BluedeerLegend18's blog

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Got Awesomeness?

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Giving away some of my characters

I just don't have the muse for Ignaciaqua or Momo anymore.

Momo is a fancharacter and Ignaciaqua is a dragon. I'll get their biography and picto if anyone wants to use them.
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Night of the Dik-Dik ~ Teradeer Contest

Under cut

Mature Language and Content ahead
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A New Design


Anysways, can someone draw a picture of Pierce with his scar? ^^

You see, I'm not sure which shape or how his scar should look. So I want you to draw Pierce with the scar, located on his belly. It can be a really cool shape or a big gash, I don't care, because my brain can't think.

Please please please?
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The Monthly Moo- The Endless Forest News Report

The Monthly Moo
The Endless Forest News Report


Hello and welcome!
Here at the Monthly Moo, you can read about all the forest's recent events, such as abios, births, new couples, and much much more!

You can also advertise things on the Community, such as taking requests, events you're planning, and anything else that the community needs to know about!


Okay we need more than one person to do this if you haven't notice XD

We need reporters. And a lot of em.

You can sign up to be one of The Monthly News news reporters! You can help look out for things that interest you and things you think that should be in the news report. Report it to me and send me a picture of it (optional) via email and I'll be sure to put it in! It can be anything, from fights, births, ABIOGENESIS... or something totally more epic.


For advertising requests or special events or stories, just email me ^^ Send me the link and what's going on, I might put it in the newspaper. Although I have a limit to advertisements, so I might not put it in that issue, although I might in a future issue!


Email: Coming soon


Link to Website: Coming soon


No Issue yet



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Trick for getting your Set by yourself

Okay I know a lot of people know how to do this but since a lot of people still are asking for help with their sets, I'm putting this out so I can help out others who don't know this awesome trick ^^

1. Open the game
2. Open menu
3. Click Display and check "Run in a Window"
4. Close the game.
5. Open it again. Your game should be in a window.
6. Open another game.
7. Now you can give yourself the spells ^^

Ta Da!

Although I have a warning, this will not work on all computers, as I have learned. I have two computers, one of them can't run in a window, the other can though. If it helps, I can run the game Windowed on a Sony Vaio Windows Seven, it won't work on my Dell Windows XP.

(I remember when I found this trick out, and I was such a n00b before XD)
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A Bead and A Feather

When the wind blew, the orange and yellow leaves flew with it. And when they landed, they made a rustling sound, the drum beats of August. But this drum beat was broken, as a new drum beat echoed throughout the golden forest. The nearby Frotchah tribe was dancing and celebrating the birth- a special birth.

And so were the other Frotchah tribes. They danced and celebrated, the drum beats beating though the forest.

And, in a castle, a beautiful castle where the King and Queen lived, the special birth was happening. King Malik looked out the window. He could still hear the drum beats and dancing and celebration. Then he looked around, at all the stained glass. And soon, two little ones will be walking around this castle, looking at all this beautiful glass.

Malik looked up, where a big stained glass window looked down. It showed a purple dragon and a Frotchah, but instead of fighting they were peaceful, and sat down together.

Malik came into the room where Queen Malika lied. She smiled, and pawed at two necklaces. Since they knew she would have twins, they made two necklances so they knew who was who until they were old enough to talk.

Malika lifted up her bushy tail to reveal two squealing female newborn fawns. Malik and Malika smiled, as they squealed playfully.

Malika looked at the two necklaces. One had a bead, the other a feather. She picked up the one with the bead and placed it around one of the fawn's head. "You are Jamirah, little girl." Jamirah squealed loudly as if she approved of the name. Malika took the one with the feather and put it around the other fawn's head. "And you are Lillian, young girl." Lillian didn't say anything, only sat around ignoring her sister.

"Can't you believe that one day, one of these little fawns will be the Queen of Frotaynar?" Malika looked up to Malik and smiled. He smiled back and nodded.
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Next time you see Variel in the forest...

...can you please spellspam her? Lol I just don't my newest doe to be default for a while. This is her temporary pictogram.

And also...

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Always changing her clothes
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