Decorations [..?]

Alecsander's picture
[X] [X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X]


Frivilous vainity it was.
That constant clinging to the shreds of colour and decorations that adorned their heads.
I love to watch them squirm.
An innocent approach, a flash of light, and they're enraged in seconds.

"How dare you!"
They scream.

How dare you change my looks.
How dare you steal what makes me me?!

Vain little children aren't you?
Squabbling over your appearance?
As if changing what sits on your face steals who you are...

Or maybe it does.
Maybe you're just that pathetic and shallow.
Flip you on your side and you're two dimensional.

Who is your family little deer?
Where did you come from?

A family tragedy?
Let me guess..parents abandoned you.
Abused by a lover.
Abandoned by everyone.
Friends dying all over.
Demon locked into the body of a deer.

Yes, explain away all of your little defects.
Blame it on the past you thought up as so many have before you.
Justify you cliche little beast.
Justify everything.

You're in a bad mood and want to run about taking it out on the 'community' you strive to impress.
Justify it sweetie. They'll understand.
Lash out at your 'friends' they'll pat your ass when you tell them about your horrible day.

I don't see people any more.
Just things.
Things for my pleasure.

So I'll spell you while you sit and laugh at your fit.
What are you going to buttons at me?
Spell me back, I love a bit of change in colour.
Better yet, I'll give you a blank canvas to work with.

Two seconds let's find that pond and a-
You no longer want to spell me do you?
A pity.
I suppose I'll be the only one partaking in fun this evening then.
Far too serious aren't you?

"A family tragedy? Let me

"A family tragedy?
Let me guess..parents abandoned you.
Abused by a lover.
Abandoned by everyone.
Friends dying all over.
Demon locked into the body of a deer."

x3 Oh yes.

What character of your is

What character of your is this? I would like to learn more about him/her. Unless its just you writing about some not yet made deer yet.
Alecsander's picture

This is '..?' He doesn't

This is '..?'

He doesn't have a bio or anything on site yet. That's surprisingly enough his name until i stumble across one I like.
The x's at the top are all that exists of him for now and I somewhat prefer it that way. Smiling

IS he a deer as well? He

IS he a deer as well? He dosent seem to like deer... even tough he acts like one (and probably is a deer). What made him so mean to others? Shocked -is curious-
Alecsander's picture

Hes not necessarily mean as

Hes not necessarily mean as far as I believe.
Just a cynic with strange views on the world.
Probably just needs a hug or something.

Hes not normally this vindictive but it's the mood of the moment.
Probably by next week he'll be level headed again and wonder what the hell he was up to at this point in time.

Hes horribly impulsive so whatever he is thinking always just falls out of his mouth with no control or thought. Hence why so many mean things that really shouldn't be said just get babbled by him. He gets a bit miffed, stops thinking, and starts talking uncontrollably to himself.

Id join for the challenge but

Id join for the challenge but since I cant draw.... is it ok if I write a story if i have time?
Alecsander's picture

I can't draw either. x)

I can't draw either. x)

Written descriptions are A-OK in my book and I'd be happy to have a story if you feel up to it.
Spyrre's picture

...hmm. I think I like him.

I think I like him. =)