So far this shop has donated €22.00 EUR | $31.45 USD to the Endless Forest!
Help keep our Forest growing! Donated directly to Project Greenleaf/TeF!

I am a member of Project: Greenleaf and a big portion of the sales of any of my wares/commissions (minus expense costs so I can keep afloat.) will be donated to the Endless Forest! My current goal is to raise $100 to donate to TEF. We'll see how long it takes....
For my DIGITAL COMMISSIONS I AM willing to take a screen capture of your donation receipt to Project Greenleaf / TeF as payment for your FOREST RELATED commissions provided the donation date matches the date of your order with my shop. < ^.^ >

^ Clicky for more info on Project Greenleaf ^
PLEASE read the information carefully to be sure you understand what is being offered. If you aren't sure feel free to ask about it! <3
All payments must be made via paypal, unfortunately I don't work in anything else at the moment. All prices are listed in US currency. Shipping costs for jewelry pieces mailed WITHIN the USA are $5.00 via Priority Mail. Shipping OUTSIDE the USA will need to be calculated based on your location & you will have to pay the actual shipping costs...
* * * * * *
Artwork Commissions | ARE CURRENTLY FULL & CLOSED
I have several different styles of artwork that may be commissioned (at random points in time - please check the slots for availability) | artwork will be sent digitally since most of it is finished in such. Check below for details!
Artwork by commission only: - Proceeds from
TEF art based commissions will go 100% towards TEF donations. (| LIGHT'S ART SLOTS ARE: CURRENTLY FULL |)
Headshot style: $5
X |
X |
X |
X |
Fulldeer style: $10
X | X | X | X | X |
Nouvaulet style: $10
X | X |
Deer-hearted: (your deer as a person!) not available currently...
X | X |
Slots are currently all FULL: -
Please note that I will send you a preview copy of the finished work that is WATERMARKED heavily to prove it has been done. Once you have paid for your commission I will send over the unmarked piece. You may use your paid-artwork as you like provided you do not resell it. <3
1. | $ Double-headshot | Polt- Status: Next in line <3|
2. | Freebies this time around | The DA Greenleaf Club <3|
PLEASE NOTE that after these pieces I will be taking a break from ARTWORK commissions as my muses need to recover (art block comes from overworking myself.... urgh...)
ghak. Light is being eaten by the chaos is won't be doing much of anything until life gets set straight again.
Light is now taking pre-orders for jewelry pieces!! I just got in a pile of forest-themed brass & plated accents circa 1930-1940 (antique even!) & some extra parts so I'm all set to start dreaming up new pieces. Please see the slot availability below for how to order...
Please note I will NOT be doing any clay pendants by special order yet as I'm still playing around making sure I can recreate some of the masks to my liking. These will most likely be pre-made & available to add to your custom order on a first-come first-serve basis for a moderate fee later on. <3 About $10 from the sale of each necklace goes towards TEF with the rest paying for the materials. This amount varies upward a little on some pieces if they cost me a little more or less to make.

Light my Sky: |
X |
Pendant closeup |
x |
Roughly $45| Not For Sale |
To view the stones/information on this piece please click HERE.

Candlelight: |
X |
Roughly $25| Not For Sale | - however I am willing to make another one similar to this. <3
To view the stones/information on this piece please click HERE. [/]

Rain Deer: |
X |
$25| FOR SALE |
To view the stones/information on this piece please click HERE. [/]

