
tossercook's picture

A Musical Silence

Feel Free To Interact, But She Can't Talk...
hadoukin's picture

.Upon a Hill.

tossercook's picture

Adopting Page (Free)

Some Deer (Not all are good drawings - Some are mostly Concepts) + (please don't let me take them)
LowLights's picture

Set Help {OFFLINE}

When commenting, please link me to your pictogram, you find your pictogram here. Put your username after the =
Sets Guide.
You can still comment on the blog telling me the set you need even if I'm offline and I'll get back to you. You can also contact on discord.
I'm unable to do DoTD spells or spells that require older versions of the game.
Discord: LowLights#8000

Picto in use.

People helped: 3

Way To The Woods

I didn't see another post about this so


I immediately thought of TEF when I saw it. It's an indie game where you play as a deer with glowing antlers. The artwork is beautiful. It also reminds me of Shelter/Meadow a bit.
tossercook's picture


Feel Free To Interact!
Vessan's picture

Make a character game

You can cross out certian things if they don't apply to you like... you no longer remember the last viewed animal on Tv or something like that or you don't read books etc.
I will respond with mine shortly <:

Fill out the bellow and using those 3 animals, those three colours and those three theme inspirations to create a character <:

Animal insp. 1: The last animal seen on tv or heard from a person in rl
Animal insp. 2: The last animal seen on digital media (yt, gif, meme)
Animal insp. 3: The last animal seen in person

Colour 1: your current wear
Colour 2: The last used physical colour (pens/pencils)
Colour 2: The current dominating colour of your ambient/environment/room

Accent: Your favourite colour

Mood/personality/theme insp 1: Last book you read
Mood/personality/theme insp 2: Last game you played
Mood/personality/theme insp 3: Last movie watched
tossercook's picture


Would Love To Have Interactions
Kaoori's picture


More later, 'sgirl's been in my head all day


fawn, of a prehistoric extinct species called 'dicrocerus elegans', an ancestor of the true deer of the present

naturally curious, yet naturally timid, moreso toward anyone acting with a predatory vibe

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