The Valkyrie, Coldheart
female, bisexual biromantic, size #10, many times reincarnated, Taurus, design based on this pic by Adam Parsons, face claim: Sofia Helin
omnivore but mainly eats meat, smells like a bear yo
warrior, haruspex, writer of runic charms, guide of those who die in battle. Human form bound to a cloak of swan feathers, keeps hidden.

+ swimming, fish, honey, bees, strong herbal teas, roughhousing, spears, small delicate things
- the prospect of romance, strong emotional involvement, being or feeling indebted, change she herself did not instigate, being forced into things

/motherly, reserved, stays in her own lane, solitary, capable, forward, responsible, level-headed in most cases, caring, affectionate, doting,
perpetually emotionally exhausted, protective of her boundaries and prone to buggering off if she feels she is being imposed on or asked too much of
snarky, somewhat morbid sense of humour, brutal when provoked, bloodthirsty, vindictive, can be cruel/


Had her fate dictated for innumerable centuries by her duty to Odin as a valkyrie and lived many lives both mortal and immortal among her sisters and humans.

CSS testing #2

test css 2 -- and another, just in case.

CSS testing #1

test css 1 -- don't mind me c:


BODY HORROR will be in this blog.
Jelonia's picture

Different pictograms?

I was wondering
Why some pictograms I see around now have lines with sharp edges like here
unlike the older pictograms, which have kinda less fancy lines, like this one:

Chakra Stones

Have you heard the humming at the chakra stones? Several circles of it surround the playground stone. Some would call it Stonehenge like but rather than squarish the stones harken with curves. Sitting within the circle one finds balance and energy returning. A few creatures besides deer like to visit in certain spots. If a deer turns just right one can see what lies beneath the grass and stones. You still get a visit from other creatures. Gazing across the field the faint wisp of air sounds gently in the ear. Visions of faces, family, and life ripple across the surface of the gray arched chakra stones like an old faded photograph. Depending on your mood you see different people appear. Never fully and about the time you think you can capture them they fade back into the grayness of the stone. Never been able to sit on top of one of the chakra stones. Though if you catch the backside of the larger rock outcropping near the young trees growing next to it you can take a rest hidden yet expose and have a different view of the forest.

Fawn Adopts 2/3 open

each fawn placed here will be sold for 4 USD!
I figured TEF would be more interested than anyone on DeviantArt (for proof, my user's Catpoof on there).

european hamster-deer!


Purchased Fawns ~

sable antelope-deer!

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