when people do this...

jadine's picture
when they scratch the ground and nod yes.

what does it generaly mean?
Reetno's picture

Well when they do it at a

Well when they do it at a pine tree, mushroom tree or a sleeping deer they tend to be asking if you can spell them.

Other times it could mean 'follow me please"

lemon's picture

Yep! :') Or, if they do it

Yep! :')
Or, if they do it and then lay down, it means 'wait here' or 'brb'. <3

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IoRez's picture

A tap and nod generally

A tap and nod generally means "follow me".
I also usually rear in the direction I'm headed, just so they get the message.

"Fragments fall and reflect the Light. Dust slowly covers my thoughts." - Yorres, Lightbringer

I've always thought it means

I've always thought it means "help me with this" or "come here please".

~Aztec priest of The Forest~
Kinsmate's picture

I always though it meant

I always though it meant 'stay here.'
Im always here to listen to the bads and goods in the world
and to fix the wrongs beening done in this
dying world
dont try to tame me, its pointless.