What needs to be said

quadraptor's picture
This is directed toward everyone who was involved in the "Top 10 Heroes/Top 10 Villains" blog postings the other day, whether you posted on the blog or simply read what was going on.

What happened the other day was a mistake. I was reading a copy of Gameinformer magazine, that had video game top 10 lists, and it sparked the idea of voting for the top 10 heroes and villains from the Endless Forest. I wanted to draw a "heroes vs villains" artwork similar to this. But while I had started to work on this and get some support, someone decided to use the 'villains' blog to attack those who they had a personal qualm with. I understand that the deer in question isn't villainous, and I understand that what I did only made things worse. Things got out of hand real quick, and things were said that were simply unnecessary.

The blogs were taken down the following day, and I attempted to work with the information I had been given by writing a story instead of doing the fanart. I admit I did not understand Akuji's character well enough, and when Dag explained that the story I had written wasn't up to par, I removed it.

Since the incident occurred, I have felt nothing but grief. I began to question why I said and did the things that happened, and have felt both physically and mentally drained. What started as an idea to further my artwork turned into senseless drama. And for whatever reason, I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried to be more assertive with the situation. It was me spreading my wings for the first time. Now I understand it simply wasn't the right time to do so.

Therefore this is an apology to you as a community. I never meant to hurt anyone, and I never meant for the lists to be used as an attack. It could have been handled better.
Shiori's picture

I don't think you did

I don't think you did anything wrong Quad. I know how you feel, and I was sad to see that all go down and so many people gang up on you. The whole thing was childish...

I for one support you. People need to realize everyone makes mistakes, and everyone is entitled to their opinion. I think if someone nominated one of my characters as a villain I'd just laugh and shrug it off and go on with my day...I mean, who cares? Anyways, might be best to avoid lists in the future either way. Popularity contests of any kind probably wont go over well here XD

Chin up ^^
Deyna's picture

All fledglings fall the first

All fledglings fall the first time they spread their wings. It's a shame that something which was intended to be fun for you and everyone else was spoiled, but there will be other chances, and you are quite creative with your ideas. Don't let this one bad incident ruin the days ahead - it doesn't even exist anymore.
Pegasicorn's picture

I know you're not a bad

I know you're not a bad person. You just handled that situation badly. As long as you learn from it though.
Fincayra's picture

That situation was handled

That situation was handled very badly. It was a shock from you, because I know you're not that kind of a person. But your apology means a lot to the community, I'm sure. There is a difference between being assertive and being a bully. It's okay for you to hold your own and stand up for your beliefs, but in the Top 10 Villain's case, your inner strength wasn't for a noble cause. To a lot of people it looked like you were defending someone's personal attack on the character involved, when it was very obviously an unkind jab at them and not meant as an actual vote because that person admired the character. It's good to be strong and firm, just be careful how you're doing it.
Zergarikiaka's picture

I don't believe anything you

I don't believe anything you did personally was wrong. The situation was childish, as mentioned above and should not have manifested at all on a community site as this; especially considering the intention behind the lists was so benine.
*offers clings.*
onyxsoulclaw's picture

So sorry for my part in it I

So sorry for my part in it I missinterpritated villian and so offended a player. my fault please dont blame yourself.
J!n's picture

No worries, quad.

No worries, quad.
Iaurdagnire's picture

I never said it wasn't "up to

I never said it wasn't "up to par", I think you're misunderstanding what I said. Akuji and Dag are their own separate story-lines, and they each have something which people liked and obviously voted for, but also have things that are also present in opposites of what they are. Essentially, they don't fit together in a situation despite having matching features (eg Akuji being a controller, and Dag being at the mercy of dreams recently) which is why it came across as odd/difficult to me. You had to compensate for the mismatched jigsaw pieces and did a great job with what little you had, honest (:

But about the "incident" or whatever it was that I had the misfortune of reading before it was deleted. It could have been solved very simply by someone saying:
"The question isn't about a character you dislike for whatever reason. It is about who your favourite villainous character is - a character you therefore have to like."
That was the silliest thing to me, that no-one thought "hm, their issues have nothing to do with this." I also found it very funny that at some point people disliked the fact it was a popularity contest... no, it wasn't. We do it on a forum I run in voting for the top 3 fanfiction stories written by members, and the winners are pinned to the top of the board as a reward. All the members get to vote for which story they like reading the most, and they love it, both the members and the writers even if they aren't voted for. Because they aren't voting on the "best member", just as your blogs were not voting on "the best endless forest user."

TLDR; My respect is to those who did vote thinking nothing other than "ohh I really like ____ as a villain/hero!" and who kept out of the bullshittory that followed -jigs away- no harm done, Quad.
quadraptor's picture

Shiori - I'm sorry for how I

Shiori - I'm sorry for how I acted toward Darcy when you approached. I was not in a particularly good mood at the time, and that was selfish of me. Thank you for your words.

Deyna - You have a good point. I went too far with what I was doing, but now that it's taken down, I'm hoping that this whole incident will be forgotten.

Pega - I did. I will take everyone into consideration from now on rather than following the belief that "I can't please everyone".

Fincayra - I understand. I was defending someone without just cause. It will not happen again.

Zerg - Yeah...I've been wishing I had never read that magazine to begin with. It wouldn't have happened if I didn't, but obviously I cannot change the past, only handle what is going on in the present.

Onyx - It's okay, don't worry about it. It's over and done with.

Saosin - Will do. I've been feeling better today after posting this, so I suppose that helps.

Dag -I think part of the issue with the storyline was that I simply could not find information on either character. I was fairly familiar with Dag, although admittedly I haven't been able to keep up with the events you have hosted. Akuji I simply was not familiar with, but working with a nightmare was the best I could come up. I will also mention that I took the story down out of frustration, but I did save it, and will repost it only if you would want me to.

And you're right, that would have been a much better wording for what I was looking for. I saw a few famous villains put on the list, such as Walter, Vasla, and Jack, but once others who weren't really villainous were being voted, the whole thing started to fall apart. I did consider reposting the lists but with more specifically what I wanted, but I was afraid it would just start all over again.

I'm sorry that you got caught all into this, but from what it seemed, Dag was considered the most well-known hero in the Forest. Heck, even I voted for him Eye
Shiori's picture

It's alright

It's alright <3 I understood. We just wanted to let you know not everyone was mad at ya ^^
Nayu's picture

I didn't mind the blogs, just

I didn't mind the blogs, just that mention you added regarding Veegamer's Virgil.
It didn't stay long since you changed it rather quickly. Long enough however to be noticed by some of us.

I wouldn't call this being assertive, or did I misread?

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
quadraptor's picture

I was being a jerk, beyond

I was being a jerk, beyond what you would consider assertive. The situation would not have happened if I just would have listened to you guys and removed Virgil from the lists.

I'm ashamed I let it happen.
Nayu's picture

Glad that you're being very

Glad that you're being very honest about it. That's probably what hurts the concerned members the most, I hope what you just wrote will make things better.

I read what I wanted for my part, so it's all very much in the past.

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Aivilo's picture

Keep moving forward. That's

Keep moving forward. That's the important part.