BluedeerLegend18's blog

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Black Deer

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If you've seen this post, you might already know what a black deer is.

But i'm just creating another thread all about black deer to explain them a bit more.

As seen in the picture above, Black deer are pure black, deer. They have sharp fangs and sharp hooves, and they usually have dirt or grime on them.

The black deer thing somewhat works like a zombie invasion- a black glob finds an innocent deer, and it attacks the deer, gripping on it's body so the deer cannot escape. It covers the deer's body and knocks the deer unconscious, then goes inside it's body and brainwashes the deer. The deer forgets who he is and everything else, and now all he wants to do is kill and destroy the forest.

When the blob leaves to find another deer, he or she now is a black deer.

The Black deer have powers, such as shooting lightning bolts from the sky, breathing fire, sending a crack though the ground (like an earthquake), and biting other deer. When the black deer bites another deer, they have poisons that seep into the deer's body and brainwash them, and that deer becomes a a black deer too.

The black deer are not invincible though. When a deer turns into a black deer, they basically have two lives. The black deer have to actually die, and then they turn back to their original form. But most of they time they haven't fully recovered, and still might want to destroy the forest or bite other deer, sometimes they may forget their names or their friends, or sometimes they might of lost some of their brain cells so they may act crazily/stupidly, run into trees, etc. It may take a few months before they fully recover.

So... that is all you really need to know about black deer.
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Biography of Nyan Cat

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Aiattaua's Soul

Washed away by the blackness.


The light of the sun streamed though the branches of trees, creating little streaks of sunlight on the golden forest path. Aiatt trotted along, to go to the pond for a drink. He took a deep breath and realized something was not right.

There were no other deer. No silly fawns playing and chasing after butterflies. There was not the smell of any other creature, just the cold, eerie wind. It suddenly got cold, and with the breath of the cold wind Aiatt shivered, and his eyes stung while a chilly breeze blew.

It stopped, and the world seemed darker now. A storm is coming in, Aiatt thought to himself, and kept moving on. Although he did not trot with happiness, he now slowly sauntered, as the cold, silent winds blew.

The snap of a twig and the rustling of bushes broke the silence.

Who's there? Aiatt called, twitching his ears. There was no other sound, and no scent. Was it his imagination? Suddenly something black plopped right in front of the elephant deer, a black glob. It quickly slivered up is leg and covered his body. Aiatt struggled to shake it off but the black thing's grip was strong. The elephant buck was wrestling with a black thing.

His body was covered in the black goo, and the goo slowly crawled up his neck and on his ears. As the goo did this it's grip tightened, and now Aiatt couldn't even move his legs or neck. He screamed for help, but it was cut off as the black goo covered his mouth and head. The mask fell off, and Aiatt fell to the ground, unconscious.

The goo went into his body, turning everything black. It went for his brain, turning it black. It erased his memories and rearranged his thought and behavior...

The goo then left, leaving the elephant deer's body. His fur was pure black and so were his antlers.

Then a king appeared out of the bushes, seeing the goo had done it's job.
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Under cut
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Say a Phrase

Say a phrase.

It can be anything.

Then look at the person above you.

Look at his or her phrase.

Draw or write the thing that his or her phrase reminds you of.

Post it here.

I'll start.


All is Silent
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Help with my Vulture

I've tried everything, I looked at where it says how to resize the crow, I do every step, and when I do it the crow stays to it's normal size. Can anyone help me?

Also, I need more help. I know it's pretty much over now, but I'm still looking for a Gen 1 picto. Anyone help me?
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List of People with Version 3.13

I wanted to make a list of people with Version 3.13. People with this version can cast Dotd spells and the Crying Mask. If you need one of these spells, you can contact the people. Please note that they cannot cast the Zombie spells.

If you have Version 3.13, please tell me here and I can add you to the list.

Another note- You can download version 3.13, but because it was released while there were still Gen 1 pictos,you must log in with a Gen 1. pictogram. Also, 2nd Gen pictograms will not show up on the map when you are playing the game.


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Passed Deer

Give me a passed deer, and it's story and how it died.

Also give me pictures and fanart of that deer.

You can give me your deer that has passed, or someone else's deer.

You'll see what I'll do with it ^^


The Hat Lady
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{The Vulture} Icesys {The Phoenix}

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Challenge- Draw your deer... a human.

Draw as many of your deer as you want, and draw them as humans. Include scars, wings, or anything else your deer has.

I'll definitely draw Pierce, but I'm thinking about drawing others too.
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