Why do I keep loosing my outfits (masks, pelts, ect) even though I am saving them? (answered)

Whitewolfeyy's picture
Hello! im fairly new to TEF, I'd like to ask a question, Why am I loosing my stuff randomly? yesterday a very nice person gave me an outfit, I saved that outfit so I can load it, the next day, I load my outfit but its gone, I already lost 2 sets this way,

Edit: this is was already answered, But i still keep forgetting to save my deer before I quit cri
Aivilo's picture

The game also saves whatever

The game also saves whatever set you are wearing when you log out, so if you get a new spell, jump in the pond, or sneeze something off, then log out without loading the set you want, you will lose whatever you had saved previously and it will be replaced by what you are wearing at log-out.
Qanat's picture

On top of what Aivi said, if

On top of what Aivi said, if your account/picto is less than 30 days (or a month) old, you won't be able to save magic regardless. :{

(e) then i realize you lost it on logout so .. that's probably not the case sigh
Whitewolfeyy's picture

ah ok, thank you.

ah ok, thank you. Smiling