Well that was lovely

Came on for my evening walk tonight, nobody awake so I just played in the flowers


got inside this big old tree


hey I can eat these mushrooms!


there's other deer around but I'm kinda shy so I just walk by quietly, don't want to disturb 'em..


took a few goes but got a selfie of me jumping over the stream near the waterfall..


oh hey someone's here but they're praying, not gonna interrupt THAT moment...


boy those antlers look kinda scary!


maybe I'll just sit down on my little hill and go back to sleep


wait no I am not alone that's Widmung casting magic on me!


And Eris too! (I am learning to recognise some glyphs and other deer)


Frolicking ensues. And whereas I felt alone and shy now I feel happy and I have a big smile.


I think this is the most deer I've ever been close to at one time.


And a lovely end to my forest time today. Thank you Widmung and Eris for spending time with me, and for the magic and frolics.

Widmung's picture

Wonderful Screenshots! Thank

Wonderful Screenshots! Thank you for posting them! Smiling Your storytelling and screenshots remind me of a comic strip.

It is always a pleasure to keep Yak company with Eris and Saater. Idea I hope to see you again soon!

Signature by Saater

Thank you for the great

Thank you for the great screenshots! I wish I was there with you. Smiling
Signature by Fernelescent tEr3JZm

Beautiful screenshots! Eris

Beautiful screenshots! Eris looks so expressive in his first three he's in, I really love them and the jumping one. Laughing out loud
Can't wait to see more! <3

Signature by Saater

I will be back soon, I am not

I will be back soon, I am not going away. Smiling I am glad you enjoy the screenshots and associated captions. I like to tell little stories of my experiences in there, both to have something to remind me of nice times I have had, and hopefully for others to see now much I enjoyed being there with them.

There is one more screenshot from last night which I haven't posted here yet, because I only saw it when I had just finished posting here and was heading off to bed. It is probably the most beautiful one. We had been joined sleeping on the little hill by a third deer (whose glyph I do not yet know), and everybody was just glowing.

Just lovely.

I am just an ox.

I am glad you enjoyed

I am glad you enjoyed them!

I look forward to seeing you in the Forest again too, I hope that it will be soon. It has been so nice when we have met before Smiling.
I am just an ox.

I am glad you enjoyed the

I am glad you enjoyed the screenshots. I really enjoy trying to capture nice imagery of our interactions. Looking back on them makes me smile Smiling. I am super happy if they make others smile too.

It can be difficult though, when everyone is leaping around and having fun! If anyone is ever playing with me and sees me stand still for a few seconds, it's not because I'm not wanting to be involved with the play, it's usually because I am grinning and fiddling about trying to get just the right screenshot for my nightly collection Laughing out loud.
I am just an ox.