April 12, 2014 is the marker of 1 month since the release of the 4th generation of Pictograms into TEF. Since many many deer will be looking for set help, I think it would be beneficial to come together as a forest to help out if we want to help everyone get their sets.
What you can do:
There are several of every kind of necessary tree in the forest for spells. It would be good to have deer posted at as many trees as possible to help out with those spells. Also, it would be nice to have some deer dedicated to pelt spells sleeping in locations in the forest for the day. You could even form teams, in which one deer would sleep and the other would cast, then trade-off after awhile. It would also be helpful to have deer in the mushroom circles taking turns sleeping for animal or mini-spells if necessary. Having DOTD and candle casters would be very nice, too.
Again, you don't have to be dedicated to doing it the entire day. Since there are so many players, I was hoping to make everyone aware as well as help those who want spells to find deer willing to give them what they would like.
How to participate:
Post a comment below with a picture of your pictogram, a list of what set pieces you will be available to help with and where in the forest you will be to help with this.
Things to remember
- Please do not post here with set help requests. Just go to the areas where the deer that can help you are located.
- Please wait your turn and do not crowd these deer. Do not take spells from others.
- Do not get angry if the spell-deer has to leave. It is not their responsibility to help you, as they are volunteers and have every right to quit at any time for any reason.
- Do not use Mini-Deer to get pelt spells unless given prior permission, please.
I'll be there on Genty and
I'll do my best to be on all day. Just get my attention and I'll cast away. Please be sure to signal when I've found the right piece.. However, if I don't seem to be responding, feel free to prod me on skype. My user is Theraggy1.
Discord:Nazzard#9068 ||Click for bios.
I can be near the Pond with
I can make let him sleep near the Willow Tree at the Pond to help out with Pelt spells and i can be with a second Fly to help out with Antler Spells near that tree .
I can be online later today ...so in 7 -8 hours i could be there .
I cannot cast the Dotd set nor candles .
I'll do my best to have La
Tomorrow I have some party preparations to make IRL so I might not be as attentive as I'd like, but I'll be around.
P.S. does anyone know if ToT are going to update the map ever?
I can help with the DOTD
online for a bit right nowI'll be on my picto at the
Thank you all for
Just a bump and a friendly reminder that this is happening today!
I'll be on with Hitaka and I
Fly is now near the pond by
And he is sitting near a mushroomtree a little above the Pond , and a ying Fly not far away .
I have Apocalypse sleeping by
Later on I'll help with masks, pelts and antlers if anyone should be in need of anything. n_n'
Kio is sleeping by the pond
(edit) idk why I can't link the bio :b
Is there anyone helping to
I can help ...come to the
Alright. I'm in the golden
Ok....just wait till i fall
I am the one with the blue mask.
Ok....just wait till i fall
I am the one with the blue mask.
On my way! Edit: Next to La
Edit: Next to La in a mushroom circle across from the ruins. Will help with pelt, mask, and antlers if one of these trees drops pinecones.
At the same circle with my
Thanks to everyone who
No problem . Fly is alone now
Fly is alone now ..without his clones .
Forest is lagging too much lol .
Seems to be no further Persons who need Sets .
Seed's hanging with Honeyfur
^ I currently have Honeyfur
I currently have Honeyfur sleeping next to the mushroom tree, and she'll remain posted there for the rest of the day ♥
Genty's poised and ready by
Discord:Nazzard#9068 ||Click for bios.