Likes: The Nature, Sleep, Run fast, hop in circles, Swim in the Pond, the Ruin's tombs, Laying down, The Snow and the Night, shake his head frantically, friendly fights, being a Dandi deer!
Hobbies: Play with Fawns and Nameless and collect Spells
Favorite Food: Pinneapples ; Mushrooms ; Biscuits and oranges :3
Favorite Place: The Ruin ; The Crying Idol ; The Pond
Favorite Place for Rest: the Big Tomb in the Ruin
Color: Dark Red, White , Black
1. Drache (to him Lord Drache :3)
2. Faunet (Adopted daughter <3)
3. Kaoori
4. SS
5. Pride
Dislikes: The Large Groups. being ignored, the naked deers! and devout pelt, swaggering deers, the ''fake Byrons'' (makes he MAD!)
Lord Byron was kindly and generous by nature., He took pleasure in helping necessitous stags, does, fawns and nameless , not at all en grand seigneur, or without counting the cost, but because he knew what poverty meant, and a fellow-feeling made him kind. He has a neurotic temperament. Byron loves the fawns, but prefers the distance of them. he enjoys a lot of the friendly fights, don't like the devout pelt spellsapming because he love his magpie pelt.
the Twin Gods have reincarnated the Lord Byron's soul in a deer's body.. he doesn't understanded where he was... but he was enjoyed the beautiful landscape of the Endless Forest.. and..: '' wow! that deer's talking to me!''
now he try to live as a deer =3
Current Status:
Current Mood:
the Pond
Nothing for now l3
Understanding Byron:
Scratch the ground+Walk+Shake head Yes= Follow me, please Scratch the ground+Shake head No= Don't follow me Scratch the ground+Roar= Hey! You! Taunt+Amazement= oh! i'm mistook Sad + Fear= Why you run away of me? Respect= Hello//See you later// Thanks you Respect + Stand in two legs + Shake head Yes = oh! Thanks you so Much!! <3 Stand in two legs + Shake head Yes= That's right! Taunt + Fight + Shake head No = I don't wanna fight, do you understand? Scratch the Ground + Sneeze + Shake head Yes = Remove you pelt (only with red pelt's deer) Sad + Confused= Why are you sad? Taunt + Roar= GET OUT OF HERE!
Aww. So sad I mised the Abio Festival. But Lord Byron looks so small and meek beside the gods in his picture that I'm like, ROFL. Lemme breathe! Perhaps he tries to be dignified sometimes but in Mordred's mind....he's like a grown-up fawn. Heehee!
Lord Byron happens to sneak into a lot of movies too lol-zzz. Saw him laughing in a corner of the movie about Darkweaver's and Darcy's fight. Yes, Lord Byron, I know you were having great fun with Amary, but THAT WAS SERIOUS FIGHTING. How could you not notice; LOL?!
Sweet lil' chibis too. And again- your pictures are picto-perfect!
=) with Photoshop
make a rectangle, paint of any color, select and feather it.. and go to style section (Windowns---- Style) and select Botton Glasses style =)
I just want to say how much of a sweetie Lord B is! <333 He's being so very kind to Plague despite her trying to push him away and reject all his affectionate actions toward her. It's so nice of him to be with her like through her difficult times even though she's exasperated and confused to why he's being so compassionate :3
he tryied to tell to her ''i'm sorry'' and tryied to know why she did that.
:3 Byron don't like to fight... if he see some deer attacking little fawns he always will protect them..
he tryied to know why ahe bothering them.. he don't fight if she don't. Byron loves the friendly fights and don't like that the entire Forest have discussing and fighting. 83
Byron is kind for nature, but he has a hard character. |D
Cool blog
^^ thanks! i'm working in it
i'm working in it now =)
Feed Me!
Feed Me!
c| I shall bow down to ye,
I shall bow down to ye, o great lord Byron <333
-lurves on his bio-
Hugs and kisses,
OooOOooOOoooo!!! Dantes
8D i love that song!! Feed
Feed Me!
Feed Me!
He's adorable! Nice bio &
Nickname: Baby B?
xDDDDDD in his biography,
in his biography, his sister call him ''Baby B'' LOL
Feed Me!
Feed Me!
xDDDDDD in his biography,
in his biography, his sister call him ''Baby B'' LOL
Feed Me!
Feed Me!
How cute! x) Who actually is
Who actually is his sister? Is Beethoven a girl? o: I thought they all were brothers. ^^
xD nop... in the real
:B but my deer Lord Byron has got a recently little fawn sister.. my fawn Sylphide 8D
Feed Me!
Feed Me!
Oh well =D You got a
You got a girlyyy! Yay <333
What a cute name. ;D And what a big, nice family!
WOW The song is
The song is awesome!
Keep on doing something like that!
It's very nice!
thanks!!!! ^^ *---* Dante's
*---* Dante's Prayer is one of the most beautifull songs that i hear
I think I saw you in the
Wonderful bio you have here, btw. (:
So it was you who was so
Meet Virgil
Thank you Doe! ^^
x3 yup! Lord B had a lot of
Lord B had a lot of fun with Vir. ^^
Kaoori LOVES playing with
I'm a little wolf inside a girl.
Lightbringer-apprentice to Yorres
xDD Lord B Loves to play
he always says to her : ''we give fear X3'' (fear+Shake head Yes)
Aww. So sad I mised the Abio
Lord Byron happens to sneak into a lot of movies too lol-zzz. Saw him laughing in a corner of the movie about Darkweaver's and Darcy's fight. Yes, Lord Byron, I know you were having great fun with Amary, but THAT WAS SERIOUS FIGHTING. How could you not notice; LOL?!
Sweet lil' chibis too. And again- your pictures are picto-perfect!
Lol!! was a real fight? xD
xD Lord B thought that was playing LOL!
<33 thanks you!! i will draw a chibi Mordred = D
How do you make those
Nueva Paz
Just call me Paz.
deer: Amary, Melinoe
=) with Photoshop make a
make a rectangle, paint of any color, select and feather it.. and go to style section (Windowns---- Style) and select Botton Glasses style =)
Ahh, okay. I thought there
Nueva Paz
Just call me Paz.
deer: Amary, Melinoe
I just want to say how much
By Leuvr ♥
he tryied to tell to her
:3 Byron don't like to fight... if he see some deer attacking little fawns he always will protect them..
he tryied to know why ahe bothering them.. he don't fight if she don't. Byron loves the friendly fights and don't like that the entire Forest have discussing and fighting. 83
Byron is kind for nature, but he has a hard character. |D