List of People with Version 3.13

BluedeerLegend18's picture
I wanted to make a list of people with Version 3.13. People with this version can cast Dotd spells and the Crying Mask. If you need one of these spells, you can contact the people. Please note that they cannot cast the Zombie spells.

If you have Version 3.13, please tell me here and I can add you to the list.

Another note- You can download version 3.13, but because it was released while there were still Gen 1 pictos,you must log in with a Gen 1. pictogram. Also, 2nd Gen pictograms will not show up on the map when you are playing the game.


Iaurdagnire's picture

Hm, I think it's an earlier

Hm, I think it's an earlier version than 3.13. Because I joined when 3.13 was the latest version, and I couldn't cast them! Unless I'm mistaken about the number, but I did have the version before the 3.31 version came out to include the drinkplaats.

Dag - I think it's 3.13,

Dag - I think it's 3.13, because that's the version I use to cast them, and I can. I know you can't see the Drinkplaats with 3.13, though. Maybe you're talking about 3.0?

Blue - I do have 3.13, if you'd like to add me to the list. ♥
Iaurdagnire's picture

Psh, curse M&A for making

Psh, curse M&A for making confusing version numbers _D_
Snowsauria's picture

I have version 3.13. (:

I have version 3.13. (:
Ourania's picture

I has 3.13 :3

I has 3.13 :3
aldebaran's picture

me / AliceV as well

me / AliceV as well
Deyna's picture

Deyna usually plays

Deyna usually plays exclusively in 3.13 and has a Status Page of when he's in game to cast spells Smiling