Peacock: |
X |
$15| FOR SALE | CUSTOMIZABLE PENDANT! Your picto may be painted on the back side!
To view the stones/information on this piece please click HERE. [/]
I am now taking pre-orders for necklaces similar to the ones above (NOT including the custom made clay pendant...). Each necklace will cost $25. You may order a pair of matching earrings for $5 extra & may specify post-style or earwire style.
Shipping is via priority mail for $5 WITHIN the USA - I WILL ship outside the USA but you will have to pay the actual shipping costs.
Custom Made Pre-Order Slots Available: (slots are a first-come first-serve thing... I don't want to get overloaded...)
1. | OPEN |
2. | OPEN |
3. | OPEN |
In order to place a pre-order for a jewelry piece make sure you are planning and able to PAY for your piece (these do cost me money to make < T-T > ) & fill out the information questions below. You can send your pre-order request to me using the Forest Contact form HERE. OR you may email it to me yourself at
I'll be posting some pictures of a few of the pendant pieces & accents available soon for those who want to see them. <3 I'll also post in-progress pictures so you can preview your jewelry before buying if you would like. Once the piece is finished I will ship it out as soon as your payment has CLEARED (this can take a few days). I will send you a note once it ships with the tracking number (where available) when I ship it out.
Q: Screen shot or description of your deer if ordering a piece based on your deery-side. <3 - feel free to include a little info about the personality or mood you want the piece to convey, I'll do my best to create something just for you!
Q: good image of the pictogram you would like included (if you want it...)
You can simply post the link to your deer's picto by checking HERE & adding your deer's registered name to the url after the = mark. <3
Q: What are your favorite colors (list 3-4 if you like) OR basic shades you want your piece to be done in - OR list a couple elements (fire, air, water, earth, etc...) & I will do my best to find stones in those shades but please remember these are natural stones & colors/shades will vary in range.
Q: What is your favorite necklace length? Not sure? Take a piece of ribbon or string and use it to measure out how long you would like to have the necklace (anywhere from 14 - 32 inches are common lengths) (The piece shown above was done roughly about 20-21 inches & will be the usual length unless you specify!)
- also note that if you request a REALLY LONG necklace or loop-style piece the cost WILL have to go up... < T-T >
Q: What country are you located in? - I'll need to know to calculate your shipping estimate before starting on the piece - Your address & info will be kept confidential and deleted once the piece has been shipped!
These are great! Lol, Quamar
Your deer nouveau-ish one is so amazing! And i've always loved the bottom picture, it's so beautiful!
I just love your works and
What program/s do you use to color your pictures? For example that Quamar-picture, it looks like a traditional work! It is?
It seems like i can't stop staring at that wonderful gift you did for me. I think i need to put it on my desktop or something so i could stare it even more xDD
Anyway, i'm looking forward to see some more art from you.
And i hope to see you in the forest soon again too
Your art is great! I love
If you don;t mind could you do may lil' doe, Flicka?
¤~Mãjor.†.Rûnë~¤ Oh
Oh please let me know when you do requests! you are so brillent!
Eeep! *lol* Flicka - I draw
Flicka - I draw as inspiration hits me, so I'll keep your doe in mind as the sketchyness comes, and if anything does come of it I'll send it your way. < ^.^ > 'Tis the best I can say at the moment.
Quamar - *nuzzles* I'm happy that you like it!! < ^.^ > It looks like traditional on purpose... since it is for the most part - The sketch is in pencil in my sketchbook, and the watercolor background taken from a wash I was working on but not super happy enough with to finish painting. I used photoshop elements to patch it all together and add a splash of color. <3
~ < ^.^ >
You've got some amazing
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Georgeous work again! You're my new idol!! 8D
And i need to draw your doe again, as a full grown this time :3
Quammy - *rofl* The roommate
Ooo do draw Light again, yes! <3 I love your artwork. *hehehe* I think it's spiffy that we're on the front page together!
~ < ^.^ >
You're so good! Maybe you
Maybe you could do one of my lil' Sam? You can look at her biography to learn more.
You don;t have too!
LMAO! *laughs herself off
I think Quamar is having some digestion problems now.
His stomach can't really handle that stuff... but it won't keep him away from eating it
Because who could resist when seeing so much chocolate all in one place???
reminds me of Charlie and the Chocolate factory xDD
man you have got some talent
Wooow. Your talent is...
Meh, I would freak out if you'd give some requests. It would be so great if you did something for me too...
Hehehe, thank you very much.
I haven't done much sketching lately... the chaos ate my talent and I'm still waiting for it to come out the other end... when it does though I will certainly be a scribbling fiend again and I'll keep you in mind. <3
~ < ^.^ >
You would? I'd love you
0_____0 Oh, wow. Light, your
Light, your art is gorgeous. I don't know you well, but I really must tell you. Your art is amazing. The detail is beautifully done, the anatomy is superb. I love your art. <3
<3 very pretty. I wish I had
Feed Me!
Aww! I didn't expect you
I <3 ya forever naow xD <33
*lol* truth be told, I
~ < ^.^ >
Wow. =D Well... that's
WOW your art is
your art is amazing!!!
I'm a little wolf inside a girl.
Lightbringer-apprentice to Yorres
cool! -O-O- inspirer
inspirer writing and poems
if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at
Your art is absolutely
I can't wait to see more from you; I'm in awe, already! :')
At any rate, I don't believe we have met! I'm LT, and my deer's name is Lemon. <3 It seems that our deer are very similar in appearance, as my doe wears the silver pelt, magpie mask, and peacock feathers. c: I hope to see you in the forest, sometime! <33
Story Index - Lemon's Biography
I don't believe we have met,
<*o.o*> & thank-ye much for the compliments!
~ < ^.^ >
the new picture is soooooooooo epicccc!! i looooove the picture of your own deer!!O.O BEAU.TI.FUL
.............(do you take art trades??<3)..........
+*Sunfyra's Biography*+
Hehehe, I do sometimes.
~ < ^.^ >
These are all master peaces
Oh wow! The picture of
Light you are incredible <33
If you ever need test subjects, my deer are available ;D xD <33
Oh myy, your art blog is
*loves you on*
Ooh, I think I am interested
Laruna - Just reference of
| Light the Sky |
Sounds good! I have no idea
I will for sure be purchasing some of your beautiful work, but I'm going out of town for work and I won't be on the site for a few days. If others come and request before then, I'll wait for another slot to open. <3 Oh, and do I pay before or after the artwork is finished? And do you want me to e-mail you when I send the payment? If I remember correctly, I think I can write a little message when using PayPal, so I can say "from Laruna" or something...
Laruna - I prefer payment
I love Mucha's work!!! <33333
| Light the Sky |
<3 i want one headshot of my
Lord B's Bio
Paralda <3 < ^.^ > Yaay!
| Light the Sky |
=) which is your Paypal <
| Light the Sky |
= 3 Money already send! <3
<3 when you finnish it.. can you send me it to please? ^^
Absolutely! <33 It should
| Light the Sky |
D: i forget the loops!... he
he has loops in his hair x3
Ahhhhhh! *dies* *lol* good
| Light the Sky |
< ^.^ > the delicious Lord B
| Light the Sky |
*Gasp* I should really
I should really consider taking one of those beautifull headshots of yours <3 Or, more. AHAHA. ... XDD
Now to think of which deer <3...
--Stays a lonely Seele
<333 thanks you, Light!!! i
i love my comish!
That Lord Byron picture =
Such an amount of details, and I love how you did the antlers, the hair and JUST EVERYTHING. ='D
There. Finally made up my
--Stays a lonely Seele
Hey Light! Sorry it took me
Sorry it took me a while to get back with you. I finally got PayPal to work again, so I'll be waiting for a commission slot to open. :3 <3
But I do have a few questions about the pendant necklace... I really want to order one 'cause they are so pretty. About the customizable pendant:
1. Do they all come with 3 peacock feathers or do you have other pieces?
2. What stones do you have available?
3. Do these cost $15 or $25? *confused*
Laruna - Each piece is
As for stones omg... I don't know that I could list them all! *lol* Every year we got to the Denver Stone Show & I pick up dozens of new stone beads... plus all the ones I have leftover from previous jewelry making projects. It's pretty much a "pick a color or your favorite stones" sort-of thing... *lol* Because chances are I have it somewhere.
The pebble necklaces are around $25 each - I try to plan each piece to keep the cost around that so it balances out, though if you want it longer than about 20-21 inches the cost may go higher...
The ribbon necklaces (like the peacock piece) are about $15 each (the pieces that are up for sale have their prices listed, and the ones that aren't do too just to give people an idea of the cost...)
erm... I hope I didn't just confuse you more... *lol*
| Light the Sky |
I must admit I wish I could
First off, if I were to get something... would it be ok if I took a pic of my computter and the money being sent right on to the forest, this is mainly because I saw that 100% is going to the forest and I do not have paypal.
Second, I'm not asking for a comisson of my deer, this would be for a friend of mine who is on here, she doesn't know (Yet) it but I know the human her. And man she's nice. So I don't know quite how I would get that too her but could all this maybe work some how?
And I can wait as long as I need to just as long as I can give something to her (Her life isn't that great right now) and give to the forest.
'Sometimes good-bye is a second chance...'
Soulfur - I'll try and have
What I can do though is give you the next freebie slot once it's available (I give out one free piece every time I raise another $20 toward my goal) <3 <3
| Light the Sky |